
Belt - article What is a belt? What is the belt used for? The most common purpose of belts is to support the muscles and bones of the abdominal wall. Nowadays, belts are almost always used as part of sports equipment. This element helps athletes do more effective and safe abdominal exercises. There are types of physical activity where the use of a belt is mandatory. This applies to twisting the lateral abdominal muscles (torso rotation), hanging pull-ups, lifting the legs together or in different directions. We won't use these exercises, but you will probably do them in the future. Especially if you choose a strength sport. You can write under the article what loads you will do with a belt on your stomach. Or keep a training diary. I'm waiting for you in the comments.

Those who have problems with the spine are also recommended to use belts to fix the spinal column. This option is suitable for those who are contraindicated with a tight back strap. Belts reduce the load on the joints and muscles of the back of the body, which helps reduce pain. Now you can buy many types of sports belts equipped with Velcro, fasteners and belts of different widths and stiffness. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the product is comfortable, does not put pressure on certain areas of the back and has a width of sufficient strength (to avoid rapid tearing) and thickness.