What should sportswear be like for bodybuilders?

In this article I would like to touch upon such an important topic as sportswear for bodybuilders. After all, a lot actually depends on what we wear during physical exercise. How to choose the right form for training? What are the requirements for this form? What should you pay priority attention to? - read this article...

So, the list of requirements for a bodybuilder’s uniform:

Well, firstWhat comes to mind is convenience and ergonomics. Your movements should be easy and relaxed. Nothing should constrain or interfere with them. For if in your clothes, due to its small size, you cannot bring your arms in front of your chest, then what kind of comfortable and productive training can we even talk about?

Second – this is hygiene and cleanliness. We've talked about this more than once: by training in a sweat-stained T-shirt, you can easily catch some kind of skin disease. And don’t forget that you are not alone in the gym, there are still a lot of people around: bodybuilders, lifters, skinny guys, fitness models. And it will be unpleasant for all of them to look at your dried stains under their hands and smell the deadly, harmful stench.

Third moment – ​​you should not be excessively hot, unless of course this is part of your training plan (read more about this later in this article). Ideally, clothing should match the weather and temperature conditions of your stay. Excessive overheating will disturb you and cause discomfort. Excessive cold is no use for you either. Stick to the golden mean.

Let's look at two typical clothing options for the gym using the example of my bodybuilder friends.

One of them is always hot. He sweats profusely and doesn't like it very much. Therefore, he tries to dress as lightly as possible. Usually he wears a sleeveless T-shirt (or even without it at all - over his bare torso), and light short shorts that don’t even cover his knees - ala swimming trunks. It’s good that he really doesn’t come in swimming trunks to shock the amazed audience. Well, on his feet he has summer slippers, like flip-flops (also completely open). It’s clear that this is a kind of overkill, and in my opinion, it’s generally a tendency towards nudism.

As for me personally, I prefer the golden mean. So that it is neither hot nor cold. My choice is a good branded tracksuit from a well-known, well-established manufacturer. For example, Nike or Adidas. Of course, things from such well-known companies are not cheap. But you need to follow the news and keep your finger on the pulse - very often even global brands organize huge discounts and sales, and you can buy quite sensible things at reasonable, adequate prices. For example, Puma, also a quite decent sportswear manufacturer, is now offering a good seasonal discount. Personally, I prefer few things, but expensive, reliable and branded ones, which I advise you to do as well. And, as they say, clothes are a person’s second skin. So don’t skimp on your health and comfort!

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