How to avoid getting stretch marks during pregnancy

What if I can’t lose weight after giving birth? What if beauty never returns? What if the breasts lose their shape? How to avoid stretch marks? - these and many other questions regarding beauty concern every expectant mother.

Stretch marks - one of the most common problems with which mothers, as a rule, unsuccessfully fight after childbirth. Is it possible to prevent their occurrence?

The content of the article:

Proper nutrition for a pregnant woman to prevent stretch marks

Where do stretch marks come from? Reason – connective tissue rupture due to a lack of collagen/elastin after serious stretching of the skin, taking hormonal medications, sudden changes in weight, etc.

Protein deficiency, which leads to stretch marks, also determines the main tasks of prevention, namely, proper nutrition of a pregnant woman. This is the first point in preventing stretch marks.

  1. We give preference to legumes and eggs, whole grains and nuts, and don’t forget about cheese, chicken and beef.
  2. We include foods with high levels of vitamin E and proteins in the menu.
  3. We avoid sweets/starchy foods and focus on cereals and fruits.
  4. We control the weight to avoid overstretching the skin.
  5. We eat fatty fish (trout, salmon) - it contains omega acids necessary for skin elasticity.
  6. Instead of French fries as a side dish, we make vegetable salads with herbs and olive oil.
  7. We drink natural juices and eat fruits to accelerate the synthesis of collagen in the body with the help of vitamin C.
  8. We limit sugar in our diet.
  9. Be sure to consume fermented milk products.

How to avoid stretch marks on the skin with exercise?

The second step in preventing stretch marks is exercise and active lifestyle. Exercises should not be too complex and heavy - light, simple and on a regular basis.

Of particular importance are exercises for hips/legs – they will help prepare the muscles for future childbirth. And well-stretched muscles reduce the risk of stretch marks on the buttocks.

So, we choose those mini-workouts that will not harm the baby and will be pleasant for the mother:

  1. Special fitness program for pregnant women.
  2. Exercises at home.
  3. Pool.
  4. Long walks.

Any stress for a pregnant woman is only with the permission of a doctor!

We wash away stretch marks with a contrast shower!

Contrast shower is an excellent remedy for increasing skin elasticity/firmness. But the first thing you need to know about it is its contraindications.

Even if there are no problems during pregnancy Contrast showers are only permissible with the doctor’s permission!

At threat of miscarriage, uterine tone and other problems, contrast showers are prohibited.

If everything is in order and there is no reason to worry, then you can use this point as a prevention of stretch marks, but carefully and gradually:

  1. Start only with a comfortable water temperature. No sudden temperature changes.
  2. Next, you can make the water hotter for 30-40 seconds.
  3. Then cool again and also for 30-40 seconds.
  4. The shower uses circular movements with an emphasis on the chest, buttocks and abdomen.

Remember to listen to your body and consult your doctor in advance.

In addition to the shower, it will be very effective skin massage. You can do it both in the shower and after it. For example, with a special massage brush - in the area of ​​​​the thighs and buttocks. The chest and abdomen area should not be heavily massaged.

Effective composition of creams and oils for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Special creams and scrubs, skin moisturizing – auxiliary tools in the stretch mark prevention program.

What you need to remember about them:

  1. Avoid chemicalsTo avoid harming the child, use natural creams, scrubs and oils. Any manifestation of an allergic reaction is a signal that the product cannot be used!
  2. The sooner you start taking care of your skin (natural remedies), the lower the risk of stretch marks.
  3. Natural oils are the ideal option. For example, regular olive oil, cocoa, jojoba, tea tree oil, grape seed or wheat germ oil, almond oil. In any case, it won’t hurt to consult a gynecologist (to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction).
  4. Helps maintain proper skin balance baby oil or moisturizer.
  5. Fromself-prepared products the most effective will be a cream made from aloe juice (1/2 cup), olive oil (same proportions) and vitamin E (10 drops).
  6. When choosing a cream (gel) that prevents the appearance of stretch marks in the store, read the composition. It should contain amino acids and collagen, plant extracts and vitamins E, A, minerals and oils, moisturizers (for example, aloe vera).
  7. A more noticeable effect from the product will be if it is applied to another damp skin after shower.
  8. It is also preferable to prepare scrubs at home. In particular, with sea salt, sugar or ground coffee. The main “abrasive” is mixed with olive oil or sour cream, after which the problem areas are massaged using this peeling for about 2-3 minutes. The scrub is recommended 1-2 times a week, but in the absence of pregnancy complications, uterine tone, or threat of miscarriage.

Of course, cosmetics are not 100% protection against stretch marks; much will depend on the characteristics of the body and the pregnancy itself. But when using creams and oils the resulting stretch marks will not be so noticeable.

Special underwear and bandages against stretch marks

Proper clothing during pregnancy is not only partially will relieve the load (especially in the last trimester) and will prevent the risk of allergies, but also protects the skin from unnecessary stretch marks.

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Pregnancy stretch marks are a natural result of the skin of the abdomen stretching as it grows. They appear in red stripes and turn silver over time. It is possible to reduce and prevent the appearance of stretch marks if you take action early in your pregnancy. Learn how to prevent stretch marks by making lifestyle changes, skin care routines, and continuing special care after your baby is born.

Almost all expectant mothers develop stretch marks during pregnancy. They have another name - striae. Neoplasms affect “problem” areas, which include the hips, buttocks, chest, and abdomen.

During pregnancy, women develop stretch marks as the skin begins to stretch and burst. The body tries to eliminate the deficiency with the help of connective tissue, so stripes appear that look like scars. They are pink or purple at first and then turn pale.

Over time, capillaries begin to die, and the tissue loses its elasticity and ages. Even on a tanned body, stretch marks remain white, because there is no pigment in the connective tissue. Let's take a closer look at the causes of the problem and decide what to use for stretch marks that appeared during pregnancy.

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks during pregnancy appear due to one or more reasons. These include.

  1. Strong stretching of the skin.
  2. Excess body weight. The faster a woman gains weight, the greater the chance that the skin simply will not be able to adapt to the increased volume.
  3. Multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, large fetus. In these cases, the size of the abdomen is larger than usual when carrying a child.
  4. The abdominal muscles are weak, so they support the uterus less well, and the abdomen becomes very stretched.
  5. Smoking, which causes oxygen starvation of the skin, slows down the process of synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
  6. The appearance of stretch marks during one of the trimesters of pregnancy in close relatives, which means a hereditary predisposition to this problem.
  7. Hormonal (endocrine) disorders.
  8. The appearance of stretch marks even before conception, for example, with sudden weight gain.

Usually unpleasant stripes appear on the stomach, because it grows the most. Also, during pregnancy, stretch marks may appear on the breasts, because during pregnancy and lactation their size increases greatly. In addition, neoplasms often affect the buttocks and thighs.

There are many photos posted on the Internet showing stretch marks that form during pregnancy. Therefore, you will definitely not confuse them with another disease.

Ways to prevent the problem

It won’t hurt to find out how you can prevent the appearance of unpleasant stretch marks in women during pregnancy, because they really spoil the appearance of the skin.

In order for your skin to remain elastic and youthful, you need to eat right.

  1. The diet should include white meat dishes, which contain proteins and other substances that prevent collagen from being destroyed.
  2. If you are thinking about how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, eat fatty fish - trout, salmon. They are a source of omega 3, 5, 9 acids, which allow the epidermis to maintain its elasticity.
  3. There should always be greens, cabbage, and fresh vegetable salad on the table.
  4. Buy more juices and fruits, because they contain vitamin C, which accelerates the process of collagen synthesis.
  5. Limit your intake of sugar, which binds collagen fibers together. They become stiffer, and this negatively affects the elasticity of the epidermis.
  6. Be sure to include fermented milk and dairy products in your menu, which provide the body with calcium.
  7. Eat cereals that contain a lot of potassium.

Vitamin E and olive oil help maintain skin elasticity. They are prescribed from the first day of pregnancy. Vitamin E is considered an elixir of beauty and youth. It helps keep skin, nails, and hair healthy.

Be sure to consult a qualified dermatologist who can tell you how you can prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

Application of effective means

The question of how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy must be approached especially carefully, because while carrying a child, the mother’s body requires care.

Olive oil is one of the best remedies for getting rid of stretch marks. Many girls prefer it because this oil for stretch marks formed during pregnancy is the most affordable and natural.

Olive oil is one of the best helpers

The product is sold in any supermarket and copes well with the appearance of stretch marks in the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and mammary glands. Olive oil should be stored in a cool, dark place. It is recommended to use it even before the first scars appear, so that stretch marks during pregnancy are less noticeable.

The product allows you to keep your skin beautiful and young even after childbirth. Olive oil can be combined with other medicinal drugs. The oil acts as follows.

  1. Helps cells recover and renew.
  2. Promotes collagen production.

However, you need to understand that for maximum effect you must follow two important rules.

  1. Firstly, buy first cold-pressed oil, since this manufacturing technology allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the product.
  2. Secondly, the oil should not just be spread on the skin, but rubbed in with massaging movements.

So, it's simple. You need to pour a small amount of oil into a cup or saucer, heat it to 30 degrees and apply to clean skin of the abdomen, thighs and chest, then begin to rub it in for a few minutes. The product should be absorbed into the skin as much as possible. Excess oil should be removed with a cotton napkin.

The maximum effect of the procedure is achieved if it is carried out immediately after taking a warm shower. Massages are provided every day in the morning and evening.

There are many reviews on the Internet about how you can prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Girls always write about how oil can clog pores. To prevent this from happening, before each procedure you need to thoroughly wash your body with soap or other detergent.

Also, during pregnancy, baby cream, which is a preventative against stretch marks, will not harm. It allows you to make the skin softer and moisturize it. The effect of baby cream is aimed at:

  1. maintaining skin elasticity;
  2. giving it elasticity.

The effect of using the cream will increase if you add mumiyo. The product will help reduce stretch marks that are already on the skin. It will reduce their depth and relief, making the color less intense.

This stretch mark cream can be used not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. The epidermis will be enriched with minerals and vitamins of natural origin.

It is very difficult to immediately choose the best remedies for severe stretch marks that formed during pregnancy. There are many cosmetic products sold that help cope with the problem. You can choose something in the middle or more expensive price category.

Name How to use Acceptance deadline
Vichy cream Apply to clean skin with massage movements. Twice a day for two months for 2-3 months,
Cream Sanosan After shower, gently rub into problem areas of the skin. Morning and evening for three months.
Cream Anti-stretch Mark Rub the cream into areas in need of care using gentle circular movements. Twice a day until visible effect is achieved.

During pregnancy, folk remedies for stretch marks work well. For example, you can make a homemade scrub that is as effective as modern drugs. Required:

  1. 0.5 cups vegetable oil;
  2. 1 cup of sugar;
  3. 1 glass of salt.

You need to massage problem areas with a scrub. The results will appear within a month of regular use.

  1. Mix sugar and salt.
  2. Pour in vegetable oil.
  3. Mix.

Also, stretch marks during pregnancy can be removed using a homemade cream, which is very easy to prepare. Required:

  1. lemon zest;
  2. a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  3. 10-15 drops of olive oil.

The cream should be rubbed onto the skin every day after taking a shower. The procedure can be carried out throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Many girls believe that homemade creams are the best way to treat stretch marks during pregnancy.

  1. Mix sour cream with butter.
  2. Add lemon zest.

You can find many reviews online about the use of various remedies for stretch marks that affected the skin during pregnancy.

I was treated for stretch marks that appeared for a very long time. At first I tried to get rid of them with home remedies, then I spared no expense and bought an expensive Vichy cream. The effect did not come immediately. I was just beginning to despair when my husband complimented me, saying that my skin had become much better. It turned out that the cream really works.

I was treated for unpleasant growths on the skin only with folk remedies. Every day after a shower I massaged my skin with a scrub of sugar and oil. It was not possible to completely get rid of them. But they have become less noticeable and no longer stand out on the skin so much.

I was treated for stretch marks during the entire period of bearing my son and daughter. Because of the twins, the belly became simply huge, and the purple stripes on it were frightening. I decided not to experiment and buy a proven product, Sanosan Cream. A bit expensive, of course. I saw the result in about six months.

about the author: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Graduated from the Kuban State Medical University, internship in the specialty "Genetics".