
Today we will learn what pronation is and how it affects your health. Pronation is not a death sentence! But it can still cause health problems. Your feet are subject to gravity when you walk or run, and pronation causes physiological changes in your feet that can be improved.

Pronation is the tendency of the foot to deviate outward when the heel and the floor touch, this tendency is called supination, but there is also the opposite tendency, when the foot tends to go inward, inward, this is pronation. In the first case, the leg turns with the toe outward and the foot touches the floor with the heel, and the heel rises up and the internal position of the legs changes. With pronation, on the contrary, the foot becomes flat from toe to heel, and the heel goes down. This change occurs due to muscle tension in the calf muscle. This muscle is quite difficult to control when moving; many athletes and coaches believe that