How to choose breathing exercises: comparison of two popular techniques

Do you really want to lose weight and exercise, but for some reason you can’t do it? Do not despair, there are always alternative methods that do not require much physical activity or extreme endurance. One of these alternatives is breathing exercises!

If you were inspired by our material about how proper breathing promotes weight loss and decided to try it, then now is the time to choose “your own method.” And we will tell you about the features of the two most popular breathing exercises!


Bodyflex is a set of twelve exercises based on a combination of stretching and holding your breath. In a simplified way, it looks like this: exhale, quickly inhale, exhale forcefully through the diaphragm with the abdomen drawn in, and hold your breath, during which you need to take the pose indicated in the exercise and count to 8 or 10.

During the exercise, the body, as it were, directs oxygen to the place for which the exercise is performed and helps burn fat there. Moreover, it is the inhalation and exhalation through the system that gives the main effect, and instructors advise devoting the first three weeks of classes to breathing training.

The exercises are mostly not complicated and static; the dynamics in bodyflex concern only breathing. You can do gymnastics at home, first by carefully watching video lessons and studying breathing techniques. The best effect is achieved when exercising in the morning on an empty stomach, after drinking a glass of hot water with lemon.

Bodyflex is ideal for those who want to get rid of volume in “female” areas (lower abdomen, sides, thighs) and for those who definitely won’t be lazy. In bodyflex, consistency is very important. You need to exercise every day for 20 minutes.


Oxysize is a new proprietary technique that was invented on the basis of bodyflex, its author is the American Jill Johnson. The system is based on combining continuous diaphragmatic breathing with physical exercise. The breathing cycle, in which one approach to the exercise is performed, consists of a sequence of inhalation, three pre-breaths, exhalation and three pre-exhalations.

The most important difference between oxysize and bodyflex is the absence of breath holding. Another excellent feature is the absence of a sharp tuck of the abdomen under the costal arch, which gives the technique a softer and more atraumatic nature of execution.

Oxysize is suitable for those who are afraid of difficult breathing with delays, or do not tolerate them well.

The oxysize technique, like bodyflex, involves daily exercise for 20-30 minutes on an empty stomach. Only if you observe regularity, exercises will give results.

In general, both systems of breathing exercises act in the same way - they help you lose weight in problem areas and fill the body with oxygen. These methods are suitable for women who want to lose excess weight, lose weight, especially without straining their body.

At the same time, breathing exercises heal the entire body and have a positive effect on health. And the choice of technique, in this case, rather depends on which set of exercises you like best.