Massage for swollen eyes

Lymphatic drainage is a procedure that allows you to speed up currents and avoid the accumulation of lymph in certain areas of the body. In the cosmetology environment, the most common is lymphatic drainage massage for swelling under the eyes, the formation of which is caused by stagnant fluid in the lymphatic vessels. The problem is very common, so every woman needs to master the technique of this procedure. Lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes is a way to maintain the beauty and youth of your skin, let's talk about it. After all, what woman wouldn’t want to know how to massage dark circles under the eyes?

Benefits of drainage massage under the eyes

Due to poor lifestyle, lack of sleep and physical activity, lymphatic vessels become clogged. Liquid, toxins and other harmful substances begin to accumulate in them. This leads first to the appearance of dark circles in the area around the eyes, then to the formation of swelling and accelerated aging of the skin.

Proper and regular massage under the eyes stimulates fluid circulation in the tissues. This has a beneficial effect on both the condition of the skin and its ability to regenerate. In addition, cell activity increases, which helps prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and make the skin more toned and elastic.

The tone of the eye muscles also increases. The eye's ability to accommodate, speed of reaction and focusing are significantly increased thanks to this procedure. It’s also a great way to relieve stress after a day spent at the computer or after any work that requires visual concentration. In general, a massage for the eyes, against circles under the eyes, to maintain youth and beauty is a complete benefit in everything.

Massage for wrinkles under the eyes is especially effective for women over 25 years of age. During this period, the skin condition noticeably deteriorates and needs support. How can massage help? Remove wrinkles under the eyes and relieve tension on the optic nerve. At the same time, you should not be afraid of side effects, the procedure is completely safe.

But remember about existing contraindications. Lymphatic drainage massage for circles under the eyes will be useless if the swelling is caused by complex (possibly chronic) diseases. In case of serious abnormalities in the functioning of the visual organs, such as glaucoma, it is also better to refrain from this procedure.

How to do drainage massage under the eyes?

All techniques are divided into two main types - manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes. The first can be carried out both by specialist cosmetologists and at home. The hardware type is available only in specialized clinics and beauty salons. Any city will give you the opportunity to try such a massage to eliminate bags under the eyes (Penza and Moscow including). At the same time, the effectiveness of either type is not inferior to the opponent.

Hardware procedures are carried out using special medical techniques: microcurrent therapy, radiofrequency exposure, electrophoresis and many others. Due to such a wide range of methods of influence, this type of procedure has significantly more contraindications than manual ones. However, in some cases, only hardware intervention can correct problems in the functioning of the body’s lymphatic and hydroexchange systems. In any case, going to a salon and having a hardware massage against bags under the eyes requires consultation with specialists (an ophthalmologist and a dermatologist in the first place).

The manual type is more common. These techniques are mentioned in the medical collections of Ancient China and in the manuscripts of Tibetan healers. That’s why today there are so many ways and techniques of manual massage for wrinkles under the eyes. By the way, these same techniques are also used to improve the flow of lymph throughout the body, and not just on the face. Any woman can perform manual lymphatic drainage massage at home.

Massage technique for bruises under the eyes

In order for the procedure to proceed correctly, you need to know the location of the special points that need to be affected. But it is even more important to know the correct massage technique for dark circles under the eyes. Here cosmetologists from the Land of the Rising Sun come to the aid of the fair half of humanity. To combat this problem, the Japanese technique is most often used, based on the work of the body’s lymphatic system.

The technology is very simple, and massage for bruises under the eyes will not take much time. It is necessary, moving along the massage lines, to lightly massage the skin in a circular motion. These lines run along the lines of the eyelids. Along the upper eyelid you should move from the bridge of the nose to the temples, and along the lower eyelid, on the contrary, from the corner of the eye to the center of the face. Movements should be smooth and soft. Start and end the procedure by lightly tapping the subeyebrow area, and pressing harder on the inner corner of the eye.

Be careful! The skin in this area is very delicate. Pressing too hard will turn the massage from under-eye circles into torture for your face.

Another type of massage for dark circles under the eyes

Before trying this method, become thoroughly familiar with the location of the treatment points in the area around the eyes. This type of massage is called acupressure, since the effect is on certain places. Before the procedure, wash your face with cool water and let your facial muscles relax thoroughly.

Points for facial massage from circles under the eyes are concentrated in the temple area, at the inner corner of the eye and along the growth line of the lower eyelashes. Cosmetologists and massage therapists recommend applying light pats and pressure, avoiding linear movements.

A more complex version of drainage massage for circles under the eyes

This is the same acupressure drainage massage under the eyes, only instead of fingertips, ordinary spoons are used here. Decide on the size of the tools yourself, the main thing is that you are comfortable. The spoons must be heated, but not too much, no more than 40 degrees. Apply them to the same areas as described in the previous method.

The difficulty lies in maintaining the temperature of the instruments at all times. The metal cools down quickly enough, and all the benefit lies precisely in the heat emanating from it. Be careful not to get burned!

Lymphatic drainage massage for bags under the eyes

Facial massage for puffiness under the eyes allows you not only to get rid of bruises, but also from swelling of this part of the face. The procedure carried out precisely for this purpose is a little more complicated and we will consider it in more detail. How to remove bags under the eyes with massage? In fact, there are a lot of techniques and methods. Each cosmetologist does everything differently. But the principle of influence is always the same, so you can derive an “average” formula for proper massage around the eyes. Here are the detailed instructions:

  1. First, thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and other impurities. Massage for puffy eyes requires allowing the skin to breathe freely. It is advisable to use special cleansers. When selecting foams and gels, consider your skin type, age and individual characteristics (allergies);
  2. On cleansed skin, apply a special cream/serum/mask specifically for this area. Moisturize and nourish the eye area. Again, choose the means purely individually;
  3. We begin the massage itself against swelling under the eyes. At the same time, at the right and left temple, make 10 circular movements with the pads of your index and middle fingers. Perform clockwise rotations at the outermost corner of the eye;
  4. along the lower eyelid, make a series of light pressures with the same fingertips. You should move from the corner to the nose. The skin should not bunch up or wrinkle when pressed. Repeat three times on both sides at the same time;
  5. do the same for the upper eyelid. But you need to move in the opposite direction, from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Do three approaches;
  6. Apply a little more moisturizer, this will help prevent stretching of the skin while you perform a lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffy eyes. Now, place the pads of four fingers, located vertically, parallel to the nose, to the lower eyelid. Press on the skin for 5-7 seconds, and then repeat the previous step;
  7. Use the pad of your middle finger to “roll” along the lower eyelid. To do this, place your finger edgewise to the outer corner, with the pad to your nose and with a rotational movement, turn it towards your nose with your nail. With such rolling movements, walk to the inner edge of the eye;
  8. press with your middle finger on the outer corner of the eye, and after patting, walk along the protruding bone under the eye, continue moving along the eyebrow, returning to the temple. Repeat 5 such circles to massage bags under the eyes;
  9. With light rotational gestures we move along the perimeter of the eye sockets - along the protruding part of the cheekbone from below and along the eyebrows from above. Repeat 5 times;
  10. perform a series of pats in the same direction as described in the previous paragraph;
  11. We complete the massage for swelling under the eyes by washing again. Only this time you will have to spend a little more time on it. You need to do something like a contrast bath for your face: spend 10 seconds in cool water, 10 in warm water. It is best to continue this step for 3-4 minutes to give your facial muscles a rest and your skin to regain its tone.

It is not recommended to take breaks between exercises; all actions should follow each other continuously. Massage for bags under the eyes is effective only if all exercises are repeated regularly.

Some more tips on how to get rid of bags under the eyes

The duration of a procedure such as lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes should not exceed 10–20 minutes. It must be carried out regularly to achieve the desired effect in a shorter time. It is advisable to do it every day in the morning. It is not recommended to perform a set of exercises before going to bed, since during sleep the body rests, and accelerated lymph flows will not allow it.

You can accompany a massage course for bags under the eyes by rubbing with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile, nettle or calendula; this will give your skin additional vitamins and nutrients (and, of course, will help you wake up refreshed in the morning).

After you see the desired result in the mirror, reduce the massage under the eyes to the level of a preventive measure. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week. And remember, to maintain the health and beauty of your skin, one massage is not enough. Try to always get enough sleep, eat right (also reduce the amount of salt you consume), and be as active as possible during the day. Otherwise, lymphatic drainage massage for bags under the eyes will not bring much benefit.

Do not overdo this procedure and do drainage massage under the eyes constantly. Swelling after a party with heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages or simply from excess moisture in the body is not yet a reason to resort to these techniques.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that this procedure, like any other, requires attention and concentration. Do not take breaks in the course of the procedures, follow all the rules described and do not rush to finish everything quickly. The skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive and delicate and can be easily damaged. This means you need to be extremely careful when performing lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes. Videos, of which there are many on the Internet, will clearly show all the tricks and secrets.

If you doubt the correctness of your actions, contact a specialist. A competent cosmetologist will not only do a massage for bags under the eyes correctly, but will also tell you how and what to do. Be attentive to your skin and love yourself!

Due to poor nutrition, weakened immunity and other reasons, the problem of swelling under the eyes arises. A facial massage will help you cope with this problem.

Introducing top 3 massages whose effects have been proven over the years.

Lymphatic drainage

This procedure has been popular over the past few years. The beneficial effects on the skin and the body have been known for a long time. Lymphatic drainage massage is classified into several groups: Japanese, manual and hardware. They differ in technique, duration of sessions and equipment. However, the effect remains the same. The procedure costs from five to twenty dollars per session. In addition to visiting salons, you can perform the procedure at home.

After five sessions, the first effect will be noticeable. The full course lasts a maximum of twenty sessions. By then, lymphatic drainage massage will help eliminate the following problems:

· swelling under the eyes;

· uneven skin tone;

· bruises and circles under the eyes;

Unhealthy skin.

Massage with spoons

Massage with spoons is another effective way to say goodbye to puffiness under the eyes for a long time. This technique is often used in European and Japanese medicine. Using a spoon, you can independently get rid of wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, swelling and unevenness of the face.

To carry out the procedure, you will need to take two or four dessert spoons. Alternatively, cutlery or teaware will work. The best effect will be achieved by using silver spoons, since silver has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The technique is simple; you need to move spoons along massage lines on your face. Alternating circular movements with light pressure will only contribute to the resorption of swelling. The main thing is that it doesn't hurt. Such movements stimulate blood circulation - saturate the skin with oxygen and beneficial microelements.


This procedure is quite ancient, as it dates back to the times of the ancient East. Massage was used not only to improve the condition of the face, but also to treat diseases. Just click on the desired points on the human body.

Acupressure is best done in a beauty salon. Because only professionals know where and on what point to press in order to create a positive effect, and not vice versa - to aggravate the situation. After just three sessions, the skin will become tightened, elastic, without wrinkles, swelling, bruises and other things. The full course lasts a maximum of ten sessions, after which the girls become at least five years younger.

You can get rid of puffiness under the eyes with the help of pleasant procedures. Massages will eliminate not only one painful problem, but also many other, minor troubles that also affect the condition of the skin.

Swelling often occurs in both women and men. Swelling can occur as a result of lack of sleep, drinking too much fluid before bed, kidney disease, and a number of other diseases.

If there are no serious health problems, then a special massage can help get rid of such an unpleasant drawback as swelling.

What information will you find out:

Carrying out a massage for swelling at home

Regular facial massage helps improve hemodynamics and lymph flow, stimulates cell activity and increases the tone of the facial muscles. Thanks to these properties, massage effectively eliminates swelling. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the time of day does not matter.

Lymphatic drainage massage method


Lymphatic drainage massage is performed once every 2 days.

  1. Apply cream or special oil for massage to the skin of the face and neck;
  2. easily run along the neck with your fingertips from bottom to top;
  3. We make stroking movements, then rubbing, moving from the chin to the earlobes;
  4. move to the corners of the lips and massage the line leading to the temples;
  5. after that we move from the wings of the nose to the middle of the forehead, and then to the temples from the eyebrow line;
  6. massage the temples from bottom to top.



Acupressure and lymphatic drainage massage

This type of massage is also known as Shiatsu massage. It is considered most effective against edema.

  1. Apply 3 fingers to the eyebrow line and press for 7 seconds;
  2. press in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes with two fingers, trying to make an upward movement;
  3. Using 2 fingers, press 3 times for no more than 3 seconds in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes.

Massage against puffiness under the eyes


Massage against puffiness under the eyes is very simple

Massage against puffiness under the eyes is very simple to perform and is done as follows.

  1. dip your fingertips in olive oil, then draw a line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner;
  2. closing our eyelids, we make tapping movements on them;
  3. We hold our fingers on our eyelids and try to open our eyes;
  4. We keep our eyes closed and slightly pull our eyelids back with our fingers.

Massage against swelling on the cheekbones


Facial massage for the appearance of cheekbones

Massage with spoons

Massage using spoons will help eliminate swelling on the cheekbones. This type of massage also tightens the skin.

  1. take 2 metal spoons and cool them by immersing them in cold water, you can also keep the cutlery in a container with ice;
  2. Using chilled spoons, make light stroking touches, moving from the temples to the wings of the nose;
  3. If the spoons become warm, cool them again.

Massage for swelling with fingers

A massage for swelling on the cheekbones begins with applying a special cream to the skin. Massage movements are carried out only with your fingertips using light touches.

How to massage:

  1. We begin to massage by tapping with our fingers in the area around the eyes and on the cheekbones, moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer;
  2. under the lower eyelid and on the cheekbones, tapping is repeated 2 times, massage until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

Anti-wrinkle massage technique


Anti-wrinkle massage

First, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in cosmetic tonic, then apply the cream in a circular motion to the skin.

It is known that in beauty salons talc is used instead of cream for plastic massage. This is necessary if there is irritation or pigmentation on the skin.

After applying the cream, you need to sit for a while without doing anything so that the facial muscles completely relax. We warm our palms by frequently rubbing them together.

We perform massage movements with a frequency of 8–10 times. The procedure should not take more than 10-15 minutes. You can do a facial massage with your own hands every day for two weeks.

Cosmetic massage for wrinkles is carried out in stages: forehead, around the eyes, nasolabial folds, chin, cheeks.

Massage against vertical wrinkles on the forehead:

  1. Place your fingers on the center of your forehead. We begin to press with the pads of our fingers on the skin, draw a line from the center of the forehead to the temples;
  2. then from the temples we move back to the center of the forehead, but without pressing. We repeat the massage movements 10 times.

Massage against wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. We place our index fingers on both sides of the bridge of the nose, the eyelids are closed. Alternating pressure, we move our fingertips from the bridge of the nose to the brow ridges. If there is swelling of the eyelids, massage will help remove accumulated moisture;
  2. if you periodically gently massage the area behind the lobes, you can prevent congestion - a common cause of the formation of bags under the eyes;
  3. press with equal force along the line leading from the outer corner of the eye to the middle of the ear. We repeat the pressure along the line between the points in the corner of the eye and the upper tip of the ear.

Massage against the formation of nasolabial folds

Place 2 fingers in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and press several times.

Massage against wrinkles in the chin area:

  1. press with your thumbs in a circular motion in the chin area;
  2. make stroking movements from the middle of the chin to the ears;
  3. We support the chin with bent wrists so that the pads of the fingers are near the ears, and carefully massage the lower jaw from the sides and bottom with our fingers.

Anti-wrinkle cheek massage:

  1. We make light blows in the cheek area with the tips of four fingers;
  2. We make arched strokes towards the ears and neck;
  3. puff out your cheeks, stroke the skin of your cheeks in a circle from the corners of your mouth to your temples.

Video: facial massage with spoons for swelling - effect in a couple of days