Massage for body skin tone


When it comes to skin tone, the presence of several factors is implied. These include turgor, moisture and elasticity. Not every person maintains tone at the same high level even in youth, and even in adulthood, a decrease in this indicator is considered a natural aging process. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to increase and improve skin tone. Often good results can be achieved at home.

Read in this article

What affects skin tone

To determine the indication in question, doctors take into account three important factors:

  1. the degree of hydration of the skin - in medicine the concept sounds like “hydration” and means the level of strength of attachment of water molecules;
  2. turgor is the pressure inside each cell, which regulates water balance;
  3. elasticity - its level depends on how fully the skin is saturated with oxygen.

Often, when determining skin tone, hormonal levels are also taken into account: if it is disturbed due to aging of the body or due to various diseases of the endocrine system, then this is immediately reflected in the appearance of the skin.

Why does the skin of the body lose moisture and elasticity?

The problem of decreased skin tone begins to manifest itself especially clearly at the age of 30 years and older - this is a period when it is necessary to especially actively and competently carry out various caring procedures. The reasons for the loss of moisture and elasticity can be pathologies, for example, dermatological diseases, lack of vitamins, hormonal imbalance and others.

If we consider the most common causes of decreased skin tone, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. decreased self-healing ability of skin cells;
  2. the use of too aggressive, low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  3. insufficient hydration, which can result from a violation of the drinking regime;
  4. disruption of metabolic processes directly in the skin.

Decreased tone is often associated with the lack of regular caring procedures. For example, optimal hydration can be achieved with a regular night cream, and elasticity is restored with massages and nourishing masks.

How to restore attractiveness at home

You can increase skin tone with a variety of procedures that are carried out in beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. To achieve the goal, specialists use both professional cosmetics and special equipment. But it is quite possible to achieve good results at home. Masks, wraps and other procedures will be no less effective than those carried out in specialized institutions.

Recovery with vitamins

The best option would be to use nourishing creams twice a day - 20 minutes before going outside in the morning and an hour and a half before resting at night. Cosmetologists recommend washing your face before applying such a product and not wiping your face, since water is an excellent “conductor” of all beneficial substances into the deep layers of the skin. Nourishing creams are applied to the skin in a fairly thick layer, and after half an hour the excess is removed with a cotton swab or napkin.

If preference is given to natural remedies, then you should pay attention to the following recipes for masks rich in vitamins:

  1. From cottage cheese. 2 teaspoons of fermented milk product should be combined with the same amount of green tea and stir everything thoroughly (there should be no lumps or grains in the mass). Then add half a teaspoon of zest of any citrus fruit and the same amount of fish oil. The finished product is applied to the face in a thick layer, left there for 20 minutes and then washed off with warm water.
  1. From orange. You will need juice from half a citrus fruit, to which add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and half a tablespoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly, apply the finished mass in several layers to the skin of the face and neck. The duration of the procedure is until the mask dries completely, then it is washed off with warm water.
  2. From potatoes. You need to boil one root vegetable “in its uniform”, then peel it and mash it into a puree. The yolk of a chicken egg and a little milk are added to it. The output should be a homogeneous, non-liquid mass. The mask is applied to the face while warm, left there for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water. A potato mask perfectly nourishes dry and sensitive skin, which automatically increases its elasticity.
  1. Elderberry infusion. In a ceramic bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of elderberry infusion (sold in pharmacies), 2 tablespoons of powdered oatmeal and 100 ml of warm milk. The prepared mass should be boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes, then cooled and applied to the skin while warm. The procedure takes 20 minutes, after which the face is washed off first with warm and then with cold water.
  2. From melon. This fruit is so rich in vitamins that adding anything to it is not necessary. During the melon harvest season, you need to take its pulp, grind it into puree and simply spread it on your face in a thick layer for 20 - 30 minutes. This fruit will improve the tone of even mature skin with age-related changes.
  3. From apples. It is perfect for oily skin types. You can prepare the product from 1 - 2 medium apples, grated on a fine grater, and 1 chicken egg white, whipped into a stable foam.
  1. From carrots. This recipe is the optimal solution for dry skin. You need to grate 2 medium raw carrots on a fine grater, mix with a tablespoon of sour cream or cream. One nuance needs to be taken into account: this mask can stain the skin and make it darker.

Of course, the result will not be visible after the first procedure, but regular use of vitamin masks in any case gives a positive effect.

To learn how to prepare a skin-tightening face mask at home, watch this video:

Wraps for tightened skin

For such procedures, you need to use products with pepper, based on plant extracts and fermented milk products. Wraps are carried out no more than 2 times a week and require a preparatory stage. It involves thoroughly steaming the skin, which can be done under a hot shower or in a bath, bathhouse, or sauna.

Basic rules for performing body wraps for tightened skin:

  1. a fermented milk product (kefir or sour cream) must be applied to the surface of the selected area of ​​the body in a thick layer;
  2. if cream with pepper is chosen as a remedy, then, on the contrary, it is used in minimal quantities;
  3. the cling film should fit snugly to the body, but not overtighten it - circulatory problems may occur in small and medium-sized vessels;
  4. You cannot do wraps to improve skin tone for people with varicose veins.


This is a controversial point, since not all doctors confirm the effectiveness of oils in solving the problem of low skin tone. Yes, plant-based ones moisturize the skin as much as possible, and they also have a nourishing effect. But it is unlikely that they will be able to nourish the skin with vitamins and strengthen its muscle fibers or enhance the production of its own collagen and elastin.

Nevertheless, you can safely use oils in daily skin care for your face and body. Apply them to a previously cleaned surface, leave for 10-15 minutes, remove excess with a napkin or cotton swab. Cosmetologists recommend carrying out this procedure in the evening, an hour and a half before a night's rest.

Water regime and nutrition

A very important point in restoring skin tone! The drinking regime consists of drinking one and a half liters of clean water every day. And note, this is the minimum amount! The more fluid you drink, the faster and more completely toxins and waste will be removed from the body, and the more hydrated your skin will be.

Regarding nutrition, it is worth remembering the following recommendations from nutritionists:

  1. the diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, fresh or baked;
  2. You must definitely eat fish and seafood - at least 300 g per week;
  3. lean meat should be present in the diet, but not more than 150 g every day;
  4. It is advisable to give up baked goods, sweets and carbonated drinks;
  5. It is worth limiting chocolate and coffee in the menu.

Mechanical impact

This includes a contrast shower and massage. Such procedures should be done at least twice a week - and in just a couple of months you will notice improvements. A contrast shower is done only after the body is completely cleansed of dust and dirt. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, during which every 10 seconds you need to change the water temperature - from cold to hot.

The massage is performed on the face with your fingertips; there is no need to put any special effort into this, because there is always a risk of the formation of light, but very unsightly bruises. Greater effectiveness can be achieved when performing a massage with vegetable oils or nourishing creams.

Skin tone is a purely individual indicator, but it can always be improved. It is enough to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists and dermatologists and use an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Useful video

For information on massage to improve facial skin tone, watch this video:

Decreased skin tone is the number one problem after twenty-five to thirty years. That is why caring for her during this period should be aimed at eliminating her lethargy, flabbiness, increasing her tone, rejuvenation, as well as slowing down the natural aging processes, which are one of the reasons for her lethargy. Over the years, the skin's ability to quickly repair itself decreases and then disappears altogether, causing it to become pale, dry and thin. Disruption of metabolic processes in the skin can also contribute to a decrease in its tone.


Skin care.
Over time, the amount of substances produced in the skin that are responsible for its tone decreases. As a result, it begins to fade, deep expression wrinkles appear on it, as well as a network of small wrinkles. That is why daily care requires moisturizing and toning preparations with an active effect aimed at improving complexion, deep hydration and toning. Regular use of such products restores the natural processes of cell regeneration, in some cases enhancing them, prevents further aging of the skin, and also eliminates fine wrinkles and smoothes out deeper ones.

The process of cleansing aging skin involves cleaning the pores by using a softening foam wash or cleansing milk. They do not contain alkali or alcohol, so they do not disrupt its water-lipid balance and do not dry it out. It is very important to carry out this process regularly in the morning and evening, and in the evening cleaning should be carried out at a deeper level.

To moisturize aging skin with reduced tone, it is necessary to use preparations that contain hydrophilic substances, hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, organic acids, vitamins, essential oils, and phytoextracts. Typically, such substances can be found in liposomal emulsions with high levels of proteins, hydrating creams that restore skin elasticity and compensate for moisture loss. These products should be used daily, in the morning, immediately before applying makeup, and in the evening.

To tone dull skin, it is good to use contrasting compresses (alternating cold and hot compresses (38-40 degrees)). A hot compress should be applied for one to two minutes, a cold compress for five minutes. It is recommended to use hot herbal infusions (sage, parsley, tarragon, mint, linden blossom, sorrel, chamomile). It is allowed to add table or sea salt to the water (a tablespoon per liter of water). The procedure should begin and end with a cold compress. Soak a terry towel in cold water and apply it to your face for three to four seconds, then apply a hot compress for one to two minutes, and then a cold compress again for five minutes.

Any skin needs additional nutrition, but aging skin simply needs it. Nourishing creams should be applied thirty-forty minutes before going outside, or in the evening one and a half hours before bedtime. The cream is distributed in a good layer over the entire surface of the face, and after half an hour, the excess is removed with a cotton pad or cosmetic napkin. Let me remind you that it is better to apply a cream of this effect along massage lines after moisturizing the skin, since water accelerates the process of penetration of nutrients into the epidermis.

Medical complexes (highly concentrated anti-aging serums) are recommended as intensive nutrition for skin that has lost its tone and elasticity. Such products should be used in courses once or twice a year, depending on her condition. Even after the first use, the effect is noticeable: the skin becomes tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out.

To protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment, products containing zinc oxide, hydroquinone esters, para-aminobenzoic acid, aloe and other substances are intended. They act as light filters.

To protect and nourish the skin, you can use homemade masks based on fermented milk products, green tea, yeast, oils, vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to do two or three procedures a week, you can do more without making it worse. The course ranges from fifteen to twenty procedures. Then the masks are made once or twice a week.

For example, a cottage cheese mask: grind two teaspoons of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of parsley juice, mix with chopped orange or lemon zest and add two teaspoons of flaxseed oil and a small amount of fortified fish oil. Leave the mask on for fifteen minutes, then remove with a cold decoction of parsley. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream. Or potato mask: one small peeled potato, boiled in its jacket, mash and combine with egg yolk, adding a little milk. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

In addition to external care, our lifestyle is important to maintain youth and skin tone. In particular, the skin needs water, so it is necessary to drink clean water every day, at least one and a half liters a day. It is very important to maintain a sleep schedule and sleep at least eight hours a day.

Since over the years the epidermis loses its ability to retain moisture as keratinization processes slow down, peelings are necessary for normal cell renewal. They should be carried out once a week, in the summer you can do two for oily skin.

Hormonal balance also affects the renewal of collagen and elastin fibers. Samototropin or growth hormone is produced by the body only in a state of sleep. Estrogens promote the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, and progesterone slows down the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Therefore, it is very important to control your hormonal balance.

The saturation of the skin with essential vitamins also affects its tone. Vitamins C, A, E not only participate in antioxidant protection, but also influence the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Massage stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, preventing the formation of deep folds and wrinkles and skin aging. Facial massage should be entrusted to professionals, otherwise you can stretch the skin if it is performed incorrectly. A massage course includes ten to fifteen procedures. Such courses must be done two to three times a year.

While showering, use an anti-cellulite washcloth to make your skin slightly red. After this, it should be lubricated with eucalyptus, grapefruit or lavender oil. It is recommended to rub the oil into problem areas and areas where stretch marks appear (belly, hips, sides, chest). When applying oils, a slight tingling sensation may occur. The effect of the procedure is noticeable within a month: it improves skin tone and increases its elasticity. In addition, this procedure is a good prevention of stretch marks.

Of all sports, swimming gives a good effect. Water aerobics is especially popular today. Its essence lies in the fact that standing in water up to your shoulders, you perform various exercises under the guidance of an experienced instructor or coach. Such exercises in water not only improve skin tone, but also help you lose weight. I tested it on myself, it really works. The load on the muscles is carried out comprehensively. It is enough to exercise for forty minutes two or three times a week to keep yourself and your skin in great shape. Here are some exercises you can do on your own: while standing in the water, jump in one place; holding the side with your hands, perform “scissors” with your feet; make wide swings of your legs back and forth, left and right.

Pouring with cold water.
First, you need to douse yourself with lukewarm water, lowering its temperature by a degree every day. This procedure stimulates blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on all internal organs, tones the skin and the entire body as a whole. Pouring cold water is especially beneficial for the chest. Thanks to this procedure, you will maintain the elasticity and shape of your lip for many years. Another tonic procedure is a contrast shower (alternating warm and cool water).

Bathhouse and home aroma baths.
The bath is one of the best methods of getting rid of cellulite and excess weight, while the skin receives only positive effects. Once a week you should definitely go to the bathhouse. To make it more fun, take your friends with you. At home, aromatic baths are recommended. In particular, clary sage oil is an excellent antidepressant. This bath will relieve fatigue and tension, improving your mood.

For example, you can prepare a bath with honey, milk and rose oil. Heat a liter of milk until hot, pour into it a cup of honey melted in advance using a water bath and two tablespoons of rose oil. Since rose oil is not a cheap treat to waste by the spoonful, you can make it yourself. To do this, pour a glass of dry rose petals with a glass of vegetable oil and place in a water bath. After two hours, strain the mixture. Can be used for baths.

Baths with the addition of sea salt have a good effect. Their regular use significantly improves skin condition. Usually they are taken once every two days for fifteen minutes. The water temperature should not exceed forty degrees.

The wrapping procedure should be done after taking a bath or shower, this will improve skin nutrition. Before the procedure, the skin should be cleansed with a homemade scrub made from cream and fine salt or coffee grounds. Apply the composition onto the body with massage movements and then rinse off. For wrapping, it is effective to use healing mud from the Dead Sea, seaweed, honey with salt and cinnamon. The composition is applied to problem areas, wrapped in cling film on top, over which they put on warm shorts or tights, or lie down under a warm blanket. After half an hour, the composition should be washed off. It is recommended to do the wrapping procedure twice a week.

Masks at home.
Toning masks made from natural products will cope with the problem of skin aging better than any expensive product.

Fold several layers of gauze, soak it in watermelon juice and apply it to your face and neck for twenty minutes. Then wash your face and apply nourishing cream. This mask tones oily and dry skin.

The same mask can be made with grape juice. The procedure should be carried out two to three times a week.

To tone dry and normal skin, combine egg yolk with chopped lemon zest, close the lid and leave for fifteen minutes. After this, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the composition. Apply the mixture evenly and thickly to your face and leave until completely dry. Remove the mixture using a napkin soaked in parsley juice. Finally, apply a cold compress (moisten a terry towel in cold water).

Masks made from fresh strawberries, wild strawberries and cucumber tighten the skin well and vitaminize it. Apply a paste of any of the listed ingredients for twenty minutes, then rinse with cold water and apply a nourishing cream. Suitable for any skin type, but normal and dry skin should be lubricated with a nourishing cream before the procedure.

Grate the green apple on a fine grater. Combine the resulting mass with beaten egg white. Apply to skin for twenty minutes.

Grate two medium carrots on a fine grater. Add a teaspoon of olive oil or full-fat sour cream to the resulting mass.

It should be noted that skin turgor depends on the state of subcutaneous fat, which becomes thinner over the years and sinks down under the influence of gravity. Only plastic surgery can correct this unpleasant problem. However, good results can be obtained with regular exercise for the facial muscles, which strengthens the muscles and naturally tightens the skin.

And the last thing that should be noted to maintain skin tone is its saturation with oxygen. Lack of oxygen in skin cells slows down the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, fresh air is important to maintain tone. If for some reason you rarely spend time outdoors, we can recommend ozone therapy, which has a number of effective procedures (injections, injections, masks).

Cosmetology procedures.
One of the most effective cosmetic methods for improving skin tone is mesotherapy. Through injections, active substances are introduced intradermally into problem areas. As a result, cellular metabolism and tissue regeneration are enhanced.

Hardware cosmetology for the body.
To improve the tone of the body's skin, the hardware method of endermology (LPG), based on vacuum roller massage, is recommended. This method not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also reduces fat deposits, providing a general strengthening and healing effect. Before the procedure, the patient puts on a special suit that helps create maximum contact with the rollers to ensure uniform treatment of the tissues throughout their entire depth. The strength of the device is calculated taking into account the condition of the skin and the wishes of the patient. One procedure takes about half an hour.

Another method is microcurrent therapy, which stimulates the functioning of skin cells. Thanks to the procedure, lymphatic drainage and active division of collagen and elastin fibers are carried out inside the skin, ensuring its elasticity and firmness.

Do not think that this problem can be solved in an elementary way. In addition to cosmetics and procedures, patience is required. We consulted with an expert and are sharing our knowledge. A list of useful cosmetics is attached.

  1. What is skin tone
  2. How to check skin tone
  3. How to improve skin tone
  4. How to improve facial skin tone with daily care
  5. How to restore body skin tone
  6. Review of effective skin tone products

What is skin tone

This question cannot be answered in one sentence, because the concept of tone includes three parameters that depend on the state of the main proteins of the dermis:

turgor - that is, the ability to resist deformation;

hydration - the level of moisture in the epidermis;

metabolic rate - it affects complexion and smoothness of the skin.

Skin tone is a flexible concept © iStock

“Close to tone is the concept of “density,” that is, the thickness and strength of the skin,” says Vichy expert Elena Eliseeva. — Density is very dependent on the hormonal balance in the body. For example, a drop in estrogen levels inevitably causes degradation of matrix proteins, decreased elasticity and tissue atony.

In general, tone is the overall good condition of the skin: beautiful appearance, softness, normal cellular metabolism and free breathing of tissues.”

How to check skin tone

There are several tests that can be used to determine whether your skin has lost tone or not. Elena Eliseeva recommends such a check.

Pinch the skin on the back of your hand, forming a fold with your fingers (not your nails!). Does it smooth out almost immediately after you release the skin? So everything is fine. After a couple of seconds, is there still a grip mark on your hand? We need to take action. If after 5-6 seconds the trace is still noticeable, the measures must be serious and comprehensive.

Pinch your cheek at the level of the zygomatic arch. If “patting the cheek” is easy, the skin is grabbed and held without difficulty - this indicates that the tissues have lost density (this happens at the age of 45+ and is accompanied by a change in the contour of the face) or the general turgor of the skin is reduced (this does not depend on age) .

How to improve skin tone

It seems that there is not a single problem related to the condition and quality of the skin that could be solved by bypassing moisturizer. Insufficient hydration of both the epidermis and the body as a whole is one of the main causes of loss of skin tone. How to increase it? First of all, eliminate the moisture deficiency.

1. Strengthen skin barrier functions, to avoid transepidermal fluid loss. When the integrity of the stratum corneum is compromised, water quickly evaporates.

How to improve facial skin tone with daily care

So, we have learned that the skin needs to be moisturized not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Have you poured yourself a glass of water yet? Then you can start talking about cosmetics.

Skin tone products perform multiple tasks © iStock

Explore lines that promise to restore skin tone and elasticity. Typically, such products contain several categories of substances.

1. Hydraulic clamps - the first thing that atonic, dull skin needs. Among them:

2. Antioxidants - antioxidant additives. As a rule, they have tonic properties. These include:

3. Drainage components important for night care. They will help avoid swelling:

It is effective to use several moisturizers at once: cream, serum, mask. And don’t forget about regular renewal care - exfoliation with scrubs or peelings.

How to restore body skin tone

Dealing with the problem of skin laxity on the body is somewhat more difficult than with the face. Different areas of the body have their own characteristics and require a specific approach. It will take more effort and time, but the result will please you.


A well-known way to combat cellulite and sagging thighs is to apply hot, cold or neutral mixtures based on algae, natural mud, and caffeine.


There is little that can compare in effectiveness to the touch of human hands, provided that these are the hands of a competent craftsman. Massage improves blood circulation, metabolic processes, tissue nutrition and, as a result, improves skin tone.

Cold and hot shower

Pouring cool water stimulates blood flow and metabolic processes, “invigorates” the skin, which also has a beneficial effect on its tone.

Scrub and peeling

Exfoliation is an essential step in body care.

Gel and cream

Body shaping cosmetics strengthen tissues.

Anti-cellulite products improve microcirculation and remove excess fluid.

Nourishing creams and oil-based milks increase skin elasticity.

By strengthening your muscles, you improve the tone of your body's skin © IStock

If you decide to get down to business seriously, then you will have to strengthen your muscles. After all, if the muscle corset is weakened, the tissues lose their tone and sag. Give yourself at least minimal physical activity - let it be simple walking.

Review of effective skin tone products


Light cream Aqualia Thermal “Dynamic hydration”, Vichy, purposefully works to provide sustainable skin hydration and uniform distribution of moisture in tissues.

Aquabioril creates a protective film on the surface.

Hyaluronic acid saturates cells with moisture.

L-carrageenan regulates hydroexchange.

As a result, well-hydrated skin acquires elasticity and tone.

Cream for normal and dry skin Substiane Riche, La Roche-Posay, works to increase tone and density, eliminates dryness and dehydration, as it contains oils and patented molecules that stimulate skin cells.

Day moisturizer “Youthful glow 25+”, Garnier, proves that the solution to the problem of loss of tone begins with high-quality hydration and stimulation of cellular processes. This mission is carried out by “plant cells of youth”, hydrofixatives and caffeine extract.


Concentrate serum that intensively moisturizes the skin and smoothes its texture, Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate, Kiehl’s: “liquid serum” technology gives this product the ability to overcome the stratum corneum of the epidermis and retain moisture in the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes firm and elastic. Contains 15% vegetable glycerin and shiso leaf extract.

Energy activator Énergie De Vie, Lancôme, with three powerful antioxidants (extracts of French lemon balm, cranberry and ginseng) and a high concentration of moisturizing agents in the composition awakens the strength of tired skin and restores its freshness, radiance, and tone.

Antioxidant serum for oily skin Phloretin CF, SkinCeuticals - a proprietary trio of antioxidants will protect the skin from stress and environmental toxins, that is, improve its appearance and significantly increase its density.


Night hyaluro-mask Revitalift Filler [ha], L’Oreal Paris - spheres with low molecular weight (fragmented) hyaluronic acid penetrate the epidermis and seem to straighten the skin from the inside, filling it with moisture. Hence - tone, volume, elasticity.

Night mask that restores skin elasticity, Aquasource Everplump Night, Biotherm: The dark blue product restores elasticity and density to the skin overnight, filling it with moisture and refreshing with the help of special algae cultivated in the dark.

For body

Firm Corrector, Biotherm, firming and modeling product has reasonable ambitions to increase skin tone by 25% in two weeks.

Firming body milk "Ultraelasticity", Garnier, contains seaweed extracts and phytocaffeine, which means it removes excess fluid and stimulates collagen production in the skin. The result is predictable - elasticity and fit.