Randu-Weber-Osler Disease

Randu-Weber-Osler disease is a rare disease characterized by the formation of arteriovenous vascular malformations in various organs and tissues.

This disease was first described at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century by three doctors, after whom it was named:

  1. N.J.L.M. Randu (French physician, 1844-1902)
  2. F.P. Weber (English physician, 1863–1962)
  3. W. Osler (Canadian physician, 1849–1919)

With this disease, a direct connection of arteries and veins occurs, bypassing the capillaries. This leads to blood shunting, the development of tissue ischemia and chronic heart failure.

The most common localization of lesions is the skin and subcutaneous tissue; internal organs are less often involved. Clinically manifested by the formation of nodes and tumor-like formations.

Diagnosis is based on visualization of vascular malformations using ultrasound, CT and MRI. Treatment is mainly surgical. The prognosis depends on the location and extent of the lesion.

Rendue Weber Osler The disease was named after famous doctors - French, French and Canadian. It is a rare disease characterized by impaired blood flow in small vessels. This disease is accompanied by bleeding from the nose, gums or intestines, as well as various skin diseases.

The history of the disease goes back to the Middle Ages. It is believed that this disease was known in ancient Roman literature, where it was described as a disease caused by a lack of blood. In those days, this disease was inextricably linked with atherosclerosis and other arterial diseases.

Currently, randino-weber oslinor has been better studied and described in modern medical research. This diagnosis can be made only after studying the histological changes in the walls of blood vessels. Microscopic