Can smoking cause acne?

Thanks to television advertising, we know how to deal with acne, what products to apply to the skin and how to get rid of blackheads. But no advertisement will tell us where these disgusting bumps on newly clear and matte skin come from. There are plenty of reasons for the appearance of acne - from puberty to poor environment and bad habits. Undoubtedly, bad habits are one of the provoking factors for the appearance of acne. This is especially true for smoking.

Smoking and acne

Very often, such a harmful habit as smoking begins in adolescence, when the body is already subject to hormonal fluctuations. One of the manifestations of hormonal changes is skin rashes. Of course, not only and not so much smoking is the root cause of acne on the skin of young people, but it is nicotine that aggravates this problem, making it almost impossible to achieve a beautiful complexion.

The dry facts of statistical data indicate that out of a thousand surveyed smoking women in adulthood, more than 40% suffer from inflammatory manifestations on the skin, while among non-smoking women this figure barely reaches 10%. English dermatologist Colin Holden has proven that smokers are more at risk of developing acne in adulthood, especially if there is a predisposition to the appearance of a pustular rash.

How does smoking contribute to the appearance of rashes on the faces of mature people and can acne really be caused by this habit?

Effect of nicotine

Young people usually smile skeptically when they hear that smoking can cause breakouts on their skin, countering with the argument that acne began much earlier than they started smoking. So is this true or not? This is partly true. Acne and comedones can indeed appear in a non-smoking teenager, and a peer who indulges in nicotine will have smooth and clear skin. However, smoking still contributes to the appearance of acne and the severity of its course.

Sometimes it is enough to get rid of bad habits, and the hormonal levels gradually stabilize, therefore, acne disappears.

Acne on the face sometimes affects not only young people, but also suddenly appears in experienced smokers. The reason may lie in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Harmful smoke entering the stomach causes spasm of the stomach vessels, depletion and irritation of its mucous membrane. All this provokes the development of gastritis, and then peptic ulcer disease. The result of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines are rashes on the once clean, smooth skin.

Speaking about the pathological effects of nicotine on internal organs, we must not forget about the harmful effects of tobacco smoke on the skin of the face. Being in the zone of action of a smoke screen, the skin suffers primarily from a lack of oxygen: nicotine causes a sharp constriction of blood vessels, which disrupts the nutrition of the skin and slows down the process of cell restoration. In addition, tobacco smoke settles on the skin, clogging pores and preventing the skin from self-cleansing. Clogged pores, coupled with increased work of the sebaceous glands, are what contribute to the development of pustular rashes and the appearance of blackheads on the face. In addition, due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients, skin cells are not capable of rapid regeneration, which slows down the healing process of the epidermis.

Thus, whether smoking affects acne is a question to which the answer is definitely positive. It is a proven fact that nicotine causes this disease.

Photo of acne caused by smoking


How to fight

Ideally, to achieve good results in restoring the skin, you need to quit bad habits. At the same time, metabolism is normalized, health problems will go away and, as a result, complexion will even out, its elasticity will improve and inflammatory elements will disappear. However, quitting smoking is not so easy, and you want to have good skin as soon as possible. Simple recommendations will help you get rid of acne.

Hygiene. It is necessary to wash your face with acne in the morning and evening. It is advisable to use a special product that suits your skin type. Towels and pillowcases need to be changed as often as possible - they retain particles of dead skin. It is advisable to touch your face with dirty hands as little as possible; the fewer germs on your face from dirty hands, the faster the healing process will go.

Nutrition. The main principle of nutrition in the presence of acne on the skin is to avoid foods that cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines - fatty and heavy foods, spicy, salty and smoked foods, marinades, sausages and fast food.

Drinking regime. It is worth accustoming yourself to drinking large amounts of clean water without gas. Water nourishes our body, makes joints healthy, flushes out toxins and waste from cells, and cleanses the kidneys. Accordingly, the skin is cleansed. An additional bonus will be a good level of moisture.

Use of medications. When choosing pharmaceutical skin care products, it is best to consult a specialist - a dermatocosmetologist. The doctor will advise the necessary care, prescribe tests to help identify the cause of the rash, and offer a course of procedures to get rid of the pustules faster. Among the well-known advertised products, salicylic acid preparations, tea tree oil and cosmetics containing benzoyl peroxide help well.

Quit smoking - acne doesn't go away


Young people who have given up a bad habit often complain that acne appears on their face even after quitting smoking. Moreover, they can also increase! Why is this happening?

The fact is that nicotine acts on the body in a certain way, being integrated into the metabolism. Getting rid of nicotine poison occurs over a long period, all this time the cells are gradually rebuilt to a new mode of operation, without the participation of nicotine in the metabolic process.

First of all, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, which excessively secrete a large amount of sebum. As a result, increased oiliness of the skin and increased appearance of comedones and pustules may be observed for some time. Subsequently, the work of the sebaceous glands will return to normal, and inflammation will disappear.

When you quit smoking, your bowel function slows down. Nicotine tends to accelerate peristalsis, and in its absence, intestinal function is not restored immediately. As a result, constipation may occur. Chronic constipation is known to be one of the factors causing rashes and inflammation on the face. This can be easily avoided by eating more fiber-containing foods and drinking plenty of water.

Getting rid of acne is not a quick process. Quitting smoking does not always lead to immediate healing of the skin. However, giving up bad habits is the most important stage in the fight for ideal skin, without blemishes and blemishes, with an even, radiant complexion. And if you add to this compliance with diet and personal hygiene, then you can be sure that in a couple of months the unpleasant rashes will disappear for a long time, or even forever.

Hundreds of chapters of medical literature and thousands of articles in the media have been written about the dangers of smoking. Even knowing all this information in detail, not all people want to quit smoking. Nicotine provokes cardiovascular diseases and cancer. But there are other problems - many have noticed that acne may appear on the face from smoking. Is this so, does smoking affect the excessive formation of inflammatory elements on the face and other parts of the body?

Scientific data

Medical scientists rarely say anything with certainty without research data behind them. This is called evidence-based medicine. Let's consider data from European and American scientific publications that have seriously addressed the issue of the relationship between acne and smoking:

  1. A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology in 2001 followed 896 men and women with smoking habits. The results showed a higher incidence of acne or pimples in cigarette smokers. Moreover, the number and severity of rashes clearly correlated with the number of cigarettes.
  2. Similar data can be found in the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. The 2004 study included 1,264 patients. Each smoker was considered individually. According to the data obtained, acne tends to appear more often and in large quantities among smokers.
  3. The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, on the other hand, reported that among 594 study participants there was no increased tendency to develop acne on the back or face.

As you can see, the data is very contradictory. But it is impossible to deny that acne from smoking really exists. Each organism is individual, and in people with a tendency to inflammatory skin rashes, acne appears much more often and in larger quantities due to constant smoking. Those who suffered from facial rashes during adolescence are more likely to develop acne. Acne of this kind can occur on any part of the face.

Pathophysiological rationale

The mechanisms of the effects of nicotine and tar on the body during smoking have also been studied for a long time. Let's try to figure out whether cigarettes can affect the appearance of acne, and what are the real physiological reasons for this process:

  1. Smoking provokes and maintains inflammatory processes in the body. This is due to the formation of harmful oxygen free radicals. In response, the body produces inflammatory molecules called cytokines. It is cytokines that play an important role in the early stages of the formation of smoking-related acne. Studies have demonstrated high levels of cytokines in clogged pores on the face of smokers. This is precisely the triggering factor for the formation of inflammatory foci on the face.
  2. Cigarettes provoke hormonal changes in the body. The increase in testosterone levels associated with cigarette smoking in men, as well as the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in women, lead to the uncontrolled spread of acne on the face.

A person who smokes often finds that his skin lesions take much longer and are more difficult to heal. Cigarette smoking slows down the recovery processes in the skin due to tissue hypoxia and vasospasm. Maybe this is why acne takes much longer to heal in smokers.

It is known that acne or pimple forms much faster on dry skin. It is smoking that is associated with increased dryness of the skin in places that are constantly in contact with smoke. This is just the face, neck and décolleté area in women. The number of cigarettes per day does not matter; the regularity with which a person smokes is important.

When it can't be eliminated

Acne after quitting smoking is a common and incomprehensible phenomenon for many people. People are indignant: “I quit smoking and acne appeared.” The person is surprised - quitting smoking was honest, he did not allow himself any additional cigarettes. And inflammation on the skin broke out with renewed vigor, there were many more of them. Maybe cigarettes, on the contrary, began to protect against acne, and quitting made everything worse. There is a scientific explanation for everything.

The fact is that a person who recently quit smoking exposed his body to chronic nicotine intoxication for a long time. The reason why acne begins to appear on the face is due to the regenerative processes. Such processes are temporary, and within a few months a person forgets about all visual inconveniences.

When we talk about recovery processes, we mean the activation of blood flow after prolonged vasospasm caused by nicotine. There is also a constant proliferation of cells in the surface layer of the skin, which doctors call epithelization. The skin is completely regenerated and restored, acquiring a more vibrant color. The formation of acne is a temporary intermediate stage that must be endured. Under no circumstances should you start smoking again - this will only worsen the condition.

Acne due to smoking is more a reality than a medical myth. The skin suffers from nicotine along with all other organs. The only way to completely get rid of such acne is to give up this bad habit; there can be no compromises. If you encounter inflammation on your face after quitting smoking, just be patient, over time everything will return to normal.

Smoking is an expensive, ugly and harmful habit. Every smoker, inhaling tobacco smoke, causes severe harm to his body, manifested by various diseases, especially diseases of the respiratory system.

The appearance of smokers also suffers, especially the skin: color deteriorates, premature wrinkles, spots and pimples appear.

From the article you will learn

Can smoking cause acne?

In medicine, conclusions about the causes of a disease are made after research. The question of the effect of smoking on the occurrence of acne has been studied repeatedly:

  1. The British Journal of Dermatology published the results of an experiment in 2001 that involved 900 smokers of both sexes. It was found that smokers are more likely to suffer from pimples and acne (regardless of gender and age). We identified the relationship between the number of cigarettes smoked and the severity of rashes and the degree of neglect of acne.
  2. The journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology in 2004, with a publication on this topic, also fully confirmed the findings of the British Journal of Dermatology. 1264 people took part in the study.
  3. In contrast to two previous studies, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology did not reveal a relationship between smoking and a predisposition to acne formation in 600 subjects.

Is it true or false that cigarettes help get rid of skin problems?

Military doctors of the Israel Defense Forces revealed an interesting fact. An analysis was carried out of the cards of conscript soldiers aged 18 to 20 years from 1998 to 2004. The study showed that Smoking helps get rid of acne. It was found that in young soldiers who smoke moderately (about half a pack a day), the number of skin rashes decreases or disappears altogether compared to non-smokers.

Among pack-a-day smokers, cases of juvenile acne were rare. Those who smoked 30 or more cigarettes a day did not experience juvenile acne at all. Doctors stated the fact that Nicotine has unknown anti-inflammatory properties, since no other factors that could affect the cleanliness of the soldiers’ skin were identified.

Where do they appear?

Smokers may develop acne on the face and other parts of the body, it all depends on the reason. The most common places of occurrence are:

  1. face (mainly chin and cheeks) in the form of single or multiple rashes;
  2. neck (usually single rashes);
  3. chest and décolleté (both single and multiple rashes).

The following photo shows acne that can appear from smoking:

There may also be acne due to hormonal imbalances caused by smoking in the following places:

  1. face - single rashes or a continuous layer;
  2. back - multiple acne and pimples;
  3. shoulders - the same as on the back;
  4. breast.

How does smoking affect the appearance of acne?

Often, smokers do not admit that their nicotine addiction is the cause of acne, because skin problems can arise for a number of other reasons. But, one way or another, smoking causes complex damage to the skin.

Physiological reasons

The main physiological reasons influencing the appearance of pimples and acne in smokers:

  1. Absolutely all smokers have dry skin, which is due to impaired blood supply to tissues, in particular the skin, and the fact that tobacco smoke dries out the skin. The face, neck, and chest are most in contact with smoke. On dry skin, a pimple will form much faster than on normal skin.
  2. Nicotine affects hormonal changes in the smoker's body. In men, testosterone levels drop; in women, the balance between progesterone and estrogen levels is disrupted. This leads to the formation of acne on the face.
  3. A smoker’s blood vessels are in a state of spasm, and the transport of oxygen to the tissues is difficult, so any damage to the skin (including acne) takes longer to heal and can spread.

Smoking provokes inflammatory processes in organism. Cytokines are inflammatory molecules produced in the body of a smoker. in larger quantitiesthan in the body of a non-smoker. The reason for this is oxygen free radicals formed under the influence of tobacco smoke.

Tobacco smoke helps clog pores smoker, and an active inflammatory process begins in the clogged pores. Under the influence of cytokines foci of inflammation are formed, which do not heal for a long time.

Changes in hormonal levels

Smoking has negative impact on hormonal levels person as follows:

  1. in men, nicotine, which regularly enters the bloodstream, reduces the level of testosterone in the blood, which leads to erection problems, sexual dysfunction and even impotence;
  2. the level of female sex hormones, which are necessary for conception and gestation, is significantly reduced;
  3. progesterone levels decrease, which leads to menstrual irregularities, problems with conception and the onset of early menopause;
  4. the production of oxytocin, a hormone that contracts the uterus, increases, which leads to termination of pregnancy;
  5. endorphin production is stimulated, which leads to the formation of nicotine addiction.

Tobacco causes clogged pores

In the process of smoking cigarettes, tobacco smoke containing gaseous and solid particles enters the skin. Solid particles such as nicotine, water, tar (tobacco tar), metal molecules get inside the pores and, over time, cause them to become blocked. The sebum produced inside the pores does not reach the surface of the skin, which leads to the formation of blackheads and pimples.

Depletion of vitamins

Nicotine interferes with the absorption of vitamin A, which can lead to:

  1. decreased immunity;
  2. the appearance of skin problems (dryness, peeling, wrinkles, premature aging);
  3. blurred vision;
  4. sleep and performance disorders;
  5. risk of developing lung diseases (bronchitis, asthma, cancer).

The need for vitamin C in smokers is 2-3 times higher than in non-smokers. Vitamin C deficiency May be:

  1. acute - characterized by diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal problems, tooth and hair loss;
  2. severe - dry skin, apathy, pain and aches throughout the body, bleeding gums.

A smoker may also experience deficiency of B vitamins and vitamin E.

Why can you get sprinkled after giving up cigarettes?

Acne may appear after quitting smoking for the following reasons:

  1. Digestive disorders, such as constipation. Constipation leads to the development of dysbiosis in the intestines due to the influx of toxins. Intoxication of the body leads to the formation of rashes (pimples).
  2. Quitting smoking leads to hormonal changes in the body, which also leads to the formation of acne.
  3. Changes in skin type, from dry to normal. The production of sebaceous secretions increases and the pores become clogged. It takes time for the skin to adapt to the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Quitting smoking can often trigger an exacerbation of allergies, accompanied by skin rashes.

How long will it take for the rashes to go away if I quit smoking?

Each body is different and may require different amounts of time for the skin to recover. Nicotine is completely eliminated from the body in 2-3 weeks, to restore normal functioning of internal organs, it is required up to six months. The process of changing hormonal levels when quitting smoking may take from a month to three.

How to get rid of skin problems?

The following will help you fight acne after quitting smoking:

  1. proper nutrition, avoidance of fatty, spicy, sweet foods;
  2. clean water, you need to drink at least 2 liters;
  3. outdoor sports;
  4. sleep at least 8 hours.

All this will help quickly normalize metabolic processes and hormonal levels.

To effectively combat the inflammatory process on the face, it is better to visit a cosmetologist who will help you choose the right and effective daily care for your skin type.

You can relieve inflammation or completely remove it with the help of folk remedies: lotions made from chamomile decoction or infusion, masks based on aloe and honey, white clay and milk. To combat acne, you can use garlic juice or pulp, but you should apply it very carefully, precisely, only to the area of ​​inflammation, so as not to irritate healthy skin.

Is there a relationship between acne and smoking an e-cigarette?

Composition of liquids for electronic cigarettes includes nicotine, glycerin, flavorings. Acne may appear while smoking an e-cigarette if:

  1. you have recently switched from regular cigarettes (for the reasons listed above);
  2. in case of individual intolerance to the components of the cigarette liquid.

If the reason is the first, then you must follow the recommendations described above. If acne appears due to an allergy to a component of the liquid, it is necessary to find an analogue that eliminates the allergen.


In addition to health, smoking suffers from appearance, and therefore self-esteem. Yes, acne in smokers is far from the worst consequence of smoking. But this problem is unpleasant and requires attention.

Beautiful and healthy skin is the key to self-confidence. If you cannot cope with the problem of acne on your own, it is better to consult a doctor, but do not forget that the best way to get rid of acne can only be to completely give up cigarettes.