How to sleep to avoid wrinkles on your face

All people have long known that in order to have a good rest and look great, expensive creams and vitamins for the skin will not help; the body needs a full eight-hour sleep. In this case, the room should be well ventilated and no extraneous sounds should interfere. But, probably, not everyone knows how to sleep without wrinkles.

It turns out that during sleep, creases form on the skin due to the fact that a person prefers one position when resting at night. As a result, over time, these creases will turn into wrinkles. Let's talk today about how to prevent wrinkles from appearing while you sleep.

Poses that promote the formation of wrinkles

This is how you sleep for many years in a row in the same position and don’t even suspect that you are voluntarily aging yourself ahead of time. Some people prefer to sleep on their sides, others on their tummy, and others cannot fall asleep until they are comfortable on a huge pillow.

Well, it’s still difficult to give up your favorite pose; habit is a terrible thing! But by reading the opinions of experts about why wrinkles appear during sleep and by listening to their recommendations, you can understand how to sleep properly.

Provided you don't want to grow old prematurely. Let's consider who needs to heed these warnings:
1. For those who are used to sleeping at night only on their stomachs
People who sleep on their stomach want to feel protected, this position gives them that feeling. Mostly women prefer this position, as this makes them comfortable and allows them to completely relax and fall asleep. But it is impossible to wake up with a fresh face after a night spent in this position.

Why do wrinkles appear when a person sleeps on his stomach? Experts say that in this position the face is deformed, because of this, in certain places the skin changes far from for the better. First of all, your forehead will be “decorated” with wrinkles, your eyes will look tired in the morning and soon wrinkles will also appear around them.

2. For those who sleep on their side
Sleeping on your side is certainly very comfortable, but this position has huge disadvantages. On the side on which you constantly sleep, the skin gradually but surely becomes deformed. Over time, even the shape of the face changes, small wrinkles inexorably begin to surround the eyes, and these annoying folds also form between the eyebrows.

It has been scientifically proven that women who sleep on their sides experience sagging breasts very quickly. If at 18-20 years old skin imperfections can be easily put in order, at 35-40 years old it is very difficult to remove annoying wrinkles and you will need special skin care at 30 years old, and you also need to take into account the peculiarities of skin care after 40 years old.

3. For those who like too big pillows
Many people have trouble sleeping on small pillows. They prefer big and curvy ones, and they also lie down so that their heads rise high above the bed. After spending the night without the usual height under your head, in the morning you feel powerless and tired. In fact, this is useful; after a while, the morning fatigue will be replaced by vigor. A large home pillow has a detrimental effect on both health and appearance.

A huge pillow will “give” those who like it the benefit of soothing wrinkles on the neck, pain in the back and the back of the head. The ideal option is orthopedic pillows. They are able to take the shape of the head, thereby preventing unwanted deformation of the skin and spine.

Based on the information presented above, it is worth thinking about what position is best to sleep in and urgently change your habits.

How to sleep without wrinkles: prevention

Having considered the positions in which it is not recommended to sleep, it is worth familiarizing yourself with how to sleep properly so that your appearance and health do not suffer:
Sleeping on your back is considered safest;
• The pillow is not selected high. Experts recommend abandoning such luxury altogether;
• It is advisable to place a small cushion under your knees at night.

Knowing all the features of the appearance of wrinkles during sleep is not enough; you still need to make every effort to overcome your habits and start sleeping correctly.

How to learn to sleep properly?

No matter how hard it is, you need to get rid of bad habits. If you notice that you sleep mainly in positions that are not recommended by experts, change them urgently.

With the help of the following methods, the questions of how to sleep without wrinkles, how to change your usual posture during sleep will not be as difficult as it may seem at first:
Before going to bed, attach hairpins to your ears. They will not allow you to sleep on your side, even in your sleep, turning on your side according to the old habit, you will immediately lie on your back, as you will feel discomfort from the hairpins;
• Sew nuts in the top pockets of your pajamas. When you lie on your stomach, as you usually are used to sleeping, the nuts will press and you will have to lie on your back. You won’t be able to sleep on your side in pajamas with this addition either. The nightwear is spacious and the top pockets are not fixed only on the chest.

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity sleep in the same position for years, not knowing that they are thereby adding wrinkles to their face and neck. At the same time, they use expensive cosmetics that guarantee a wrinkle-free face. But if you continue to sleep as before, the effect of the creams will not be as effective.

You need to decide for yourself what is more important, a comfortable, familiar position while sleeping or beauty and youth for many years.


Lyudmila 37 years old:
— If you sleep the same way, either on the right or left side, maybe there won’t be any deformation of the skin on your face?

Expert comment:
- It doesn’t matter which side you sleep on, as a result you add wrinkles to yourself and the shape of your face changes.

Yana 20 years old:
— Since childhood, I’ve been accustomed to sleeping on my stomach and on a large pillow, can this really have such a big impact on my appearance in the future?

Expert comment:
— Before it’s too late, remove the pillow and learn to sleep on your back. Your youth still protects you from wrinkles, but soon they will undoubtedly appear not so much because of your age, but because you sleep in the wrong position.

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I always thought that it doesn’t matter how you sleep, on your back or on your stomach. Now I read the article and thought, I will change my habits. Thanks for the tip.

We sleep in the same positions every night for many years in a row and this certainly leads to the appearance of wrinkles. The so-called “sleep lines” or “sleep wrinkles,” once they appear on the face, will never disappear.

“Women tend to sleep on their sides, so sleep wrinkles are most likely to appear on their chin or cheeks. Men, in turn, like to sleep on their stomachs more and wrinkles appear on their foreheads faster, since their faces are pressed against the pillow,” say experts from the American Academy of Dermatology.

If you like to sleep on your side, you are more likely to develop wrinkles on your chin and cheeks. Sleeping on your stomach increases the folds between the eyebrows and leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles along the neck lines. Nasolabial folds will appear deeper and faster on the side you are used to sleeping on.

The most likely reason for the appearance of “sleep wrinkles” is that during sleep, we lean our face against the rough fabric of the pillow or an uncomfortable pillow, the lines are pressed into the deep layers of the skin and may not go away for a long time after waking up, and subsequently become fixed.

“Sleep wrinkles” are different from facial wrinkles, which are formed as a result of repeated contraction of the facial muscles.

In younger people, such wrinkles disappear almost instantly after waking up, but with age they become more and more noticeable due to constant pressure and a decrease in the elasticity of the skin.

Richard G. Glogau, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco, is among the world's leading experts on facial aging. His Glogau Wrinkle Scale has become a standard tool used by doctors to classify wrinkles.

According to Dr. Glogau, various means can help treat expression lines, including creams, numerous cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery, and botulinum toxin injections.

However, as the doctor assures, “sleep wrinkles” cannot be affected with Botox, because they do not appear due to muscle contraction. Wrinkles after sleep form the moment we put our face on the pillow. They occur in characteristic areas of the face where the skin is held on the bones. Since the pressure generated by prolonged contact of the face with the pillow is mechanical, muscle blockers such as Botox are not effective. “Sleep wrinkles will be with us as long as pillows exist and people sleep,” he explains.

Dr. Goesel Anson, a recognized specialist in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery, cites statistics showing that the average sleeping person changes his body position 20 times per night (33% of the time he spends on his back, 60% of the night hours – on the sides, and 7% – on the stomach).

The only thing that can help is sleeping on your back, which avoids facial deformation.

Many people like to sleep on their stomach, because it gives a feeling of comfort and, it seems, it’s better to relax. But if you want to wake up feeling refreshed, this pose should be avoided. Why? Yes, because you squeeze your entire face, deforming it and changing the skin in certain areas. The skin of the forehead suffers first, this is where wrinkles will form, and the eyes will have a wrinkled appearance. You also do not allow your spine to relax, so there is a high chance that your back and neck muscles will hurt. Therefore, it is better to refuse this pose, of course, if you do not want to grow old ahead of time.

If you like to sleep on your side, think about the skin that you are deforming on one side. The cheeks change their shape, small expression wrinkles form around the eyes and near the mouth, and folds appear between the eyebrows. If at 20 years old, a couple of hours after sleep, the skin takes on its usual shape, then at 35, wrinkles become pronounced and getting rid of them is not so easy. It has also been proven that sleeping on your side causes sagging breasts.

Many people like to bury their face in a soft, large pillow, raising his head high above the level of the bed. Of course, this may be comfortable for you, but if you do not want to age prematurely, you will have to choose a different position. A pillow should be an auxiliary object, and not a source of pleasure; sometimes it is even better to refuse it, because this way you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on your neck. You can choose thin orthopedic pillows that mold to the shape of your head.

What position is considered the most successful for the beauty and youth of the skin?

In fact, the safest thing to do is sleep on your back, which avoids facial deformation. But pay attention to the pillow you place under your head - it should not be too high, otherwise wrinkles may appear on your neck. Try to take as level a position as possible; sometimes you can even abandon the pillow altogether.

Sleeping on your back is also good for your spine, because this way you can relax it as much as possible. To make it more comfortable to sleep, place a small bolster or pillow under your knees - this will give your spine maximum relaxation during sleep.

How to learn to sleep correctly?

First of all, it is important to develop a habit. You can attach hairpins in the area of ​​your ears that will prevent you from sleeping on your side. This will cause you to unconsciously lie on your back, trying to get rid of discomfort while sleeping. You can wear a scarf tied in a knot on your stomach. This knot will make your sleeping position uncomfortable and you will roll over onto your back.

Not every person can withstand 8 hours of sleep in almost the same position. However, there are special support pillows designed to prevent wrinkles. It should be noted that people with certain disorders, such as sleep apnea, heartburn or back pain, cannot sleep in one position all the time. The same applies to pregnant women who need to sleep on their side.

If you find it difficult to sleep without a pillow, then choose a comfortable sleeping pillow:

  1. A pillow filled with feathers provides a higher elevation of the head, reduces pain points, and increases blood circulation to the face. This protects the face from pressure, which is what causes wrinkles after sleep. These pillows are quite comfortable, pleasant and healthy.
  2. Concave pillows that support the head and keep the face away from the surface of the pillow.
  3. Cotton fabrics on pillowcases, oddly enough, can even accelerate the formation of “sleep wrinkles,” as these fabrics promote moisture loss and irritation. It is better to choose satin or silk pillowcases. With such pillowcases, keeping your skin healthy and wrinkle-free is much easier.
  4. Pillowcases with copper ions nourish the skin in contact with the pillow during sleep and thereby reduce wrinkles after sleep. Copper pillowcases are a great way to stimulate collagen production and prevent wrinkles on your face. It’s a great idea to make pillows impregnated with aloe vera, because everyone knows that aloe contains a lot of vitamins, which has a healing effect on the skin.

Many people sleep in the same position for years and cannot change it. Then they wonder why folds appear on the neck and forehead, although they use expensive creams and do not abuse sunbathing. Here it is important to understand what you want from sleep: complete comfort or a guarantee that you will not get an extra crease under your eyes or on your forehead. Make your choice, and then sleep will become a conscious pastime for you.

Dream - this is an important part of the life of all people, especially the fair sex, who want to be beautiful and remain young and attractive for a long time. In fact, for this you need to use good cosmetic products, eliminate bad habits and eat right.

Recently, more and more specialists around the world beauty They say that you need to learn to sleep correctly. Surely you have heard that during sleep, creases form on the skin, and they, in turn, turn into wrinkles. How to avoid such trouble? Learn to follow certain rules.

Think about how much of your life you spend sleeping? Do you really want to harm yourself? Almost every woman can say that she knows how to sleep properly, and that for this you need to ventilate the room and choose bedding from natural fabrics. All this is correct, but when it comes to facial skin, these are not all the rules. Let's look at the main recommendations of experts.

How harmful is it to sleep and the risk of wrinkles?

For those who like to sleep on their stomache. Many women like to sleep on their stomachs, because it gives a feeling of comfort and seems to be better for relaxing. But if you want to wake up feeling refreshed, this pose is worth avoiding. Why? Yes, because you squeeze the entire face, deforming it and changing the skin in certain areas. The skin of the forehead suffers first, this is where wrinkles will form, and the eyes will have a wrinkled appearance. You also do not allow your spine to relax, so there is a high chance that your back and neck muscles will hurt. Therefore, it is better to refuse this pose, of course, if you do not want to grow old ahead of time.

For those who like to sleep on their side. This pose is also quite harmful for your youth and beauty. If you like to sleep on your side, think about the skin you are deforming on one side. The cheeks change their shape, small expression wrinkles form around the eyes and near the mouth, and folds appear between the eyebrows. If at 20 years old, a couple of hours after sleep, the skin takes on its usual shape, then at 35, wrinkles become pronounced, and getting rid of them is not so easy. Cosmetologists have also proven the fact that sleeping on your side causes breasts to sag, so before you take a position that is comfortable for you, think carefully.

For those who like to sleep on a large pillow. Many women like to bury their face in a soft, large pillow, raising their head high above the level of the bed. Of course, this may be comfortable for you, but if you do not want to age prematurely, you will have to choose a different position. A pillow should be an auxiliary object, and not a source of pleasure; sometimes it is even better to refuse it, because this way you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on your neck. You can choose thin orthopedic pillows that take the shape of your head and are perfect for staying young and attractive longer.

What position is considered the most successful for the beauty and youth of the skin?

In fact safer generally sleep on your back, although many women prefer other positions. It's not easy to retrain yourself, but if you try, there's a good chance you'll become uncomfortable sleeping on your side. But pay attention to the pillow that you place under your head - it should not be too high, otherwise wrinkles may appear on your neck, try to take the most even position possible, sometimes you can even refuse the pillow altogether.

Many public famous womenWhen talking about their beauty tips, they say that they don’t use a pillow at all. You can try such a dream, because there is a high probability that after a week you will get used to it and will not feel absolutely any discomfort. Sleeping on your back is also good for your spine, because this way you can relax it as much as possible. To make sleeping more comfortable, place a small bolster or pillow under your knees. This is another tip for women and men who want to give their spine maximum relaxation during sleep.

How to learn to sleep correctly while preventing wrinkles?

First of all it is important develop a habit. You can attach hairpins in the area of ​​your ears that will prevent you from sleeping on your side. This will cause you to unconsciously lie on your back, trying to get rid of discomfort while sleeping. And in order not to sleep on your stomach, sew nuts in the upper pockets of your pajamas. They will disturb you, so after a certain time, sleeping on your stomach will become unacceptable for you.

Many women They sleep in the same position for years and cannot change it. Then they wonder why folds appear on the neck and forehead, although they use expensive creams and do not abuse sunbathing. Here it is important to understand what you want from sleep: complete comfort or a guarantee that you will not get an extra crease under your eyes or on your forehead. Make your choice, and then sleep will become a conscious pastime for you.

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