Dry brush massage for stretch marks

To have smooth and elastic skin, a slender, toned figure, you don’t have to spend large sums, visit fashionable salons or wait months in line to see a highly advertised specialist. You can take care of your beauty and health without outside help by mastering affordable and safe body care methods. This is what drybrushing or massage with a dry brush is.

The technology, which appeared in the East thousands of years ago, does not require special expenses, knowledge and skill, but at the same time it amazes with incredible efficiency. Famous top models Cindy Crawford, Miranda Kerr, Italian diva Monica Bellucci believe that they owe the beauty of their body to this procedure. It's time for you to get to know the rubbing technique better and include it in your daily routine.

Benefits and results

Time flies inexorably: before you have time to look back, the 30-year mark has already been passed. During this period, the first age-related changes begin to appear:

  1. Due to decreased production of collagen and elastin, the skin loses its elasticity.
  2. The number of cells producing melanin decreases, which causes the formation of age spots.
  3. The first wrinkles appear.


  4. Due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, the epidermis becomes thinner and more vulnerable, many complain of dryness and flaking.
  5. The subcutaneous fat layer thins, cheeks sag, jowls appear, and the corners of the lips and eyes droop.

Unfortunately, old age cannot be avoided, but daily massaging the body with a dry brush will help delay its approach, and at the same time eliminate a number of other problems. As a result of the procedure:

  1. Blood flow increases, improving access to tissues of nutrients and oxygen, eliminating congestion in the body.
  2. Non-viable exfoliated cells are mechanically removed, the skin is cleansed, its texture is evened out, the regeneration process is activated, and the depth of wrinkles is reduced.


Photo: before and after massage treatments

Judging by the reviews, dry massage delivers a lot of pleasant sensations, relaxes the body and nervous system, and fights stress, depression, and emotional stress.


Be careful: even such a seemingly harmless procedure has a number of prohibitions. First of all, this:

  1. damage to the integrity of the epidermis: cuts, wounds, abrasions, bruises;
  2. inflammatory diseases, rashes;
  3. dermatitis;
  4. psoriasis;
  5. varicose veins;
  6. moles, papillomas, nevi;
  7. thin and sensitive skin;
  8. increased body temperature;
  9. acute stage of an infectious disease.


During the massage course, you should limit your exposure to the sun and avoid visiting the solarium. Rubbing with a brush exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, causing the skin to become thinner and more vulnerable. Even a small dose of ultraviolet rays after the procedure can harm a person, causing severe burns.

How to do a massage correctly

It seems that it could be simpler than regular brushing. You will be surprised, but this massage has many subtleties, and the technique changes depending on the location of the effect, the condition and health characteristics of the patient.

During pregnancy

Not every type of massage is suitable for an expectant mother. Rubbing the body with a dry brush is precisely the procedure that will not harm the fetus and will significantly improve the woman’s well-being.


The fact is that during pregnancy the load on the expectant mother’s body increases significantly. Hence the pain and heaviness in the back and legs, swelling, stretch marks on the stomach and hips. A regular brush with natural bristles will help combat these unpleasant phenomena:

  1. We begin the massage from the foot: with light movements we stroke the sole from the toes to the heel, along the outer surface we move towards the ankle joint, creating an outflow of lymphatic fluid.
  2. Using the same techniques, we work the lower leg and outer thigh, following the direction of the massage lines.
  3. We go through the upper chest area with smoothing movements from the center to the shoulders.
  4. We work the back from the lumbar region towards the nearby axillary lymph nodes.
  5. We rub our hands along the lymph flow.

You will learn more about performing these techniques in the video.

Massage of the abdominal area causes a lot of controversy among specialists. Some believe that this procedure should be prohibited for pregnant women, others argue that light stroking will be the best prevention of the appearance of stretch marks.

In any case, you should not proceed with the procedure without first consulting your doctor, who will assess all existing risks and give professional recommendations.

It is important to know that the skin on the face is very thin and delicate, as it is practically devoid of fat, and is also very susceptible to stretching. Inept actions will not eliminate the problem, but rather will only make it worse. Therefore, before massaging with a dry brush, carefully read the instructions and rules for its implementation.

To begin, thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup. The massage is performed lying down: in this position it is possible to relax the muscles as much as possible and achieve a good result from the procedure. Light sweeping movements are performed strictly in the direction of lymph flow: from the center line to the sides in the forehead and chin or diagonally on the cheeks.


The lymph node itself is not massaged. The face should turn pink. An intense red color indicates the wrong choice of brush, too much force, or growing health problems. The first sessions last 3-4 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 7-8 minutes. The procedure is repeated 2 times a week. After the massage, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water and apply a soothing mask or cream to your face.


It is worth considering that during the session, keratinized scales literally fall off the face, so it is better to carry out the procedure in the bathroom. Another important point is the cleanliness of the brush. It should be thoroughly washed and dried after each session, otherwise there is a risk of introducing bacteria and causing inflammation of the skin.


Poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, sedentary lifestyle, and aging of the body lead to excess accumulation of fat. Especially a lot of it collects on the stomach, thighs, buttocks and shoulders. Over time, swelling forms here, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes uneven, resembling an orange peel in structure.

But this can be corrected - just take several courses of massage with a dry brush to get rid of the signs of cellulite and gain even and smooth skin. The main condition of the procedure is that all movements must be carried out along the lymph flow, from the periphery to the heart area in the following order:

After the procedure, drink a glass of water, take a shower and apply a special anti-cellulite cream to the skin to enhance the healing effect of rubbing.


The stomach is the most vulnerable part of the body. And not only because the most important internal organs are located here, protected only by the anterior abdominal wall. It is in this area that the most fatty tissue accumulates. The subcutaneous layer - the one that we can grab and pull back along with the skin - spoils the figure, but does not pose a great threat to the body, and is easily removed with the help of diets, exercise and massage. Much more dangerous is the deep-lying visceral fat, which entwines the internal organs, disrupts their functioning and sometimes leads to serious consequences.

Of course, dry rubbing does not have a direct effect on fat capsules. But they are actively burning due to a locally increased temperature, increased blood flow, and increased metabolism.

Excess weight and cellulite are not the only indications for massage with a dry brush. The procedure helps when digestive problems appear: bloating, constipation, colic, impaired peristalsis.

The abdomen is massaged clockwise with soft, smooth movements until slight redness occurs.

How to use a drainage brush

It is no coincidence that brushes for dry massage are called drainage brushes. With their help, muscle fibers are activated, acting as a kind of pump and forcing the lymphatic fluid to move through the vessels, neutralizing harmful substances and taking with them decay products.


The main thing is to adhere to a certain technique of influence:

Let's start with the feet. We work the feet and legs with straight-line movements from bottom to top. We rub our knees in a circle. We increase the pressure on the hips by massaging the surface in different directions, shown in the figure below. This does not apply to the internal area, which requires particularly careful handling: after all, large main vessels are located here, damage to which is life-threatening. Gently rub the stomach clockwise. We go through the lower part of the back with direct sweeping movements from bottom to top, from the collar area we move in the opposite direction, towards the heart. We work on the arms following the trajectory of hand–forearm–shoulder. Particular attention is paid to the palms and the reflex points located on them. At the end of the session, massage the delicate skin of the upper chest and neck with smooth sliding movements.

All movements are carried out strictly along the lymphatic system, according to the scheme:

The groin, popliteal fossa, mammary glands and axillary area are not touched.

The body is worked out evenly, alternately making the same number of movements, first on the left and then on the right side. The strength of the impact is adjusted individually and depends on the condition of the skin and the threshold of pain sensitivity. After a skillfully performed lymphatic drainage massage, there are no scratches left, and the skin acquires a delicate pink tint.

Features of choosing a brush

As you know, demand creates supply. The popularity of dry rubbing has led to the emergence of many different types of massage brushes.


Reliable drainage brushes for drybrushing are produced by Wishmore. They have a range of kits with a dense thick coating of varying hardness.


Set of 3 gradual effect brushes Wishmore Complete.


When buying one of these for home use, pay attention to:

  1. Stubble. It can be natural or synthetic. The basis for the first type is sisal, cactus, palm or animal hair. The advantages of such brushes are that they have medium hardness, do not cause allergies, eliminate rubbing, scratches and irritation, and are perfect for beginners. For those whose skin is not particularly sensitive, thin and delicate, samples with synthetic nylon bristles are suitable. More rigid, they allow you to achieve results faster.
  2. Base material. Wooden brushes are considered the safest - they are stronger, more durable and environmentally friendly, unlike plastic or silicone ones.
  3. Form. Round or oval brushes with a handle on the back are suitable for working on the limbs and abdomen. It will be more convenient to massage your back with a brush with a long handle. Rough mittens worn on your hands will allow you to reach hard-to-reach places.


  4. Size. For facial massage, you should choose small toothbrushes similar to toothbrushes. For large surfaces of the body, larger devices with a significant coverage area are suitable.

The low price of brushes, ranging from 500 rubles, makes the technique even more accessible and attractive to everyone who wants to have a healthy and beautiful body.

Skin care tips before and after the procedure

In order to get smooth, young, elastic skin with a healthy glow after a rubbing massage session, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is not recommended to use any cosmetic products before the procedure.
  2. When it comes to facial massage, it is important to thoroughly remove makeup.


  3. Rubbing should be carried out with a dry brush over a dry body, otherwise irritation of the skin cannot be avoided.
  4. During the massage, the keratinized particles of the epidermis are exfoliated, so after the procedure they need to be washed off the surface of the skin with warm water.
  5. It is very good to take a contrast shower, changing the temperature of the stream several times.

Afterwards, you should apply any soothing product you are familiar with to your skin: lotion, gel, cream, serum. The effect of anti-cellulite massage will be enhanced by fat burners: emulsions or special oils with the addition of essential components. After the detox program, any cosmetics are undesirable. The best way to help your body is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon.

Noticeable positive changes will appear after the first sessions of dry rubbing massage. They will be the incentive for you to work long and hard, the result of which will be a blooming appearance and ideal health.

Greetings, dear girls. Just recently I read an article in a magazine about the famous former model Cindy Crawford. For many years of my youth, she was for me the standard of female beauty. At 53 years old, her figure remains impeccable.

According to her, drybrushing helps her deal with orange peel. In simple words, this is a massage with a dry brush against cellulite. This method is also used by such film stars as Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz.

Well, if celebrities do such a massage against cellulite, I think we should also start this procedure.

Is drybrushing effective?

This method of fighting for healthy and beautiful skin is known to our grandmothers. But we are lucky that we have no problems choosing a massage brush. On AliExpress you can purchase a tool suitable for your dermis.

The advantages of this procedure are as follows:

  1. dead cells are exfoliated and the regeneration process of the dermis is activated;
  2. excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is reduced;
  3. muscle tone increases;
  4. the amount of cellulite decreases;
  5. stretch marks and acne disappear;
  6. Ingrown hairs are prevented.

The advantages of such a massage are significant. But there are still some contraindications. It is prohibited to do it: with severe varicose veins, high blood pressure, with a fungal infection on the skin, with wounds and cuts, in the groin area, in the chest and heart area.

Abdominal massage should not be done during pregnancy. Girls expecting a baby are better off using essential oils. Their use in home cosmetics will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks and orange peel.

Choosing a tool

Massage on a dry body should be done with a high-quality brush made from natural materials. Wood is used to make the handle. The bristles can also be artificial. The thickness of the bristly tufts should be at least 4 mm, and the length of the pile should be from 20 mm.

Choose a brush of medium hardness. A soft one will have no effect, but a hard one will injure the skin. There should be no scratches left after the procedure is completed.

If the brush is correctly selected, then a rush of blood to the dermis occurs after 6 - 7 massage movements. Buy a quality tool. There should be no uneven seams or glue leaks.

You can buy a good dry brush for cellulite massage in an online store, for example, AliExpress. Their selection is quite large: with a small and long handle (for hard-to-reach areas of the body), with an elastic band for the palm. Cost from 200 to 1,200 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

The following types of brushes are distinguished:

  1. With natural bristles. Cactus spines or boar bristles are used to make it. This tool has the highest rigidity and is excellent for anti-cellulite rubbing.
  2. Brushes with wooden teeth. They are used for wet and dry massages. Natural material ensures their durability and efficiency.
  3. Silicone brush – ideal for girls with thin, sensitive skin.
  4. Rubber with rounded teeth. Suitable for all types of massage.

No matter what brush you purchase, there will be no bruises left after using it. But after an anti-cellulite massage they can be. Personally, I prefer this wooden brush with natural bristles. What do you think about this?

Execution technique

The result obtained depends on how correctly you carry out the procedure. The following rules must be adhered to:

  1. Massage dry skin in the morning or evening (maximum 3 hours before bedtime).
  2. We focus on the hips and buttocks. The movements of the brush are in the direction of the lymph, that is, from the foot to the heart. No sudden movements, only smooth and warming ones.
  3. The duration of the first session is 5 minutes. Gradually increase the massage time to 20 minutes. It needs to be done daily. Avoid areas with moles, groin and armpits.
  4. We carry out the procedure in the following order: legs–hips–buttocks–back–arms and shoulders–abdomen. There is, of course, no cellulite on the shoulders and arms, but removing dead cells and increasing blood circulation will not be superfluous. Massage the thighs, buttocks and abdomen in a counterclockwise circular motion.
  5. We take a contrast shower.
  6. Apply moisturizer.

After the end of the session, the dermis should not be too red and irritated.

The following diagram demonstrates the rules of massage more clearly.


Massage can be wet or dry. But it is the latter that is considered more effective. The first results will be noticeable within two weeks. Dry rubbing uses muscle and connective tissue, which is why cellulite disappears.

Adjust the pressure applied to the brush based on your feelings. Don't be too gentle with yourself, but masochism is not welcome either.

Ideally, purchase several types of brushes for massage. If you massage only problem areas, then one tool is enough.

You can watch how to properly massage the whole body in this video.

Reviews from girls

I just started doing a dry massage course. I haven’t seen any results in three days, so I can’t judge whether this method helps. Let’s better study the reviews of girls who regularly perform this procedure.

Tamara, 27 years old

I love taking care of my body at home. I don’t go to salons not because of finances. I don't trust the sterility of the instruments used. In reality, you can catch some kind of infection here.

Therefore, I struggle with all problems at home. I’m not overweight, but cellulite has started to appear. Before it got old, I started massaging it with a dry brush. I bought it in the bath accessories department for 300 rubles.

After two weeks of daily massages, I noticed the first results. The skin has become smoother, the amount of cellulite has decreased.

I really like this option for dealing with orange peel. No pain or significant financial costs. And it’s pleasant to do it, you really relax.

Galina, 35 years old

I have been actively struggling with cellulite for the last ten years. My problem areas are thighs and buttocks. I did massage with a dry brush for two months. What can I say about the result obtained?

Of course, my skin condition has improved. But the number of unfortunate tubercles decreased slightly. Overall, I'm disappointed. Maybe I did it wrong, felt sorry for myself and didn’t put too much pressure on the brush...

In general, we have what we have. From my own experience, I can judge that clay wraps are much more effective. They really give excellent results.

Natalya, 32 years old

For the last two years I have been doing massage with a dry brush. Not every day, but 2-3 times a week for sure. Thanks to this procedure, I can safely show off in a bikini on the beach. There is not a drop of cellulite on my butt and thighs. So I recommend this method to you too.

There are no significant financial costs, and the result is excellent. Work on your body and you will have a flawless look. But at the same time, we must not forget about proper nutrition. I eat only healthy and low-fat foods.


Dear readers, let's summarize. Getting rid of cellulite is not so easy. Initially, you need to tune in to hard and long-term work on your body. Several sessions of massage or wraps will not achieve any results.

In my opinion, massage with a dry brush can be included in the list of anti-cellulite methods. It takes a minimum of time to complete. I do it in the morning in the bathroom before taking a shower. I get a boost of energy for the whole day and get rid of the orange peel. So buy yourself a brush and improve yourself.

Of course, there will be no immediate effect. But this procedure is absolutely harmless and has no serious contraindications. And this is a big plus.

What do you think? It is very interesting to know your opinion and feedback, what results were achieved. Write in the comments.

For a very long time I only used scrubs. I spent a lot of time at the scrub shelves in stores, reading the ingredients and choosing pleasant scents. I tried to make homemade scrubs and cleaned the bathroom of coffee. At the same time, I couldn’t exfoliate regularly and I couldn’t achieve the desired effect.

And then I learned about dry massage, and the scrub became just a pleasant addition to it.

After the first procedure, you will feel how smooth, soft and elastic your skin feels. Honestly, I was shocked by the result.
We met on New Year's Eve, and I already knew what I would give as gifts to my mother and friends!

What does dry massage give?

  1. tissue swelling subsides
  2. dead skin cells are removed
  3. the body's metabolic processes are accelerated
  4. the functioning of internal organs improves
  5. blood circulation improves
  6. there is a feeling of cheerfulness

Many people also notice increased immunity, strengthened nervous system and improved digestive system function.

So, we see that there are a lot of advantages from such a massage. How to do it?

Dry massage technique

1. Used during massage natural bristle brush. These can be cactus or palm fibers. The brush can be round, oval, with or without a long handle.

I use this brush from the Body Shop.

I've been using it for almost a year now and I can say that it would be much more convenient for my legs and thighs to use a brush without a handle. But at the same time, a brush with a handle is ideal for massaging the shoulders and back.
Important! If your brush has a wooden handle, it is best not to get it wet. Otherwise it may delaminate.

2. It is recommended to massage dry skin (without using oils) before showering. First, do this massage for 2-3 minutes 2 times a week. Once you get used to it, increase the time to 8-10 minutes every day.

During the massage, the skin should not glow! Do not press too hard on the skin, do not scratch it, take your time. Make the process enjoyable, you should not feel discomfort.

After showering, moisturize your skin with body oil or lotion.

If you feel thirsty after the procedure, simply drink a glass of water.

3. Massage movements are directed from the limbs towards the heart, from bottom to top. You should start from the soles of your feet and massage your toes and feet. Then move on to the ankles and shins, hips, back, stomach, chest. It is noted that it is better to massage the abdomen and buttocks with circular movements.


VERY IMPORTANT! Please be sure to read all the points carefully before performing dry massage!

1. DO NOT massage areas with lymph nodes (armpits, groin, hot spots). Many also recommend not massaging your inner thighs.

2. DO NOT touch areas with cuts, bruises, abrasions, varicose veins, rashes, papillomas or moles.

3. DO NOT combine tanning and massage.

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