Hunger is a bodybuilder's worst enemy.

I don’t know about you, but after a well-done workout, I start to get wildly hungry. I want to eat! – it would seem that he would have eaten a whole bull. And why all? The body tells us about the urgent need for new construction resources in order to compensate for all losses and realize the overcompensation so necessary for every bodybuilder...

At the same time, hunger is a bodybuilder’s worst enemy. If you feel hungry, it means that you are losing, not gaining, and your body begins not to store, but to eat up its existing reserves. How to be? After all, it will take a lot of time to get from the gym to home...

There is a way out: sports nutrition will help you overcome wild hunger and, as mentioned above, your worst enemy. A protein shake prepared in advance in a bottle will replace a full meal and completely relieve you of hunger for a couple of hours. Well, in two hours, I think, you will already get home and have time to prepare a complete meal, rich in proteins and carbohydrates...

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