Strampelli Spatula

What is strampella?

*Strampella* is an Italian dish in the form of a potato casserole, shaped like a roll cake with a layer of spinach and mascarpone cheese. A popular dish in the country. In Italy, it is often served on a festive table or as Italian pizza. You can also order it in a cafe or restaurant.

**Historical information:** *the history of strampella stretches from the south of Italy - Sardinia, from where the dish spread and won the hearts of consumers throughout the country*.

The history of the strampel is quite vague and not yet completely clear. There are two versions of the origin of this delicacy. According to one version of strampi (pomodori carciofi), this dish originates from Naples (Italy) and was created many years ago. In the city of Naples, a large number of tomato and pasta dishes are always prepared. A century ago, there was a tradition of throwing old potatoes into wine and letting them sit overnight. Later, tomato sauce, meat, sour cream, cheese, meat gravy were added to it, not counting spices and added dishes. Old people say that strampedi, an Italian sweet, was born this way.

The essence of this sweet snack is to cut raw potato tubers into slices of the same shape and size. All this is laid out in layers on a large frying pan. The vegetable is poured with wine and covered with sour cream. After baking, the strampel takes on the beauty and shape of the previous layer, resulting in something similar to a roll. It turns out to be a real work of art, which in today's life is served as part of the lunch menu or as some kind of sweet or fruity treat after lunch. Italian gourmets eat strampels with great pleasure, not forgetting to sprinkle the finished dish with sugar.