Effectively pump your arms - use the bent bar!

In this article we will reveal to you another effective way to influence your muscles. As you have probably heard more than once, muscle cells do not like constancy. Doing the same job day after day, they adapt to it. And having gotten used to such work, they no longer respond to physical stress with their rapid growth. How to make muscles grow continuously and constantly? – the answer is simple: you need to change the rules of the game all the time:

  1. act either quickly or slowly,
  2. lift a lot, but quite light weight, and then little, but heavy,
  3. vary pauses between approaches and exercises,
  4. use various super series and giant sets,
  5. apply athletic principles - such as cheating, burns, flashing, concentrated and forced repetitions and others, read more about them here.

In addition to all this, you can also influence the situation with the help of a grip. This is where a bent neck will help us.

For example, let’s say: in such a classic basic exercise as standing biceps curl, your working weight is 40 kg. You’ve been pushing these 40 for a month now, and you can’t improve your results. How to be? – take a bent neck! And do a similar exercise with him, but with different grips with a weight of 35 kg. You will immediately feel the difference, and the end result will be an increase in performance in this exercise.

In fact, a bent bar is an analogue of a regular, straight barbell, but only this sports equipment, due to the deformation (bending) of the grip areas, allows you to work with it at different angles that are unusual for the athlete.

In your barbell or dumbbell workouts you usually use:

  1. grab,
  2. pickup,
  3. hammer grip or Zottman grip.
  1. Something between a grab and a hammer.
  2. Something between a hammer and a grab.
  3. And other non-standard variations of projectile grip.

All this allows you to influence muscles from other angles and in different projections, as well as include other, previously unused muscle groups in the work. For example, when performing the same biceps curl with a bent bar, the athlete’s forearms are actively involved in the work.

In bodybuilding and fitness, a curved bar is usually used to work the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle. Here is a list of basic exercises where you can use this sports equipment:

  1. a) Flexion and extension of the hands with a barbell (on the forearms).
  2. b) Zottman Curls and Reverse Biceps Curls.
  3. c) Biceps curls from standing, sitting, incline benches and Scott machine.
  4. d) Bench, standing and sitting presses at different angles with a narrow grip.
  5. e) French presses standing, sitting, lying down.
  6. e) Pullovers and vertical swings in front of you.
  7. g) Barbell row to the chin while standing.
  8. h) Bent-over chest row (latissimus dorsi).

We hope that the article was informative for you, and you, on our recommendation, will adopt this sports equipment, so popular with all the stars of bodybuilding and fitness. Try it, and it definitely won’t disappoint you!

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