Dry skin, vitamin deficiency

Today it has been reliably established that vitamins are essential compounds for our body. They are not synthesized by the body itself and, as a rule, enter the body along with food through the gastrointestinal tract. An inadequate diet and diseases of the abdominal organs sooner or later lead to the development of hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins in the body), and then vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamins in the body).

Lack of any vitamin A negatively affects our entire body. At the same time, the lack of most vitamins known to man manifests itself on our skin. That is why in this article we want to dwell on the most striking manifestations of a lack of a particular vitamin in our body. Knowledge of these manifestations will be useful for the timely prevention of vitamin deficiency and the beginning of timely correction of a deficiency of a particular vitamin.

What vitamin deficiency is indicated by the appearance of acne, inflammation, and pimples on the face?

Typically, acne and acne on the face are an independent dermatological disease, but their sudden appearance should be directly associated with a lack of vitamin A in the body. A lack of vitamin A negatively affects the metabolism of male sex hormones, which are present in both men and women. A lack of vitamin E in the body has a similar effect. Both of these vitamins are fat-soluble, so they enter the body with animal fats. Fish oil is the richest in them.

Among the water-soluble vitamins Vitamins B6 and B2 that cause acne and pimples on the face and body should be noted. As a rule, a lack of these vitamins is the main cause of premenstrual acne. If you prevent deficiency or vitamin deficiency B6, B2 in time, then the basis is created so that the next menstruation is not overshadowed by the appearance of painful, large pimples on the chin, above the eyebrows, on the scalp and even on the neck.

Speaking about pimples and blackheads, you should Markthat a lack of a trace element such as zinc can also cause their appearance. Zinc has a good anti-inflammatory effect while inhibiting the growth of microbes on the surface of the skin, due to its slight secretion along with the sweat glands.


Acne and pimples of adolescence are most common arise with a lack of folic acid in the body. Folic acid preparations are available to the population and in most cases our regions are in an endemic zone for the lack of this acid in the diet.

Lack of vitamin deficiency (vitaminosis) of which vitamins leads to dry skin?

It should be understood that dry skin may be a manifestation of a variety of diseases. However, this skin condition often occurs when there is a lack of fatty acids in the body and vitamins.

Most often together with a lack of fat acids combined with a lack of vitamin A in the body. As a rule, its deficiency leads to night blindness or impaired twilight vision and thinning of the skin - they begin to be easily damaged by any touch. As a rule, normalizing the diet with the inclusion of fish oil makes it possible to eliminate this pathological condition.

Lack of water soluble vitamin B2 in the body also leads to its dryness, which is associated with disruption of metabolic processes in its layers. Hyaluronic acid is essential for the body and is responsible for long-term preservation of the elasticity of our skin by retaining water molecules on its surface. If vitamin B2 is found in animal products, various cereals, yeast, etc., then hyaluronic acid enters the body only with animal fats.


It is believed that the lack vitamin PP is also one of the causes of dry skin. Vitamin deficiency PP has an indirect effect on the skin. Dry skin occurs due to disruption of the nervous system, which affects both the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract and the blood supply to the dermis - the skin itself.

Special attention should be paid to on vitamin D. The significance of this vitamin in the development of dry skin is controversial. On the one hand, this vitamin is insufficient in patients with psoriasis, who also suffer from vitamin D deficiency and calcium metabolism disorders. On the other hand, the lack of this vitamin goes unnoticed in adults who suffer from common dry skin for many years. In any case, vitamin D, like vitamin A, is fat-soluble and the inclusion of fish oil in the diet allows for excellent prevention of this vitamin deficiency.

Deficiency (vitaminosis) of which vitamins leads to premature aging of the skin - the appearance of wrinkles?

To date reliably It has been established that the skin of any person gradually ages. Moreover, the onset of this old age depends on both genetic predisposition and lifestyle. Proper nutrition and protecting the skin from the adverse effects of external factors allows you to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and a decrease in its elasticity for many years.

Vitamins used creams, masks have a beneficial effect on the skin, but lead to premature aging. The reason is simple - an excess of vitamins causes skin cells to renew themselves more quickly and rearranges their metabolism in such a way that they become less sensitive to smaller dosages of vitamins found in the body itself.

That's why you shouldn't regularly resort to fortified creams and skin masks - there are indications for their use, for example, the cold season. In other cases, regular consumption of foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants is sufficient. These are vitamin C or ascorbic acid, vitamin E - tocopherol. Vitamin E is a recognized multiplication vitamin. It affects not only the body as a whole, but also the processes of skin cell renewal. Vitamin C prevents the harmful effects of internal factors of the body on collagen fibers of the skin - the main element of the dermis or skin itself.

About the importance of water-soluble vitamins in the diet for the purpose of preventing skin aging, we can only say that the key “conductors” here remain B vitamins, in particular B2, and vitamin PP. If direct is directly involved in the metabolic processes of the skin, then vitamin PP affects its processes through the nervous system - by regulating its blood supply and innervation. Since Soviet times, vitamin PP has been used to give a rosy tint to the cheeks when they are unhealthy pale.

Deficiency or vitamin deficiency of which vitamin causes sticking in the corners of the mouth?

To date reliably It has been established that persistent seizures in the corners of the mouth occur due to a deficiency of riboflavin, a water-soluble vitamin B2. In advanced cases, lips crack and even redness and then swelling of the tongue occurs - glossitis. Glossitis - swelling and redness of the tongue occurs with a complete lack of vitamin B2 in the body - vitamin deficiency.
This vitamin is found in sufficient quantities in yeast, liver, eggs, buckwheat porridge and other cereals.

Perhaps we have listed the main skin manifestations of the deficiency (hypovitaminosis) or complete absence (vitamin deficiency) in our body. If you have any questions, please leave them in the appropriate form below - we will answer them promptly.

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Dryness is a skin condition that can be either permanent or temporary. It can be caused by a lack of moisture in the body or damage to the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. Let's talk about how to find out the cause of dry skin, how to improve its condition and what preventive measures to take.

  1. What can cause dry skin
  2. Symptoms of dry body skin
  3. How to determine if your skin lacks vitamins
  4. What vitamins are good for the skin?
  5. Prevention of dry body skin
  6. Tools Overview

What can cause dry skin

Dry skin can be genetically determined. With insufficient sebum production, the protective hydrolipid layer of the skin becomes thinner and becomes vulnerable. It is easy to damage. As a result, dry skin does not retain moisture well and may be more sensitive.

Don't confuse dry skin with dehydration. The second condition is temporary and fixable. In this case, the skin feels an acute lack of water and begins to compensate for this deficiency by increased production of fat (which is precisely what dry skin lacks).

The skin becomes dehydrated both due to improper care and due to weather conditions. Not only dry skin, but also oily skin can suffer from dehydration.

Inflammation and comedones are rare guests on dry skin, but a common story for dehydrated, oily skin.

A network of fine wrinkles appears prematurely on dehydrated, dry skin.

And now about the causes of dryness. If this is a symptom of a disease (for example, atopic dermatitis), then consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. We will talk about more common life situations. There may be several explanations.

The use of aggressive cleansers that destroy the hydrolipid layer of the skin.

Lack of moisturizing and nourishing care.

Exfoliating too often. Even banal shaving leads to irritation and dry skin due to damage to the hydrolipid mantle.

Extreme weather conditions (heat, frost, strong wind).

Low humidity in rooms with central heating. A typical problem in our latitudes is when the batteries are running at full capacity.

Symptoms of dry body skin

The main signs of dry skin are easy to recognize:

redness, itching after taking a shower;

tightness, unpleasant sensations from touching the skin.

How to determine if your skin lacks vitamins

Vitamin deficiency can be “diagnosed” by certain external signs of the skin. For example, with a deficiency of vitamins A and E, dryness and cracks appear in the corners of the lips, and the skin on the elbows becomes hard and rough. However, only a dermatologist can determine the true cause of these problems after receiving the results of the relevant tests.

You can now take tests for a lack of vitamins and microelements in any laboratory - but a specialist must decipher their results and give recommendations for additional vitamin intake.

By the way, the risk of vitamin deficiency is increased if you:

follow a strict diet;

have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

have crossed the age mark of 40 years.

Vitamins A, C, E, group B are good for the skin © iStock

Vitamins A, C, E, and group B are especially beneficial for the skin. © iStock

What vitamins are good for the skin?

A deficiency of certain substances in the body can indeed cause skin problems. To avoid them, try to balance your diet so that it includes the microelements and vitamins she needs.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

The benefits of vitamin C are evidenced by the frequency of its inclusion in cosmetic formulas. A powerful antioxidant, it reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet exposure, improves immunity, stimulates collagen synthesis, reduces inflammation and pigmentation. Champions in vitamin C content are sweet peppers, black currants, kiwi and citrus fruits.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin B5 (panthenol)

Panthenol is known as a reliable remedy for healing wounds and burns - but it is no less useful for moisturizing the skin. The best part: Vitamin B5 is not at all rare and is found in many foods, from egg yolks and bread to nuts and fish.

Vitamin H (vitamin B7, biotin)

This substance could easily compete with vitamin E for the title of “beauty vitamin.” Biotin is necessary to ensure the integrity of the hydrolipid mantle. As soon as there is a shortage of it, the protection weakens - the skin becomes dry, thin and dull, and a rash or peeling appears. The solution is to include dishes from liver, mushrooms, cauliflower and broccoli in the menu.

The lack of vitamins in the skin can be compensated by cosmetics © iStock

Prevention of dry body skin

Before we talk about prevention, answer a few questions.

Do you often feel dry skin?

Does your skin react inadequately even to tap water?

No cream helps with dryness and flaking?

Did you answer yes to all questions? It makes sense to see a doctor.

If the problem of dryness is related to your skin type or is a natural reaction to external irritants, the following recommendations will help you:

install special filters for tap water to soften it;

change soap to cream-gel;

use nourishing and moisturizing masks for the face, neck and décolleté more often;

Protect your skin from the wind - half an hour before going outside, apply nourishing cream to exposed areas of the body.

Any skin changes - acne, peeling, small cracks - are not always cosmetic problems. They may be a sign that something is wrong in the body. The reason should be sought in an unhealthy lifestyle, overeating and, of course, a lack of vitamins and microelements. Let's talk in more detail about how a lack of vitamins affects the skin.

If acne, pimples and inflammation appear

Rashes in the eyes and eyebrows, on the neck and scalp, as well as dry dermatitis near the nasolabial fold indicate a lack of vitamin B6. In addition, its lack provokes the appearance of acne in the same place before the onset of menstruation. The vitamin is found in large quantities in bananas, bran, yeast, potatoes, sprouted wheat, and pork.


Vitamin B9 or folic acid will help cope with acne and comedones (blackheads). The vitamin enters the body with the following foods: liver, chicken, beef, pork, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, parsley, raspberries, beets, peas, beans, bananas, cabbage, green salad, oranges, carrots, fish (tuna, salmon), etc.

Insufficient intake of zinc into the body can cause many skin problems: pimples, comedones, acne. The microelement has an anti-inflammatory effect. Excreted along with sweat, it suppresses the growth of bacteria on the skin. Zinc is found in seafood, milk, nuts, and red meat.

If your skin starts to peel

If, after washing your face, your skin feels tight and dry, and your lips begin to peel, it means your body doesn’t have enough vitamin A. It is responsible for the normal functioning of the sweat glands and keeps the skin moist and elastic. Its deficiency is often associated with a low intake of vitamin E into the body. That is why pharmacists recommend taking them together. You can buy a vitamin complex at the pharmacy. The diet should include liver, egg yolks, butter, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, parsley, onions, and beets.

If, in addition to dryness, itching appears, then there is not enough vitamin “PP” (nicotinic acid). Wheat bran, meat, milk, and brewer's yeast will help replenish reserves.

Peeling all over the body, pale skin, sallow complexion and cracks in the corners of the mouth indicate that the body practically does not receive vitamin B2, or riboflavin. Sources of the vitamin are liver, eggs, cheese, sour cream, kefir, chicken, beef, fish (cod, mackerel), cauliflower, spinach, green onions, dill. Riboflavin does not accumulate in the body, so foods that contain it must be eaten every day.

Seafood containing Omega-3 fatty acids will help eliminate dullness and dry skin: shrimp, scallops, salmon, sardines, halibut, mackerel.

Vitamin H, or biotin, is responsible for cell regeneration. With its deficiency, the skin becomes pale and dry. Sources of biotin are liver, kidneys, eggs, milk, cauliflower, yeast.

If the skin has lost its elasticity and fresh appearance

Hyaluronic acid will restore the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. It retains moisture in the skin, has healing and antiviral properties. All starchy vegetables, legumes and grains, and greens (cilantro, parsley) are considered sources of acid. And products containing phytoestrogens can stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid: red wine, grapes, soy milk.

If the skin begins to fade, and wounds and scratches take a long time to heal, you lack vitamin “C” (ascorbic acid). The vitamin is responsible for skin elasticity, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, heals wounds and has an anti-allergic effect. In addition, ascorbic acid activates collagen production. Consume more black currants, sauerkraut, parsley, lettuce, horseradish, walnuts, and citrus fruits. Just remember that when cooking, especially in a container with a metal surface, the vitamin is partially destroyed.

People who are addicted to low-calorie diets often have an unhealthy complexion and sagging skin. This is a clear example of how a lack of vitamins, and to a greater extent iron, affects the skin. The trace element is found in liver, beef, eggs, oatmeal, beets, spinach, radishes, figs, and raisins.

If there is little vitamin E in the body, the face will lose its freshness and healthy appearance. The vitamin protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, smoothes it and slows down the aging process. Most of it is found in spinach, nuts, beets, brown rice, and vegetable oils.

Vitamin D slows down the aging process. It enters the body along with fermented milk products, raw egg yolks, fish liver (cod and halibut) and fish oil from mackerel, tuna, and herring. Oatmeal, parsley, potatoes, and nettle are also considered sources of the vitamin. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D can be synthesized in the body. Perhaps that is why biochemists classify it as a hormone. Most of the vitamin is produced in the morning, after sunrise, and in the evening, at sunset.

How does a lack of vitamins B1 and B5 affect the skin? These vitamins are responsible for the beauty and youth of your skin, therefore, their deficiency provokes premature aging. Vitamin B1 is found in beef, heart, kidney, green peas, wheat bran and rye bread. Vitamin B5 smoothes wrinkles. Its main sources are beef liver, sea fish, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, nuts, milk, eggs.

A lack of certain vitamins in the body instantly affects the condition of our skin. But before you buy a vitamin complex at the pharmacy, try to start eating right. Vitamins are found in all foods, it is only important to prepare them correctly. Reusing vegetable oil for frying, as well as deep frying, saturates foods with carcinogens. And they negatively affect the health and beauty of the skin.

By understanding how a lack of vitamins affects your skin and knowing the causes of acne and dry skin, you can easily restore your healthy appearance. To do this, it is worth replenishing the lack of vitamins in your body. Remember, steamed foods retain the most beneficial properties in a baking bag or foil. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. But do not forget that vitamins “A”, “D”, “E” are fat-soluble. In order for them to be absorbed, they must be consumed with a small amount of fat. Be sure to add vegetable oil, low-fat sour cream or yogurt to salads. A balanced diet normalizes metabolism in the body, which will undoubtedly affect the condition of the skin.