The medical diet: complex but unique

This diet is called the medical diet because it was developed for patients who need surgery (in a week or two), but doctors want to avoid post-operative complications. In a week it allows you to lose 10 kg, in two - about 13. The diet is very complex, but unique and effective.

Doctors' diet for 7 days:

1 day - 1 bottle of mineral water (divided into 6 doses).
Day 2 - 0.8 liters of low-fat milk, an apple is allowed at 21.00.
Day 3 - 1 bottle of mineral water (divided into 6 doses).
Day 4 - liter jar of vegetable salad (divided into 3 doses) - cabbage, carrots, greens + 1 tbsp. rast. oils 2 cups of tea or water are allowed.
Day 5 - 0.8 liters of low-fat milk.
Day 6 - for breakfast 1 boiled egg and half a cup of tea, at 11.00 - vegetable broth from any vegetables, for lunch - 100 g of meat + 100 g of green peas (canned). For afternoon snack, dinner and at 20.00 - an apple.
Day 7 - 2 glasses of milk + 100 g of cottage cheese and 1 bottle of kefir. In the evening you are allowed to drink 1 glass of tea.

Doctors' diet for 14 days:

1 day - 1 bottle of mineral water (divided into 6 doses).
Day 2 - 0.8 liters of low-fat milk, an apple is allowed at 21.00.
Day 3 - 1 bottle of mineral water (divided into 6 doses).
Day 4 - liter jar of vegetable salad (divided into 3 doses) - cabbage, carrots, greens + 1 tbsp. rast. oils 2 glasses of tea or water are allowed.
Day 5 - 0.8 liters of low-fat milk.
Day 6 - for breakfast 1 boiled egg and half a cup of tea, at 11.00 - vegetable broth from any vegetables, for lunch - 100 g of meat + 100 g of green peas (canned). For afternoon snack, dinner and at 20.00 - an apple.
Day 7 - 2 glasses of milk + 100 g of cottage cheese and 1 bottle of kefir. In the evening you are allowed to drink 1 glass of tea.
Day 8 - 1 bottle of mineral water (divided into 6 doses).
Day 9 - a liter of low-fat milk, at 21.00 1 apple is allowed.
Day 10 - 1 bottle of mineral water (divided into 6 doses).
Day 11 - liter jar of green salad (celery, dill, parsley) + oil and salt.
Day 12 - a liter of milk (divided into 6 doses).
Day 13 - 1 boiled egg in the morning and low-fat cottage cheese in the afternoon.
Day 14 - mineral water.

Thus, the diet of doctors is really complex, but it allows you to quickly lose excess weight before surgery and avoid complications. Although it requires patience and willpower, its effectiveness has been proven by practice.