
**Sitophobia** is an anxiety disorder characterized by a fear of food and eating. People with food phobia are often haunted by the intrusive thought that their food will not be fresh or safe enough to consume. Instead of enjoying the taste and aroma of food, they may feel discomfort or anxiety when eating it.

Most people, to one degree or another, experience fear when it comes to eating. Sittophobia is an extreme manifestation of this fear, and some people may even refuse to eat completely due to their phobic disorder. Sitophobes may experience severe discomfort or even physical symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, when thinking about food or the sight of cooked food. They may avoid going to a restaurant or buying certain foods just because they don't think they are safe enough to eat. There may also be increased vigilance regarding product expiration dates and quality. Some people with sitophobic disorder may try to reduce their anxiety, and some may try to control it. Sometimes sitophobes use various relaxation or thought control techniques to reduce their fears.