Abdominal massage: healthy and beautiful body

Abdominal massage is considered one of the most complex and difficult procedures to perform. Most often it is prescribed to improve digestion. With its help, it perfectly removes toxins from the body, improves digestion, and eliminates pain. If you want to keep your health in excellent condition and maintain the optimal functioning of your body, a timely massage procedure will help you cope with all this.

Abdominal massage

Many digestive problems will disappear

How to do it right

This procedure requires a caring and very attentive attitude. During the session, certain rules and techniques should be followed.

When performing the stroking and kneading movement, the pace should be slow, smooth, without any sudden movements. Ideally, the movements should correspond to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestinal canal. If you perform more intense and sudden movements, this can lead to tense muscles.

Perform techniques in such a way that the movements penetrate deep into the abdominal cavity. When performing kneading, you need to ensure that during movements the abdominal walls of the cavity repeat the movements of the massage therapist’s hands. If you neglect this rule, the massage will be superficial, and in some cases can lead to irritation.

It is necessary to perform the procedure with an empty bowel. This will allow a more intense effect on the walls of blood vessels. The massage will equally affect both the anterior and posterior walls of the intestines. If the intestines are full, the effect will be performed only on the anterior wall of the intestines.

It is not recommended to perform massage on a completely empty stomach. The best time to perform a massage is after morning tea or a light breakfast.

Abdominal massage

Light forward movements are used

Quite often experiencing pain, we begin to stroke the stomach with gentle movements. With this action we soothe the pain, prolonging the unpleasant sensations. And often, everything ends with a positive result. So why don't we start massaging the stomach not only in cases where it is really necessary?

As a rule, massage is performed in a lying position. Of course, you can do the procedure in a sitting position, but you will not achieve the relaxing effect that will be achieved in a lying position. To achieve greater relaxation, place a pillow under your knees during the massage. This will allow your back and stomach to take a comfortable and more comfortable position.

It should be remembered that all movements must be performed strictly clockwise. This will perfectly stimulate digestion.

There are three main techniques of classic abdominal massage: stroking, static circular pressure and intense movement on the sides of the abdomen.


Stroking is performed with light, leisurely circular movements. Place your palm on your stomach and begin to describe a small circle. Gradually, the diameter of movements should increase. Once you have reached maximum volume, perform movements to reduce the diameter. The movements are performed with both hands in turn for 3 minutes.

Static circular pressure on the abdomen

When performing this exercise, you need to place your palm on your stomach, and with your second hand press on the first with force, but not to the point of pain. For 2-3 seconds we press on one point, then move on to the next. The movement should be performed in a circle, just as stroking was done.

Intense movement on the sides of the abdomen

With the next movement we knead the skin on the sides of the abdomen. To do this, you need to pinch the skin between your fingers, as if you were kneading dough. With this technique, blood circulation will improve, and your waist will become much thinner and sleeker.

This lesson presents the simplest and most classic techniques of this procedure. All movements should not cause pain or discomfort to the patient. Massage confidently, with even pressure.

Warm up your palms. Place them on the patient's stomach and hold them in this position for several seconds. Start stroking with even, continuous movements, covering the entire area of ​​the abdomen. Hand movements are strictly clockwise.

Abdominal massage

Circular stroking

After standard stroking, we perform stroking in the form of a diamond. Place your right hand on your stomach and your left hand on top of your right. Position your hands so that your index finger lies directly under the lower rib of the chest. We move our hands forward to the middle of the chest. Then we move to the opposite edge of the waist. After holding for a few seconds, we continue to move to the center of the pubic bone, and from there to ourselves and again to the center of the chest.

Abdominal massage

Diamond stroking

We continue to keep our hands in the position - left hand on top of the right. Place your hands a few centimeters above your navel. Slowly, with slight pressure, we begin to massage the abdomen around the navel, performing small circular movements.

Abdominal massage

Small circular movements

The following movements should be performed with the heels of the palms. Slowly we begin to perform wavy, kneading movements clockwise. After. It is necessary to repeat the first reception.

Abdominal massage

Wave stroking

For constipation, massage is considered to be one of the most effective means of restoring the efficiency of digestion. This type of treatment has been used since before our era in China. Of course, massage is performed by specialists, but you can perform the procedure yourself by learning the technique of self-massage. In this case, it is necessary to study the techniques and correctness of the entire procedure. During execution you need to remember that:

  1. Before each session, you must wash your hands thoroughly
  1. All movements must be made according to the movement of lymph
  1. The massage should achieve maximum muscle relaxation. This is possible in a lying position
  1. Massage should not be performed on a full or empty stomach. The optimal time is half an hour after breakfast or an hour and a half after lunch.

While performing various massage techniques, specialists identified local areas, which in turn were systematized into lines. Subsequently, an absolute relationship was discovered between the local area and internal organs. It was these points that were targeted. Massage on biologically active points helps very well with constipation.

The procedure is performed using three fingers of the right hand. For 3 minutes you need to massage the point located diagonally to the left of the navel. Using circular movements clockwise, massage the point. This point is where feces are retained. If you suffer from constipation regularly, you may notice a small bulge in this place when pressed.

After you have performed a self-massage session, you may experience rumbling in your stomach or a urge to defecate. In this case, you need to drink a glass of slightly salted water and go to the toilet. This massage serves as an excellent prevention of constipation and perfectly improves bowel function.

In addition to this technique, exercises help very well:

  1. Starting position: sitting on your knees, inhale and exhale, and then sharply draw in your stomach
  2. Starting position lying on your back. Perform 20 times of overturning your legs over your head.
  3. In the same position, perform the bicycle exercise at least 70 times.

These exercises and techniques are quite simple to perform. But their action will quickly improve intestinal function, completely relieving you of constipation.

The visceral method is a universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases associated with internal and external organs. The massage is performed by influencing the front wall of the abdomen.

As a rule, vasospasm occurs in the diseased organ. As a result of the fact that oxygen is supplied in the wrong volume and lymphatic stagnation occurs, the functioning of the organ is disrupted. The organ begins to work at partial capacity. The rest of the organs begin to work at the limit of their capabilities.

Visceral massage can eliminate lymphatic and venous congestion. As a result, the functioning of weakened organs and the functioning of the entire body is normalized without the use of all kinds of medications.

Visceral massage technique

The technique is a rather pleasant procedure that should be performed strictly according to the scheme. Experienced specialists work very carefully on the organs, monitoring their further reaction. From session to session the intensity of the impact increases.

After the first session, the patient experiences a slight murmur in the abdomen. This only means that the spasm of the bile ducts has been relieved, in other words, the exit of bile has been opened. The disappearance of edema in and around the organ itself is immediately observed, blood circulation is restored, and the functioning of the digestive tract is normalized.

Indications for use:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases
  2. Diseases of the liver, pancreas
  3. Gynecological diseases
  4. Diseases of the genital organs
  5. Metabolic disease
  6. Skin diseases
  7. Respiratory diseases


  1. Acute infectious diseases
  2. Oncological diseases
  3. Thrombosis
  4. Mental illness

Correct implementation of techniques and techniques serves for a more effective and positive result. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the techniques and techniques. This will help avoid negative aspects.