How to choose cheese of the first freshness and genuine quality?

We've all heard these horror stories about the chaos of modern food traders. How they turn expired sausage into minced meat, suppress the rotten stench with seasonings and spices, and then make a new one from this disgusting thing and try to sell it to us. How to avoid getting hooked by such scoundrels? How to choose cheese of the first freshness and genuine quality among the huge variety of goods on display? We will give you a number of proven tips. By taking them into your arsenal, you can easily distinguish a truly high-quality and fresh product from an expired one, and even worse, from a counterfeit, second-rate or reanimated one.

We all know how going to the store takes a lot of time, especially when there is a large amount of the same type of product on the counter and your eyes run in different directions. All that remains is to choose the best quality one. But how can you do this with cheese?

First, let's pay attention to freshness. It can be determined by lightly pressing your finger on the cut flesh of the cheese head. If the cheese is freshly prepared, it will feel elastic to the touch.

You also need to pay attention to the shape of the holes. The edges, regardless of the size of the holes, must be smooth. Since torn holes are, first of all, the fact that it was not milk that was added to the recipe, but surrogates and protein substitutes that are in no way related to natural products.

If the cheese is not fully ripened, then when cut, you will notice an uneven color of the cheese mass. And the crust should not contain any kinds of chips and cracks, as they can cause the formation of unhealthy mold, which is in no way related to noble mold. For semi-hard and hard cheeses, the surface should not be wet, but not dry at the same time. And soft varieties should spring back to the touch.

Another sign of a low-quality product is the presence of holes in the cheese rind itself. This applies to all varieties. When natural cheeses ripen, the formation of holes begins from the center of the head and often does not reach the edge of the rind. Typically the distance should remain about one centimeter. Otherwise, you risk buying not real cheese, but simply a cheese product with the addition of protein concentrate. Believe me, on the shelves of our stores there are, unfortunately, the vast majority of them.

Well, we hope these simple tips will help you sort and choose the best and freshest for yourself, and let the sellers themselves eat up all the old stuff and rot that has been reanimated.

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