Exercises to help restore back health

The modern lifestyle associated with prolonged sitting at the computer and lack of physical activity can lead to back health problems. However, even in between household chores, you can do gymnastics to restore your back. It will not take much time, and with regular practice it will give excellent results.

You may also like the first exercise that we will consider because it can be combined with reading a book. Place the book in front of you on the table, clasp your hands behind the back of the chair and read. It is also useful to read a book with your arms clasped around it, elbows bent. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the back and neck.

Another useful exercise is walking around the house with a gymnastic stick placed behind your shoulder blades. Try to walk on your toes or with your legs bent, this will strengthen the muscles of your legs and back.

It is also useful to do an exercise that can be done while sitting in front of the TV. To do this, lift your chin, move your shoulder blades back, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lower your chin and shoulder blades down. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck and upper back.

In addition, there are several other exercises that help strengthen your back muscles and restore its health. For example, you can lie on your stomach with your arms extended forward and simultaneously raise your arms and legs. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks.

It is also useful to do the "cat" exercise, for which you need to get on all fours, bending your back up and down. This exercise helps improve the flexibility of the spine and stretch the back muscles.

It is important to remember that when performing exercises you must ensure correct posture and not bend your back. Regular exercise will help restore your back health and avoid health problems in the future.