So as not to be excruciatingly painful...

Childbirth is one of the most significant moments in a woman’s life. And, as a rule, this moment is accompanied by pain. But there are ways that help you endure the pain of childbirth more easily and successfully. In this article we will look at some of them.

Psychologists who practice body-oriented therapy believe that pain is a powerful signal from our body, a means of its “communication” with our consciousness. Pain is the only way to “reach out” to us. When we are in pain, we finally stop and take a breath. Pain knocks you out of the daily bustle and forces you to turn to yourself. That is why it is important to stop being afraid of labor pain, since fear often stops contractions that have begun.

But how can you make the pain of childbirth bearable? First of all, you need to learn to relax. A relaxed woman is exclusively occupied with childbirth, her body follows the “beaten path”, following her instincts. During pregnancy, you need to learn to listen to the processes occurring inside your body, learn to react correctly to changes, and “catch” the flow.

In addition to relaxation, you will benefit from both a professional massage for pregnant women and a relaxing massage from a loved one. While expecting a baby, it is important to remove the so-called muscle tension so as not to interfere with the woman’s body doing its main “work” - childbirth. Often massage also brings therapeutic benefits - the baby turns over and takes the correct position upside down. Massage will be your best assistant, both during contractions and at the beginning of pushing. What is it for? Massaging the sacrum, an area in the lower spine, helps relieve tension and pain in this area.

During childbirth, it is better to move actively, change positions, and choose the one that is least uncomfortable. Meditation will help you acquire the skill of tuning into signals coming from within.

Screaming is the strongest instinct that occurs during childbirth. It relaxes the throat and cervix, helping the baby pass through the birth canal. But screaming can be destructive not only for others, but also for mother and baby. Therefore, it is better not to shout...but to SING. Singing during childbirth is a tradition of our great-great-grandmothers. The so-called supporting voice, which we, the city dwellers, have lost, is successfully used in the countryside. Using your voice in singing allows you to control your breathing and create rhythm, which promotes relaxation and reduces pain.

Another important factor that can help you cope with the pain of childbirth is the support of loved ones. It is important that a woman prepares for childbirth not alone, but together with her partner, relatives or friends. Strong emotional support can help cope with pain and give a woman confidence in her abilities.

It is also worth mentioning the possibility of using various methods of pain relief, such as epidural anesthesia or gas analgesia. However, before you decide on such methods, you need to discuss them with your doctor and understand that they may have some side effects.

In general, it is easier to endure pain during childbirth if a woman has learned to relax, tune into her body, use massage, meditation and singing. The support of loved ones and the ability to choose pain relief methods are also important. But remember that every pregnancy and every birth is unique, so you shouldn’t strive for the ideal and don’t forget that the main thing is the health and safety of mother and child.