Massage for face lift at home

With age, the oval of the face loses its former clarity, and facial massage for a facelift is one of the best methods of combating inevitable age-related changes. In addition to the tonic effect on muscles and skin, massage techniques can restore the youthful appearance of the face.

What massage techniques need to be performed to achieve a pronounced lifting effect? And what other advantages does it have?

Benefits of massage for face lift

A facelift massage improves blood circulation and increases oxygen levels in the skin, which has a wonderful effect on the skin. The facial contour becomes tightened and more defined, the skin acquires a beautiful color, looks healthier and fresher, becomes softer and more pleasant to the touch.

The elasticity of the skin improves, and the skin returns to tone: small wrinkles disappear, large wrinkles become smaller. Facial swelling decreases, dark circles under the eyes disappear, muscles get rid of tension, and the skin gets rid of toxins and dead cells. Metabolism improves, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Not only the effective lifting of the facial contours obtained after the procedure is important: during the massage, the person relaxes and calms down, his nervous system stabilizes, and his mood becomes better. Cosmetics used after the procedure are better absorbed into the skin.

Despite all the benefits that massage brings, we must not forget that if performed incorrectly, it can worsen the condition of the skin. In order not to harm your face, it should be performed very carefully and gently, without applying force or stretching the skin.

Types of massage

There are several types of facial massage, which differ in their effect on the skin, indications for implementation and requirements for the skills of the cosmetologist. Each type is designed to solve specific problems and may be useless if used for indications for which it is not intended.

In modern cosmetology, the following types of facial massage are distinguished:

  1. Classic: maintains skin tone and elasticity, strengthens muscles, gives the face freshness and a pleasant color, and has a tightening effect.
  2. Relaxing: aimed at relieving tension and relaxing facial muscles. It improves blood circulation and allows cosmetic products to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  3. Lymphatic drainage: reduces facial swelling, removes excess fluid, improves complexion and reduces dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Plastic: improves complexion, tightens contours, increases skin elasticity and removes fine wrinkles.
  5. Chiroplastic: has a pronounced lifting effect, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces the number of wrinkles and inflammation.
  6. Myofascial: corrects the oval of the face and smoothes the skin, eliminating deep wrinkles and reducing the severity of nasolabial folds.
  7. Medicinal: used in the treatment of neuralgia, acne and seborrhea, as well as for increased oily skin and to get rid of comedones. There are different techniques of therapeutic massage, the most popular is the Jacquet massage.

A facelift with massage can be performed using several of these techniques: plastic and chiroplastic massage, as well as myofascial, therapeutic and classical massage techniques have an excellent lifting effect. However, all of them can only be performed in beauty salons by specialists with appropriate education.

Home facial lifting massage is carried out only in the classical technique: it uses the massage lines of the face in several effective movements that help tighten the skin and restore the previous facial contour. You can also use a massager at home to tighten the oval of the face: a myostimulator, darsonval or mesaroroller.

Face lift exercises

At home, for skin lifting, you can use not only massage to tighten the oval of the face: in addition to it, special exercises also work great. They take a little more time, but also have a noticeable tightening effect, returning a clear contour to the face.

  1. Close your jaw tightly, purse your lips, and puff out your cheeks. Roll the air stream from one cheek to the other, inflating them alternately. Then roll the air from the lower lip to the upper. Repeat all 10 times.
  2. Smile as wide as possible, clenching your jaw tightly. Cup your face with your palms and stretch your cheeks to the sides, strongly tensing your muscles. Count to 5, then release your face. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Alternately smile and stretch out your lips. Actions should replace each other very quickly, while the muscles should feel tension. Repeat 20 times.
  4. Smile widely, while opening your lips. Pronounce the sound “a” loudly until the lower part of the cheeks is tense to the limit. Relax, repeat 5 times.
  5. Close your mouth, puff out your cheeks, press on them with your palms with force. Do not release air for a minute, then take a deep breath and repeat 5 more times.
  6. Pull your lips into tubes and quickly exhale air, as if trying to blow away a large number of dust particles. Count to 10, then stop and repeat 5 more times.

To make the lifting effect more noticeable, exercises and massage to tighten the facial skin should be performed in combination: 15 minutes of facial gymnastics daily, and 15-10 minutes of self-massage every other day. The effect will not be long in coming.

Massage technique at home

Before performing a facelift massage at home, you should learn the location of the massage lines on the face. Hands should move from the edges of the nose and the center of the chin to the ears, from the tip of the nose to the forehead, from the eyebrows and temples to the hairline. The area around the eyes should not be actively affected or stretched.

Facial massage at home is performed as follows:

  1. Start by smoothing the skin: with two or three fingers, along the lines, without applying force or stretching the skin. Afterwards, massage your temples.
  2. Next, you need to pinch the skin of your face: with soft, careful movements, paying special attention to sagging areas. Smooth out again.
  3. Then rub the skin in a circular motion using the back of a closed fist. Finish by smoothing the skin.
  4. Pat the face with your fingertips, especially actively along the contour of the face, in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin, where the skin hangs down. Smooth out.
  5. Tap along the contour of the face with the edge of your palm. Finish the session by stroking the skin, wash your face and use a lifting cream.

You can watch the proven self-massage technique in the video:

When performing a massage, it is very important not to overdo it. Do not use too much force and watch the time: it will be enough to massage your face for ten minutes every two days.


Facelift massage has many benefits, but in some cases it can aggravate skin problems and cause serious harm to your health.

Lifting massage should be avoided in the following conditions:

  1. bruises and wounds, stitches after operations;
  2. warts, large moles;
  3. inflammation on the face: acne, acne;
  4. problems with blood vessels and blood clotting;
  5. colds and herpes.

You should also not do a massage if you have recently had cosmetic procedures. After them, the skin takes several weeks to completely return to normal, and during this time it is better not to disturb it again.

Self-massage for tightening the facial contour is an effective method that helps restore skin elasticity, velvety and a healthy appearance. If it is performed carefully and carefully, it will help get rid of wrinkles and visually rejuvenate the face.

In this article we will talk about effective anti-aging and face lifting massage at home. This type of massage is attractive primarily for its ease of implementation and cost, in contrast to other salon procedures associated with age-related changes in facial skin. Let us analyze the essence of this massage and study in detail the technique of its implementation. You will discover for yourself all the pros and cons of this technique, and also learn how to perform such a massage professionally, even at home.

The essence of massage for tightening the oval face

As we age, our skin loses fluid, firmness and becomes less elastic. Over time, muscles lose tone and wrinkles and creases appear, the skin sags and becomes unattractive. Facial massages are considered an excellent method of combating skin aging. They come in the following types:

  1. Classical – strengthens facial muscles, gives tone and elasticity to the skin, produces a tightening effect.
  2. Relaxing – relaxes the facial muscles and gives a natural glow.
  3. Lymphatic drainage – relieves puffiness, removes dark circles under the eyes and puffiness.
  4. Plastic – tightens the contour and improves skin elasticity.
  1. Chiroplastic – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and has a lifting effect on the skin.
  2. Myofascial – smoothes the skin, eliminates deep wrinkles.
  3. Medicinal – helps fight acne and seborrhea.

We will talk in more detail about classic massage, namely massage for a facelift at home. This type of massage affects blood circulation, improves muscle tone, increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. The contour of the face is tightened, the skin pleases the eye with a beautiful color, looks healthy and young, becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.

If you repeat this procedure regularly, the muscle tissue will be in good shape all the time, which helps the disappearance of small wrinkles and a significant reduction in large ones, reduces swelling of the face and improves metabolism.

An alternative to this type of massage are massages that you can actually learn at home, such as lymphatic drainage facial massage; another good alternative is vacuum facial massage. Recently, Japanese facial massage has become very popular.

Massage technique

Before starting the massage, you need to do a hot herbal facial compress or a herbal steam bath. You can use chamomile or St. John's wort herbs. Procedures of this type will warm up the facial muscles. Hair must be removed so that it does not get under your fingers, as this can lead to injury.

Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap or use an antiseptic, it is recommended to use massage oils, which will increase the effectiveness of this procedure.

Anti-wrinkle and face-lifting massage is based on light, stroking movements that improve blood circulation and promote lymphatic drainage, as well as strengthen muscles. Use your fingertips to stroke your forehead from bottom to top, then move to your cheeks and stroke them towards your temples for about 3 minutes.

Next, you need to massage the temples themselves, then with soft, smooth movements you need to pinch the skin of your face and smooth it out again. Then we rub the skin of the face in a circular motion with the back of the fist and smooth the skin again, slapping the face with the pads of the fingers, especially actively along the contour of the face and cheeks.

We tap along the contour of the face with the edge of the palm, finish the session with stroking, wash the face and apply lifting cream. Massage should be done 2-3 times a week; massage should only be done on previously cleansed facial skin.

You can also include a contrast massage against a double chin in the course of such a massage.. For this you need a towel and water. It is necessary to wet a towel in cold salted water, after folding it in four. Holding its ends, pat it on the chin 10 times. Then we repeat the procedure, only we wet the towel in warm water.

All massages can be combined with anti-wrinkle facial exercises. A set of such exercises is called face forming - massage for a natural face lift.

Pros and cons of massage

Analyzing reviews of this type of massage, The following advantages can be identified:

  1. the facial contour is tightened;
  2. swelling of the face goes away;
  3. bags and black circles under the eyes are reduced;
  4. skin texture is evened out;
  5. wrinkles become less noticeable;
  6. complexion improves, spider veins disappear.

To strengthen the result, experts recommend doing massages in courses, periodically allowing the skin to rest.
The disadvantages include:

  1. pain if you have a high pain threshold and very sensitive skin;
  2. as mentioned above, do not overdo it, as this can lead to negative consequences.


Massage for tightening the oval face is necessary in the following cases:

  1. the appearance of age and facial wrinkles;
  2. sagging skin;
  3. unclear and unaesthetic facial contour;
  4. presence of a double chin;
  1. swelling;
  2. constant tension of the facial muscles;
  3. loss of skin elasticity and firmness.

Contraindications and side effects

This procedure is prohibited if you have:

  1. severe inflammatory processes, ulcers, pimples, acne;
  2. herpes;
  3. hemophilia;
  4. open injuries on the face;
  5. warts:
  6. large moles;
  7. postoperative sutures;
  8. problems with blood clotting.

Only if you approach the massage responsibly will it bring pleasure and have the desired effect. Otherwise, you cannot do without the help of specialists.

Side effects in this situation may include dark circles under the eyes, bruises on the face, pain or swelling of the face.

Effect of massage

If you perform the massage correctly and follow all the recommendations of specialists, you can achieve an excellent facelift effect without surgical intervention. The facial contour will become tightened, the skin will be elastic, soft and healthy.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Reviews from cosmetologists about facial massage to tighten facial skin are almost uniform. Experts say that if you use a set of exercises for facial gymnastics with massage and approach it responsibly and competently, you can significantly improve the appearance of your facial skin and achieve this without surgical intervention. To enhance the effect, they recommend using auxiliary creams.

Also, I would like to draw attention to tips that, using them in everyday life, you can prevent the occurrence of many problems associated with facial skin. First of all, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to how you sleep., you need to fall asleep on your back in order to avoid skin stretching associated with contact with the pillow.

It is necessary to be attentive to touching the skin, firstly, our hands are not always clean, secondly, when we come into contact with the skin of the face, leaning on our hand or touching our face with minimal effort, we are already affecting the skin and stretching it, thereby accelerating the withering process . When removing makeup, you also need to wash your face delicately and gently, without stretching the skin.



I have been doing this massage for several weeks. The skin has noticeably tightened, the puffiness and bags under the eyes have gone away. I am incredibly glad that I found such a simple recipe for youth.


I learned how to do facial massage professionally. Great money savings and plus positive results. Try it too, you will succeed!


Not long ago, while undergoing a vacuum abdominal massage procedure in the salon, I saw a lifting massage in the price list and became interested. I went to the salon once for the procedure, saw how to do it correctly, and now I do it myself at home. Within a month I noticed a positive effect!

Video tutorial on massage at home

We invite you to watch a detailed video with a facial massage lesson to tighten your facial skin. The video lesson is divided into several sets of exercises, such as getting rid of stagnant acne spots, preventing wrinkles and giving skin tone, active prevention of wrinkles and face lifting. You will be able to see and learn with your own eyes how to properly massage to give your facial skin a wonderful condition.

A woman over twenty-five years old begins to notice the appearance of wrinkles, signs of sagging skin and increasing changes in the contour of her face. These processes occur due to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the youth of the skin. There is a good way to tighten muscles and prolong the youth of the face - this is a special tightening massage.

Skin tightening massage

To avoid visiting a beauty salon, you need to familiarize yourself with massage techniques that can be applied even at home. The basis of a facelift is to tone the facial muscles. After all, the skin begins to form folds and sag due to loss of muscle tissue turgor. Massage is aimed specifically at eliminating this cause.

Here are the main benefits of at-home facial massage for a facelift:

  1. swelling disappears, especially in the eye area, dark circles and swelling are eliminated by improving blood circulation in the skin;
  2. the relief of the skin, its structure are evened out due to the smoothing of small scars and scars, the complexion becomes even and radiant;
  3. the skin gains elasticity due to improved blood supply and lymph flow, wrinkles disappear, and the facial contour is tightened;
  4. Ten minutes a day is enough for a self-massage session in order to meet maturity without a sagging chin and jowls.

You should not rush to perform a massage yourself at home.

You may need to first improve your skin health, since even such a simple procedure has some contraindications:

  1. the presence of pimples and ulcers, especially large ones, as well as herpes;
  2. the postoperative period, during which healing of the sutures occurs, a three-week period after salon procedures;
  3. large moles and warts, if accidentally touched and injured, can cause cancer;
  4. hemophilia, various inflammatory processes, open wounds, unhealed scratches and cuts also require postponing the massage procedure.
  1. What procedures can be used to achieve an amazing facelift effect in a couple of days?

We do it at home

The process can be easily performed under normal home conditions. You can visit a professional salon to observe the technique or use the recommendations given in this article:

  1. You need to get comfortable in front of the mirror.
  2. It is advisable to be in a good mood. This helps relax the muscles.
  3. The face must be absolutely clean, without makeup.
  4. Hands are also thoroughly washed with soap.
  5. It is advisable to get rid of too long nails to avoid injury to the skin.
  1. How is facial massage performed for tightening?

Facial massage lines

Hand movements on slightly moistened skin should be carried out along massage lines corresponding to the direction of lymph movement. Self-massage is performed using two fingers, the index and middle.

The movements are stroking and slightly rubbing in nature.

But massaging the thin skin around the eyes requires gentle handling, without stretching or pressing movements. Strokes are performed seven times.

The minimum number of times the procedure is performed is three times a week. But it's best to do it daily. After ten or twelve procedures, you can give your facial skin a break for a couple of weeks, and then resume the course.

  1. Using careful stroking movements, draw lines from the wings of the nose to the temples.
  2. From the bottom up, from the brow ridge towards the hairline, smoothing movements are carried out across the skin of the forehead.
  3. The direction from the center of the chin to the earlobes is worked simultaneously with five fingers.
  4. The skin under the lower jaw requires more intense treatment, so it needs to be patted with the back of the hand, this is done to eliminate a double chin and sagging skin in this area. You can use a rolled up towel soaked in cool water. You need to take it by the ends and, sharply straightening it under the chin, apply light blows to the skin. This procedure will provide good skin tone.
  1. Why do you need to prepare lifting face masks at home after 40 years?

Useful video on the topic

Effective cosmetics

In order for the massage to be most effective, it is recommended to use cosmetics. You can use a special massage cream for the face area.

Add a few drops of sage, rose or violet essential oil to it. Do not use synthetic oils.

The most effective method for oval correction

There are even more effective techniques for working out the facial area. For example, Japanese facial massage for tightening the oval face Asahi, which gives visible results already on the second day. It is made using cosmetic milk, which can be replaced with oat milk.

It consists of several exercises:

  1. Forehead. Three fingers tightly pressed together, ring, middle and index, are pressed to the central area of ​​the forehead. On the count of three, the fingers are withdrawn, heading towards the temples. After this, you need to turn them ninety degrees and make a movement on the sides of the face. Three times will be enough.
  2. For eyelids, eliminating swelling. Using the middle fingers, lightly draw lines from the outer corners to the inner ones. Slightly increasing the pressure, draw an arc along the upper bone of the orbit. Hold your fingers at your temples for three seconds. Now you should continue the arc along the lower eyelid towards the inner corner.
  3. Mouth and chin. The tips of the middle and ring fingers are fixed in the hole in the center of the chin. While pressing, trace the mouth from bottom to top to the center above the upper lip, pausing for three seconds.
  4. Cheeks and nasolabial folds. Using two fingers, the index and middle, draw lines from the depressions at the wings of the nose. The simultaneous movement with pressure comes from top to bottom. Repeat no more than three times.
  5. Lower face and cheeks. Elbows are parallel to the floor and spread to the sides. The fingers lie horizontally on the cheeks. It is necessary to squeeze the nostrils with force and apply pressure to the temple area. Delay at the starting and ending points for three seconds.

Faceforming is one of the types of facial massage.

This practice was developed by Benita Cantieni. This practice is based on the idea that facial aging begins due to deterioration of posture and improper head position. Face forming facial massage or natural lifting includes a whole range of the best skin tightening methods. This includes facial yoga, gymnastics and acupressure.

There is targeted work on the facial muscles using specially designed exercises. In addition, the practice includes energy work, meditation and visualization.

Thirteen exercises of the system, performed each for two minutes, can significantly rejuvenate and improve the condition of facial skin in three weeks.

The main condition is regularity of execution. Every week you need to focus on training every day for five days.

Regular massage promotes the development of facial muscles and is a guarantee of improved skin condition and its noticeable rejuvenation.