We swing without equipment and training equipment - athleticism without iron!

Modern bodybuilding has long turned into a profitable business. Everywhere you can find advertisements like come to our gym or buy our exercise equipment, and you will be happy. I mean, huge muscles and a beautiful figure. Many people do just that: they go to the gym or buy expensive equipment...

But people rarely think about how our ancestors trained strength and endurance without barbells and exercise machines? In those distant times, this vaunted sports industry did not exist... Yes, it’s very simple: in order for the muscles to be strong and have a decent volume, the weight of your own body is enough. That is, in principle, if you wish, you can do without sports equipment.

Physical work to overcome the force of gravity.

Well, for example, shoulders. It is the broad shoulders that immediately attract attention. And it’s easy to pump them up without a simulator. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with various grips perfectly develop the shoulder muscles. And if the exercise is performed with a wide grip, then the trapezius will be pumped up very well. And without beautiful trapezoids and deltoids they don’t look good. If pull-ups are easy for you, put rocks in your pockets or hang a backpack on your back with some weights. Or, alternatively, start learning one-arm pull-ups...

To work your legs, use squats. And here there are a huge number of options for complicating your physical work:

  1. jump squat
  2. squat in a split position with alternating legs - the so-called “butterfly”.
  3. squat on one leg.

I won’t even say anything about the abs - there are simply a huge number of exercises, and besides your own weight, you don’t need anything else to successfully implement them...

To train your shoulder extensors, use dips. Here, too, additional weighting agents can and should be used.

You can also do push-ups in an almost vertical position, with your legs thrown up on the wall - consider it analogous to a seated press. Again, if this work is easy for you, make it more difficult:

  1. hook up the loads
  2. do push-ups on your fists or fingers,
  3. iterate with clap in front of you,
  4. or with a clap behind your back,
  5. do push-ups with one arm.
  6. and other complications...
Work together with a sparring partner.

If you have a partner, then no problem at all. To increase efficiency, during the same push-up, a partner can apply pressure to the athlete's shoulders, thereby increasing the load. Or even sit on top of your back!

And if you do regular squats, but with a partner on your shoulders, it will be difficult to find an exercise for the legs that has the same effectiveness. By the way, experienced professional bodybuilders only pump their shins this way - the exercise is called “Donkey” - read here...

Isometric and static training methods.

All of the above exercises are based on overcoming the force of gravity. The basis of all work is your own weight or the weight of your sparring partner... However, there are methods of completely different physical work - the so-called isometric and static exercises, which you can read more about here.

This kind of innovative, iron-free athleticism has been used to train astronauts today. After all, you must admit, you won’t be dragging weights or a barbell to the station. And astronauts need to train to avoid the harmful effects of weightlessness. So they began to use original exercises, with the help of which you can create maximum tension in any muscle, without stretching it. Alexander Zass was the first to use this technique. Iron Samson. And achieved amazing results!

In principle, there are a lot of isometric exercises. Yes, you can come up with them yourself by paying attention to how your muscles work during such a workout. Let's start:

  1. At chest level, bring your hands together. Then, with maximum force, bring your hands together for 5 seconds. Then rest for 5 seconds too. You should do 5 such cycles. The duration of the exercise is gradually increased to 15 seconds;
  2. stand straight next to the wall and press your chest against it. The arms are extended along the body. Press your hands against the wall for 5 seconds without bending your elbows. You should also do 5 cycles;
  3. sit on the floor and bend one leg at the knee. Tighten your thigh muscles on your extended leg for 6 seconds. Relax your muscles and repeat again. Do the same with the other leg. The duration of tension should be gradually increased to 15 seconds. An excellent exercise for strengthening the thigh muscles, without putting stress on the knee joints;
  4. stand up straight. Place your legs slightly bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart. Now transfer your entire body weight to one leg and hold the tension until pain appears in the muscles. Then the same should be done for the other leg;

  1. starting position - sitting in front of the table on a chair. Place your hands on the table in front of you and try to press them into the surface of the table. Cycles of tension/relaxation for 5 seconds. Gradually increase the time of one cycle to 15 seconds;
  2. extend your arms straight in front of you. Fingers spread out. The palms should be turned towards each other and one hand should press on the other. This exercise is also done in cycles;
  3. clasp your fingers behind your head below the back of your head and push your neck forward with your hands. At the same time, you should use your neck muscles to resist this pressure. Perform the exercise for 5 seconds in cycles of 5 times;
  4. stand facing any wall. Place your feet firmly on the floor. Your hands should rest against the wall. Try to move the wall;
  5. sit on a chair. Grasp the seat with your hands and try to lift yourself with the chair;
  6. sit on a chair, straighten your legs in front of you. Place one leg on top of the other and simultaneously lift the lower leg and lower the upper leg.

As you can see, to become Schwarzenegger it is not at all necessary to have a whole arsenal of newfangled equipment, exercise equipment and other devices of the sports industry. Just one wish is enough! Athleticism, as well as fitness and bodybuilding without iron, is available to everyone! And everywhere. Even in space, where gravity doesn't work, you can still train your body and become stronger and healthier day by day! Don’t let yourself go, even if you’re sitting in a cell one meter by one meter, and there’s nothing heavy at hand, and may the heroic strength be with you!

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