How not to show emotions on your face

Many people ask this question: “How to hide your emotions”? Don't let other people know exactly what you think.

Why hide your emotions? The answer is very simple. There are certain situations when it is better to keep emotions and thoughts hidden. When thoughts or emotions are displayed in front of people, they may make fun of or even take advantage of your feelings. As always, let's stay away from this. Control your temper by laughing and remaining calm. This article specifically points out those very acts and any things that only you can do in order to hide and control your emotions. You don't need to let anyone know what you're thinking.

1) Take a deep breath.
We talked about the benefits. After taking a deep breath, try to calm down. The same logic applies here. Besides the obvious benefit of increasing oxygen supply, taking a deep breath will help you remember your composure and be calm.

2) Stop your eyebrow movement.
Like it or not, your eyes are the first to reveal your emotions. The eyes are not verbal, but they speak volumes. And this is exactly where your eyebrows are: if you are angry, sad, excited in a stressful situation, there are certain eyebrow movements and positions associated with them. If you want to hide what you are feeling and thinking, stop moving your eyebrows and loosen the tension in your forehead.

3) Don’t put up with a fake smile.
A smile is a huge advantage, but not always. A smile and a playful look on your face will help win you sympathy and love, but this is not always the best thing that can happen in a serious meeting. You might think that a fake smile can hide feelings like sadness or anger. We all know very well that a fake is, most often, very noticeable. If you really want to hide your emotions, keep your lips straight.

4) Don't support your head
Despondent people often support their heads with their fists or hide their gloomy faces in their palms. This can be a gift to the interlocutor: it speaks of a gloomy mood, depression or sadness. The phrase "keep your head up" is not the best thing to say when you are trying to hide your feelings. Keep your neck straight.

5) Stop and desist from constantly regulating yourself.
Avoid making sudden body movements - persistent signs of discomfort or clear signs of nervousness or anxiety. Simplicity of behavior should be comfortable. Emotions and feelings are difficult to decipher if you maintain calm.

6) Pause, think and speak in a balanced tone
The tone of your voice can give you away: all your thoughts. Frequent changes in tone, fast talking, stuttering and stammering can all serve as signals to the person listening to you. Don't let this happen and speak the right way. The slow pace of the conversation gives you the opportunity to think longer in those critical few microseconds before speaking your words.

7) Distance yourself from the situation
It's not easy at all. But this may be necessary if you want to hide certain emotions from the audience. The easiest way is to simply think about happy thoughts or good memories. Think about warm moments spent with your loved one or moments of joy or happiness. This will help you mentally cope with anxiety and your current situation.

Talk in your mind.
"Calm down, you can do this." You must do this! If you feel like you've let your emotions get the better of you, just tell yourself that's what you want. All you need to do is just tell yourself!

Lately I have often been asked the question: how to hide emotions? The fact is that there are moments in our lives when we prefer not to show feelings, because we are afraid that our friends or relatives will not like us. Although, there may be other reasons why you don't want to show your emotions. But there are certain situations where this may not be practical. By hiding emotions, I mean the following:

  1. managing your anger;
  2. maintaining calm;
  3. hiding feelings of love for a person;
  4. try to be less depressed;
  5. be polite when we experience negative thoughts.

We will look at the main ways to hide emotions and feelings. And also when and why we should do it. I will stay away from advice like: "control your mind" or "keep calm." In this article, you will find the exact steps you will need to take to control your feelings and know how to hide your emotions.

It is important to understand that not all feelings need to be bottled up. In some situations, it will be much more helpful to let go of your emotions and deal with them rather than suppress them.

Practical advice on how to hide emotions

1) Breathe deeply

In addition to supplying the body with oxygen, this will allow us to act calmly and consciously. Deep breathing stimulates the nervous system, which causes a relaxation response. This technique will give you more control over your body and help you cope with external stimuli more easily.

2) Don't move your eyebrows often

Unfortunately or fortunately, our eyes are the first to show our emotions. And by looking at them, you can say a lot about a person. Situations that make you feel angry, sad, or nervous are often accompanied by certain eyebrow movements. If you want to hide your feelings and emotions, stop moving your eyebrows and release the tension from your forehead.

3) Don't use a fake smile

A smile is a wonderful expression of our emotions, but only if it is sincere. A fake smile will not be a good manifestation of our feelings for another person, especially if it is a serious meeting. You might think it will make you seem more approachable, but a fake smile is often easy to spot. Therefore, if you really want to hide your emotions, there is no need to show it.

4) Relax your face

This is another way to hide emotions. Facial expression can also say a lot about our feelings. If you don't want to show them, then relax your face and look serious. No, you don't need to always look like a gloomy person with a serious expression on your face. Use this in certain situations when you really need it.

5) Keep your chin slightly up

A drooping head and a gloomy face can be a manifestation of a depressive state. Phrase "hold your head high”, is never realized better than in a situation where you are trying to hide your feelings. Frequently touching your face can also be an indicator of anxiety. It's better to keep your hands away from your head to appear more confident.

6) Don't walk from one place to another

Sudden body movements are signs of physical discomfort and nervousness. Be calm and stand straight. Emotions and feelings are difficult to decipher when you maintain a calm and relaxed appearance. Avoiding these signs will lead you to normal behavior, which will create not only relaxation, but also make you a more collected person.

7) Pause during conversations and communicate calmly

Your tone of voice can give away your feelings very quickly. Frequent changes in your tone and speaking too quickly are signals that indicate what is going on in your mind. Don't let this happen. The slow pace of conversation gives you some time to think before speaking. In addition to this, try to think and answer logically. Focusing on the conversation and your interlocutor is the key to letting go of emotions.

Think about something good

The easiest way to not show your emotions is to think about pleasant memories from the past. Remember the happy moments spent with your loved one. This will help you take your mind off the bad thoughts in the present situation and will make it harder for others to read you.

9) Mentally encourage yourself

«Calm down, you can do this“This is what even the most famous athletes and great people tell themselves when they experience difficult moments. You can do the same. If you feel overwhelmed by your emotions, simply tell yourself: “Relax, everything will be fine! You can do it" Try to take any situation calmly. Only in this state will you be able to control your feelings and not express them.

When Should We Hide Our Emotions?

There are certain situations in which hiding our feelings can be beneficial. If you have had a difficult day at work, and you still have an important conversation ahead of you that you need to approach in a good mood, then you need to prepare yourself to show only positive emotions. Regulating your feelings changes other people's perceptions of you. The ability to manage your mood is a truly important aspect of an adult’s life. If you have an important interview, then be sure to get rid of any feelings of anger, resentment or sadness. With your children, you should also show only positive emotions and set an example for them on how to react correctly to certain situations.

When you shouldn't hide your emotions

Sometimes, hiding feelings can be harmful. There are times when we really should express what we think so as not to be weak or seem insecure. There are times in life when people we know do the wrong thing. And if their behavior makes you feel a certain way, then showing emotion can be beneficial not only for you, but for them as well. If someone is trying to insult or humiliate you, you have the right to express how you feel. At this moment you should not suppress your feelings. It's the same in relationships. If you love another person, then hiding your love will definitely be inappropriate.

Hiding feelings and emotions when you shouldn't can be detrimental to your mental health, self-esteem and normal life. The most important thing you can do is learn to deal with them by expressing what you want.

Treatises have been written on how to hide emotions. But it’s too difficult to remember anything in an emergency. It can be extremely difficult not to cry, not to faint from fear, or not to hit your interlocutor on the forehead. First, you need to understand in what directions they are working on themselves: 1. Increase self-esteem so as not to experience feelings that will begin to overwhelm the ocean (uncertainty, fear, awkwardness). 2. Look for the positive in yourself, in situations, in people. If you can’t change a fact, it’s easier not to evaluate it now. Then, everything later. A philosophical outlook on life and a sense of humor will learn to come to the rescue with age. 3. Or you can simply mask, and not think about how to hide emotions or suppress them. And it would be nice to have the support of family or true friends who will always listen and express their opinion. A sensitive person will still have to make a decision, but you can listen. Sometimes the devil is not as scary as he is painted. Fears are exaggerated.

September 15, 2016

It is possible to mask emotions!

Suppressing your feelings is akin to suicide. Negative thoughts lead to heart attacks and strokes and influence the appearance of psychosomatic diseases. It's better to take care of yourself in advance.

· Before you learn to hide your emotions, you need to buy sunglasses if it’s summer and you’re about to have an unpleasant conversation with an ex-boyfriend or an insincere girlfriend.

· You can imagine yourself in a mirror ball, behind a stone wall, so that negativity or fears from the outside stop penetrating into life.

· It is allowed to carry a pin and a mirror in your pocket in case of fear of evil from the outside.

· A cup of green tea or validol in your purse sometimes not only masks emotions, but simply prevents them from developing.

It’s just not recommended to weigh yourself down with garlic and onions. Why be afraid of someone? Many are just waiting for a normal reaction to their absurd behavior. Seriously!

Switch, or How to hide emotions on your face

If your eyes twitch from fear, your lips tremble, and a person begins to stutter, it’s time to understand: he has the power to make his fears work for him. Such psychological sublimation can move mountains! You just need to change the direction.

1. If you don’t want to cry, you need to raise your eyes up and look around - at the lamp hanging from the ceiling, at the pear-shaped cloud. As one of the physical education teachers said in the series of the same name, when you want to cry, you can open your eyes. Let your opponent be afraid!

2. If anger comes up, you need to give it a way out. Just not as assault. You can ask for a minute's break and go to another room. And here... Squat or do push-ups until you drop. With such shaky nerves, your figure will soon change beyond recognition! So the title of Miss Universe is just around the corner.

3. Slowly drink a glass of water or count to yourself to one hundred, read the “Our Father” or a mantra. Self-hypnosis helps someone (“I am a goddess!”).

But there are times when you need to cry - when they propose, talk about future children, watch a heartfelt movie. And in tragic situations, you should not be ashamed of tears.

But pulling yourself together is a must in emergency situations. It’s enough not to focus on yourself, but to think about how the other person is feeling now—needing help or shouting angrily. For some, it gets worse. You need not to be selfish, and your problems will fade into the background. There will be no time for unnecessary emotions!