
Exercises for pumping up the abs.

Exercises for pumping up the abs.

Did you know that your stomach is an excellent indicator of the quality of all your work on yourself? You can have considerable strength and impressive muscle mass, and yet lose a bodybuilding or fitness competition... But why? Yes, all because of excess subcutaneous fat and lack of definition...

And since, by the will of Mother Nature, the largest “depot of fat deposits” is located at our waist, your naked torso will eloquently speak for itself. Keep this in mind. Well, we’ll tell you how to turn these terrible folds into lumpy cubes later in this article….

How to pump up your abs at home?

How to pump up your abs at home.

Many athletes are skeptical about home training, and they have quite convincing arguments for this. But all this does not apply to the press. It can and should be pumped outside the gym. Even the great iron Arnie trained him mainly in double splits exclusively at home...

How to pump up beautiful abs?

Do you dream that your stomach looks like a washboard? To be filled with pride on the beach in the summer? — we will tell you how to make your dream come true...

How to pump up abs?

A well-developed abdominal press is the calling card of any self-respecting athlete. And it doesn’t matter whether you are involved in fitness, bodybuilding or any other sport...  You can immediately see from your stomach: what you are worth in this life!

How to pump up your upper abs at home?

How to pump up your upper abs at home?

The upper third of the abdomen reacts to physical influences much more readily than the lower third. However, even this requires focused, targeted training. Read more in this article...

How to pump up your upper abs?

How to pump up your upper abs?

In this article we will look at the basic exercises aimed at the upper half of the abdominal press, and also give a number of useful tips for achieving results in the shortest possible time...

So, our goal is the upper press...

Exercises for the lower abdomen.

Exercises for the lower abdomen.

Developing the coveted abs in the lower third of the abdomen is the most difficult task for an athlete of any level of training. And all because this is where Mother Nature stores the main fat reserves of the human body. In order for the cubes to appear here, you need to reduce all this fat to absolute zero...

How to pump up cubes?

How to pump up cubes?

We all know how to build abs, probably since childhood... But how to get those beautiful abs? Like the guys and girls from glossy magazines? - is this real? And what you need to do? - read in this article...

How to pump up your side press?

How to pump up your side press?

Did you know that for the ideal harmonious appearance of your torso, it is not enough to train only your stomach. We also need high-quality work on the oblique abdominal muscles. This article will tell you about this...

How to pump up your abs to six-pack size.

To gain the coveted abs on your stomach, training the abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles alone is not enough! You need to radically reconsider your diet, strengthen aerobic training, and radically change your entire lifestyle - read more about all this below...

Exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles.

Exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles.

What should you do to make your stomach look perfect? - In addition to the rectus muscles, it is necessary to work on the lateral muscles - the oblique muscles of the abdominal press. How exactly? — read about this further in this review...

How to pump up your lower abdomen?

How to pump up your lower abdomen?

The lower third of the abdominals is the Achilles heel of 80% of athletes. And why all? - the subcutaneous fat, hated by everyone, does not want to leave its homes, and the lower part of our waist is its favorite place, gifted by nature...  How to deal with this misfortune? - we'll tell you!

Exercises for abs on the stomach.

Exercises for abs on the stomach.

Do you want your stomach to look like a washboard? — we will suggest a number of exercises and rules that must be followed to achieve your cherished dream...

How to quickly and effectively pump up abs for a man at home?

How to quickly and effectively pump up abs for a man at home?

Do you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself almost never trained his stomach in the gym? He preferred to load this muscle group separately from all the others, and usually worked on it outside in his garden or directly at home...