Can expression wrinkles smooth out on their own?

The best vitamins for the face in the fight against wrinkles

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Skin aging and wrinkles occur due to loss of nutrients. This may be an age factor, stress or individual metabolic disorders. The lack of substances provokes the destruction of elastin and collagen, which is why the skin folds - wrinkles. The most correct and reliable solution is vitamins for the face against wrinkles.

What vitamins exactly are needed?

A deficiency of any vitamin or mineral has a negative impact on skin health. If the body does not receive enough of something, it will “distribute” substances only to improve internal work.

Glowing skin, shiny hair and strong nails are not as important for the body as stabilizing the functioning of the organs and endocrine system.

However, it is realistic to identify exactly which substances the skin needs and to compensate for their deficiency as much as possible. For the face, which anti-wrinkle vitamin is most suitable? He is far from alone.

The following vitamins are needed for wrinkles:

  1. Vitamin E. With its deficiency, the skin becomes very dry and fragile, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Without tocopherol (vitamin E), it is difficult to absorb vitamin A.
  2. Vitamin A. It is a sufficient amount of this vitamin that helps the body independently produce collagen. With a deficiency of retinol acetate (vitamin A), the skin loses elasticity and firmness, becomes prone to inflammation and rashes, and regeneration decreases. The appearance of age spots and stretch marks also occurs due to a lack of Vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin C. Also responsible for the production of collagen. Its deficiency disrupts the production of new cells, vascular fragility occurs and free radicals accumulate.
  4. Vitamin D. Its deficiency is directly responsible for maintaining youthful skin and its regenerative functions.
  5. B vitamins. The most necessary ones are B1, B12, B7 and B5. Without them, skin cells suffer from nutritional deficiency and dehydration. In general, nerve cells in the body are destroyed and any stress manifests itself more strongly.

Where to look for them?

The best anti-wrinkle vitamins are natural substances. Those with which you can saturate the body from the inside, and it will independently distribute the necessary material throughout the body. It is best to get them from food. Moreover, any product contains them in its composition, but some more and others less.

Vitamin E

The daily dose of vitamin E is 15 mg, and it can be more fully obtained from food. They are famous for their high tocopherol content:

  1. Vegetable oils;
  2. Sea fish of low-fat varieties;
  3. Seafood;
  4. Nuts;
  5. Eggs;
  6. Milk;
  7. Brussels sprouts;
  1. Beans;
  2. Avocado;
  3. Prunes;
  4. Dried apricots;
  5. Spinach;
  6. Asparagus;
  7. Sorrel;
  8. Kalina;
  9. Sea ​​buckthorn;
  10. Rose hip;
  11. Oat groats;
  12. Barley grits;
  13. Wheat.

Tocopherol not only prevents skin aging, it is essential for women's health. The substance affects hormonal levels: the functioning of the ovaries and the production of estrogen. Additional intake of tocopherol restores the female cycle, and the skin becomes elastic. The natural barrier against UV radiation is increased and inflammation is eliminated.

Vitamin A

This substance is necessary for both skin rejuvenation and hair health. Daily dose – 1 mg. Vitamin A for wrinkles can be found in the following products:

The peculiarity of retinol is that it can be absorbed exclusively with fats and is combined with the simultaneous intake of tocopherol. And to foods rich in retinol, you need to add vegetable oil or sour cream. Retinol evens out skin color and makes it elastic. It is a “building block” in the structure of elastin and collagen. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for good vision.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid invigorates the entire body, and aging skin needs new energy. The daily dose of vitamin C is 75 mg. Its greatest content is in:

  1. Rosehip;
  2. Cherry;
  3. Sweet (bell) pepper;
  1. Sea buckthorn;
  2. Black currant;
  3. Parsley;
  4. Dill;
  5. Kiwi;
  6. Strawberries;
  7. Citrus;
  8. Apples.

According to a common misconception, it is not citrus fruits that contain the most ascorbic acid, but cherries and fresh rose hips. This substance creates a natural barrier for the body from free radicals, which accelerate the aging process. Participates in the creation of collagen and other connective tissues. It also perfectly strengthens the immune system and saves from depression.

Vitamin D

It is produced exclusively in the epidermis under the influence of sunlight. It is very difficult to obtain it from products and its deficiency is most common. The daily dose of cholecalciferol is 600 IU or 15 mcg. You can replenish your supplies:

  1. Cod liver;
  2. Halibut liver;
  3. Herring and other fatty fish;
  4. Eggs;
  5. Butter.

The best source is fish oil. A deficiency of this substance interferes with the absorption of vitamin A, calcium and magnesium minerals. But the best way to saturate your skin is to be in the sun.

B vitamins

Another very important anti-wrinkle substance. A deficiency of these substances destroys nerve fibers and the cells stop receiving nutrition. Daily dose of B1 – 2 mg, B12 – 3 mg, B7 – 200 mcg, B5 – 0.8 g.

  1. Brewer's yeast;
  2. Bakery products;
  3. Sunflower seeds;
  4. Sprouted wheat;
  5. Cedar nuts;
  6. Peanut;
  7. Beans.

B12 is found in:

  1. Yeast;
  2. Any liver;
  3. Beef heart;
  4. Beef tongue;
  5. Fatty varieties of fish;
  6. Rabbit meat;
  7. Lamb;
  8. Beef;
  9. Cottage cheese;
  10. Cheese;

Biotin (B7) is found in:

  1. Yeast;
  2. Liver;
  3. Nuts;
  4. Kidneys;
  5. Cauliflower;
  6. Eggs;
  7. Spinach.

The content of substance B5 is in:

  1. Yeast;
  2. Peas;
  3. Liver;
  4. Eggs;
  5. Kidneys;
  6. Milk;
  7. Fish roe;
  8. Hazelnuts;
  9. Buckwheat;
  10. Oatmeal;
  11. Leafy green vegetables;
  12. Cauliflower.

Beef liver and brewer's yeast are the richest sources of the entire group B. It is often prescribed for various neurological problems and frequent stress. They also help grow gorgeous hair and prevent excessive hair loss.

Pharmacy assistance

It is rarely possible to obtain enough substances from food: some of them disintegrate during heat treatment, some products are inaccessible to us, and some we ourselves cannot eat. Then the best solution is to take vitamins for wrinkles on the face internally.

The simplest complex “AEVIT”. It contains only 2 substances, but they are the most necessary for the skin. The best way to compensate for B vitamin deficiency is with brewer's yeast in tablets. They can also be used for cosmetic masks. Taking fish oil also helps a lot. There is a whole complex of vitamins and many essential amino acids.

Remember the daily intake of necessary substances and see how much is contained in the preparation.

Cosmetical tools

You need to select creams containing substances E and A. You can purchase a ready-made cream called “Aevit”, or you can prepare the same one yourself by adding them to any cream. When choosing ready-made creams, look at the % content of these components - it should be at least 1%.

Cosmetologists offer the procedure vitamins for the face against wrinkles injections. A very useful procedure to saturate the skin. Mesotherapy works very well - the preparations contain a useful complex of substances.

If you influence the skin with vitamins not only from the inside, but also use external agents in combination, the effect will not be long in coming. The most popular masks are those with the addition of fat-soluble vitamin D. Among the products, almonds are known as the richest carrier of tocopherol. Any seed core is rich in this substance, as are nuts and sprouted grains. Tocopherol helps delay the formation of expression lines and age wrinkles.

Process almond grains into flour using a blender or meat grinder. The consistency should be especially fine, like flour. Add vitamins in anti-wrinkle facial ampoules to the resulting paste. For example, vitamin E. Mix well. Apply the mixture to wrinkles, hold for about 10 minutes, rinse without soap with water up to 40 degrees.

Using this paste you can perform a cleansing and rejuvenating facial massage. Prepare your face first - wash your face and remove makeup. After the massage, remove the remaining mixture with a napkin, then wash and apply your favorite nourishing cream.

If you have tocopherol in capsules, then carefully pierce one capsule and mix the contents with a teaspoon of aloe juice. The juice must be fresh. This composition is applied to wrinkles and left for 30 minutes. Be sure to wash off this mask.

If you don’t have aloe, you can make an analogue of store-bought products using vitamin E from capsules and glycerin. This mask can be made for future use and stored in the refrigerator. Pour the contents of three to five capsules into a bottle of glycerin - vitamins for facial skin from wrinkles, E, or A. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes every evening. Please note that we apply all masks to previously cleansed skin. After an intensive course of a week, use the mask every three days.

Famous whitening with parsley - squeeze the juice from parsley ground in a blender, mix with tocopherol from a couple of capsules, apply to the skin under the eyes for ten minutes. The skin will brighten and smooth out. Even using a mask a couple of times a week can get rid of problems under the eyes.

If you purchased a complex of vitamins A and E “Aevit” at the pharmacy, then use it! Add the contents of a couple of capsules to a tablespoon of fresh mashed potatoes, apply to the skin under your eyes and say goodbye to puffiness and puffiness. There will gradually be fewer wrinkles, and the skin will turn white and youthful.

There are a lot of masks that use vitamins against wrinkles on the face that take care of the skin. It is important to use them regularly. You will be able to evaluate the lasting results after a couple of months. Train yourself to take care of your skin every day, it won't take much time, but you will look much better.

Expression wrinkles are the precursors of static wrinkles and the earliest signs of skin aging. They arise as a result of the activity of the facial muscles, which express our emotional status. The entire range of our feelings is reflected on the face, and for this, the facial muscles have to involuntarily contract about 15,000 times during the day. As a result, creases and grooves form on the face, which at a young age disappear without a trace at rest. However, over the years, regular muscle contraction leaves unsightly marks on the face in the form of deep folds and furrows. These are deep age wrinkles that can only be eliminated surgically, since expression lines and deep age wrinkles are completely different types of wrinkles.

What are expression lines?

Expression wrinkles are essentially dynamic wrinkles (arising as a result of muscle contraction and disappearing at rest). They introduce a temporary change in skin relief, which occurs as a result of contraction of the facial muscles, which take an active part in facial expressions.


Unlike age-related static wrinkles, expression wrinkles are not a sign of skin aging. The first expression lines appear at a very young age, around 15-20 years, when significant changes occur in the structure of the skin as a result of hormonal changes. Wrinkles are especially obvious in people with pronounced facial expressions who express their emotions too actively. They say about such people that their emotions are literally written on their faces. Most often, expression wrinkles appear in the forehead, outer corners of the eyes and mouth:

  1. Crow's feet (wrinkles on the outer corners of the eyes). Very often, such wrinkles appear in nearsighted people who do not wear glasses. Since the skin around the eyes is extremely dry, it needs constant hydration. Lack of proper care can cause early formation of crow's feet.
  2. Sorrow lines or so-called marionette lines are lines running from the corners of the mouth to the chin. These wrinkles give the face an eternally mournful and sad expression.
  3. Nasolabial folds are very unattractive lines that add several extra years to a person. Naturally, such wrinkles significantly spoil the appearance.
  4. Expression wrinkles around the mouth appear in cheerful and cheerful people, and especially in those who like to make faces and grimace.
  5. Expression wrinkles on the forehead indicate that a person often frowns and expresses surprise by raising his eyebrows.

All people have facial wrinkles, but this does not mean that you cannot laugh or express emotions, you just need to control the degree of their expression.

Causes of expression wrinkles

The appearance of wrinkles is determined by the anatomical structure of the face. The skin on the face is 7 times thinner than, for example, the skin on the foot. It is practically devoid of subcutaneous fatty tissue and literally crumples like paper with every muscle movement. Unlike other muscles, the facial muscles are attached to the bones only once and therefore lack fascia. When the facial muscles, which are woven into the skin with their fibers, move, they contract, which pulls the skin along with them. As a result of muscle contraction, a prolonged increase in muscle tone occurs, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Expression wrinkles are formed in the transverse direction of muscle fibers. Therefore, with the habit of squinting your eyes, the muscles located on both sides of the nose lead to the appearance of transverse wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, and when you smile and laugh, “crow’s feet” appear.


At a young age, the skin is elastic and elastic, it is able to resist muscle contraction. However, with age, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases, and the produced collagen changes its ordered structure. This leads to disruption of the connections of the dermal and epidermal layers and the development of elastosis (wear and degeneration of elastic fibers). Also, with age, the tone of facial muscles is disrupted. As a result, in some groups of facial wrinkles the tone decreases, while in others, spastic contractions predominate.

Factors contributing to the formation of facial wrinkles

Elimination of facial wrinkles is associated not only with the causes and mechanisms of their appearance, but also with the elimination of the factors that cause their appearance.

The main factors contributing to the formation of facial wrinkles:

  1. active facial expressions as a result of active expression of emotions;
  2. spasmodic blood vessels as a result of stress;
  3. increased release of adrenaline into the blood as a result of stress;
  4. excess ultraviolet radiation, which leads to photoaging due to the destruction of intercellular structures and damage to the DNA of cells;
  5. synthesis of “defective” collagen and elastin;
  6. decrease in skin elasticity and its natural moisture due to wear and degeneration of elastic and collagen fibers;
  7. the ecological state of the environment, which directly affects the condition of human skin;
  8. metabolic imbalance in the body: malfunction of the hormonal system;
  9. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  10. facial skin diseases (acne, rosacea, rosacea);
  11. liver and kidney diseases;
  12. massive and sudden weight loss as a result of illness or the use of various diets;
  13. violation of the rest and work schedule, active night life with frequent consumption of alcohol and nicotine;
  14. inept facial skin care, use of inappropriate and low-quality cosmetics.

Expression wrinkles under the eyes

The skin under the eyes is very thin and transparent, has weak muscles and two sebaceous glands. Blood vessels are located very close to the surface, therefore, when blood stagnates, its red blood cells enter the intervascular space and are visible through a thin layer of skin. This area begins to darken, forming dark circles under the eyes.


There are several factors that cause the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Age-related skin changes. In youth, the skin has sufficient elasticity and elasticity, it is resistant to deformation and therefore returns to its original position after contraction. With age, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases by half or three times, the skin becomes vulnerable to deformation and begins to sag under its own weight. As a result, wrinkles form.
  2. Ultraviolet radiation. Since the skin around the eyes is very thin, and ultraviolet radiation is known to destroy collagen and elastin, constant exposure to sunlight contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, free radicals are formed that destroy healthy cells.
  3. Active facial expressions. Constant contraction of the facial muscles, as a result of the active manifestation of emotions, leads to the formation of deep facial wrinkles around the eyes.
  4. Improper skin care. With poor care of the skin around the eyes (dry skin contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles), dynamic wrinkles very quickly turn into deep static ones.

How to remove expression wrinkles around the eyes

The question of how to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes is relevant for many women. There are several effective injection methods to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Botox injections. Today, this is the most popular and sought-after method for correcting facial wrinkles. This method is so easy to perform that correction of facial wrinkles is carried out during a lunch break, after which patients continue their work activities. Botox injections help to effectively relax the skin, eliminate dynamic wrinkles, and also prevent their formation.
  2. The use of fillers - volumizers (drugs that restore skin volume). These dermal fillers are effective ways to correct fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. They not only eliminate static wrinkles around the eyes, but also restore lost volume to soft tissues. With the help of fillers, wrinkles under the eyes can be eliminated in one session. The effect lasts for a year, after which the injections must be repeated.
  3. Laser skin resurfacing. Laser correction of wrinkles around the eyes is very effective in the presence of shallow dynamic wrinkles. In addition, in parallel with the elimination of wrinkles, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  4. Dermabrasion. This abrasive method involves removing the surface layers of the skin and is used in cases of fine and shallow wrinkles. However, skin resurfacing has a temporary result and after some time the procedure must be repeated again.
  5. Blepharoplasty. This is a radical method of removing wrinkles, which involves surgical intervention. In addition, using this method, excess skin on the upper eyelid (overhanging folds) and hernias (bags) under the eyes are removed. It should be noted that blepharoplasty is the most effective way to get rid of wrinkles, but at the same time it is the most traumatic.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home

It should be immediately clarified that all home measures to combat wrinkles are preventative. They are only able to prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles and delay the time of their appearance.


For these purposes it is recommended to use:

  1. topical retinoids (structural analogs of vitamin A) which are represented by preparations based on retinoic acid and retinol: (Tretinoin, “Retin-A”, “Retin-A micro”, “A-Ret Gel”), Isotretinoin (13 cis-retinoic acid);
  2. serums with vitamin C;
  3. preparations with hyaluronic acid;
  4. massage;
  5. masks for the skin around the eyes.

How to prevent wrinkles around the eyes

It is well known that prevention is better than cure. Subject to certain restrictions, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes for many years:

  1. avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  2. wear sunglasses in bright sunny weather;
  3. use sunscreen by rubbing it into the skin around the eyes;
  4. quit smoking, since the process of smoking produces the enzyme matrix metalloproteinase, which is capable of destroying all types of extracellular matrix proteins (collagen, elastin, keratin);
  5. drinking plenty of water;
  6. the use of drugs with retinoids, which can significantly resist the formation of wrinkles;
  7. moisturize the skin around the eyes;
  8. use foods rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals (vitamins with selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids);
  9. sufficient sleep and rest, which is necessary for rejuvenation and recovery.

Expression wrinkles around the mouth

Wrinkles around the lips are the result of active facial expressions. Anatomically, it so happens that the mouth area bears the heaviest load. After all, the circular muscles of the mouth work continuously. Every time a person smiles, laughs, talks, chews food, cries or screams, the orbicularis muscles contract and wrinkles appear at the corners of the mouth. Only in youth, after exercise, facial wrinkles immediately disappear, leaving the skin smooth. However, over time they become more and more noticeable.


The reasons that contribute to the formation of wrinkles around the mouth are the same:

  1. decreased production of collagen and elastin;
  2. loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  3. exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin;
  4. cell damage and the formation of free radicals;
  5. incorrect head position during sleep;
  6. smoking provokes the appearance of purse-string wrinkles (thin vertical folds of the skin around the lips);
  7. exposure to cigarette smoke on the skin (provokes degradation of elastin and collagen in the skin);
  8. massive weight loss;
  9. prolonged exposure to cold;
  10. tooth extraction and long-term dentures can cause the formation of wrinkles due to skin retraction.

How to remove facial wrinkles around the mouth

You can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth in the following ways:

  1. gymnastics for the face (face building);
  2. face massage;
  3. cream with retinoids;
  4. masks to prevent the development of wrinkles around the mouth.

Facial exercises are the most effective and cheapest way to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth. You can do this procedure yourself.

For example, you can do the following exercises:

  1. take more air into your lungs, puff out your cheeks and exhale sharply through your mouth, covering your nose with your hand:
  2. take air into your mouth and roll it from one side to the other, then through the left, then through the right corner of the lips;
  3. form your lips into a tube and blow on an imaginary candle;
  4. inflate a balloon several times a day;
  5. open your mouth wide and round your lips, as if you need to pronounce the letter “o”.

Facial massage tightens and refreshes the skin. You can also do it yourself. To do this, apply cream to clean skin with clean hands and massage wrinkles, as if smoothing them out. All movements are performed in the direction from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose.

There is another type of massage that is performed with a toothbrush. It must first of all be clean and soft so as not to injure the skin. Brush movements are performed in the same way as a classic massage, from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose.


Creams containing structural retinoids (with vitamin A) are very effective and effectively eliminate wrinkles. They help the skin remain firm and elastic longer. Dietary supplements and creams with antioxidants are very effective against expression lines. Therefore, you should purchase both creams with antioxidants (the most popular of them is coenzyme Q10) and nutritional supplements with selenium, vitamins and minerals.

You should thoroughly moisturize your facial skin. Wrinkles and microcracks easily form on the surface of dehydrated skin, which over time turn into static wrinkles due to lack of moisture.

Masks made from natural products with biologically active ingredients are very effective in the fight against expression lines. You can prepare the following masks:

Sour cream mask

Mix half a teaspoon of fresh carrot juice with the same amount of sour cream. Also add half a teaspoon of grapefruit pulp and mix everything. Apply to the lip area and wait 15 minutes. Remove the mask with a napkin and wash with warm water.

Egg mask

Beat the egg white until stiff, add a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Apply the mask to your face in the mouth area and let dry. While the mask is drying, you cannot talk, laugh or smile. Then the mask is washed off with warm water.

Olive mask

Mix half a teaspoon of olive oil with raw yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your lips, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to deal with expression wrinkles

Modern cosmetology has a large arsenal of methods and means that can effectively combat facial wrinkles. The most effective are injectable drugs that can significantly reduce the activity of muscle fibrils. In addition, they improve the structure of the skin, additionally nourish and moisturize it, restore lost volume, and make the skin firm and elastic. In the fight against expression wrinkles, fillers based on Botox, hyaluronic acid, and calcium hydroxyapatite have a good effect.


Thread lifting with Aptos threads is able to form a reliable internal frame that effectively tightens the skin.

For facial wrinkles that are just emerging, cosmetic preparations based on synthetic peptides that are applied to the skin are very effective. Cosmetic creams with muscle relaxants (argireline hexapeptide) are also able to resist the formation of facial wrinkles. These cosmetics contain 2-3% of this substance, which effectively affects dynamic wrinkles. With regular use of the cream, wrinkles become less noticeable within a month. In addition, modern cosmetic creams contain botulinum toxin, which prevents the contraction of facial muscles. As a result, new wrinkles do not appear, and old ones are smoothed out.

Using your own (autologous) fat, you can fill folds and wrinkles on your face. This procedure is called lipofilling. For fat transplantation, a person's own (autologous) fat is used.

Expression wrinkles are effectively eliminated by hardware cosmetology sessions (dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, chemical peelings).

Well, the most radical method that allows you to significantly restore youth is plastic surgery.

Preparations for instant correction of facial wrinkles

Currently, cosmetic preparations that eliminate facial wrinkles in a matter of minutes are very popular. These include creams that contain synthetic peptides, which we wrote about above. There are various gels, serums, and emulsions based on peptides, which are very effective. Peptides are organic substances made from amino acid residues that have great biological activity.


In addition, peptides easily penetrate the skin and influence the processes occurring in skin cells. They stimulate the body's production of substances that promote rapid tissue regeneration and self-regulation of cellular processes. Such drugs have an immediate effect on facial wrinkles, unlike conventional products. With constant use, creams with peptides can accumulate in the body and have a prolonged effect. After the first use, the effect lasts no more than 10 hours, and regular use of the drug prolongs it up to a month. The great advantage of such drugs is the fact that they can be used by women at any age.

Prevention of wrinkles

Prevention of wrinkles requires an integrated approach. It is necessary to take active steps against the formation of facial wrinkles from the age of 25, even if there are no wrinkles themselves yet. But at the same time, you shouldn’t give up, even for a forty-year-old woman. Even at this age, it is possible to prevent the appearance of new facial wrinkles and prevent their transformation into age-related static wrinkles.

To do this you need:

  1. give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, some medications;
  2. sleep correctly: the pillow should not be too high, the chin should not touch the chest;
  3. avoid direct sunlight, the appearance of the first static wrinkles is provoked by ultraviolet radiation;
  4. in summer and early spring, apply sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30 to the skin, since every cosmetologist knows that the best anti-wrinkle cream is sunscreen;
  5. perform facial gymnastics;
  6. regularly visit a cosmetologist who will prescribe a set of preventive measures to prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  7. take dietary supplements with antioxidants that neutralize free radicals formed in the skin as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  8. use masks with a lifting effect as facial skin care;
  9. eat right, do not gain weight sharply and do not lose weight, since sudden fluctuations in body weight contribute to the formation of wrinkles;
  10. avoid stress and serious psycho-emotional states;
  11. Regularly conduct a professional facial massage with a specialist, which strengthens the muscles of the face and neck, tones them, smooths out facial wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.

Expression or dynamic wrinkles are skin folds that form as a result of frequent contraction of the facial muscles. Expression wrinkles are not tied to a specific age and are present in all people. However, if in youth they look like thin threads that disappear when the facial muscles relax, then with age you have to make efforts to “straighten” the skin and make the creases invisible. Sometimes people perceive facial wrinkles as an inevitable, but not serious cosmetic defect, and this despite the fact that Many owners of “rich facial expressions”, in whom every emotion is reflected on their face, by the age of 40 acquire a resemblance to a “baked apple” - They have so many small and deep facial wrinkles on their faces. It is well known that the habit of wrinkling the forehead or moving the eyebrows in moments of reflection as a sign of indignation leaves wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose. You should not think that facial wrinkles occur only in gloomy and thoughtful people - cheerful and smiling people also suffer - for example, they have “crow’s feet” in the corners of their eyes.

There is no woman (and among men there is a growing number of people concerned about their own appearance) who would not think about how to reduce facial wrinkles or, even better, get rid of them forever. “And this is possible!” - cosmetologists say, suggesting There is a whole arsenal of procedures to combat expression lines: chemical peels, hardware resurfacing, massages, botulinum toxin and filler injections, as well as thread lifting and contouring.

Reference. The facial muscles responsible for facial expressions are tissues connected to each other and radiating in bundles from the eyes, nose and mouth. Thanks to facial muscles, these natural openings can open and close, and the face “comes to life” and conveys the emotional state of a person. Unlike other types of muscles, facial muscles are attached to the bones at one end and to the skin at the other (or both only to the skin), so their slightest movements immediately set the skin in motion: when the muscles contract, the skin contracts (wrinkles appear), and when returning to its normal state, the skin straightens (wrinkles are smoothed out).

Reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles

Expression wrinkles are formed due to the skin's reaction to the contraction of the underlying muscles. At any age, a person conveys his feelings, emotions and sensations not only with words, but also with facial expressions. It’s easy to decipher what facial wrinkles mean: raised eyebrows indicate surprise, pursed lips most often mean offense, and a “wrinkled” forehead is, as a rule, a distinctive feature of a thinker. Both children and adults frown and smile, but in the former, the skin remains smooth due to the active production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, but in adults and, especially, older people, the skin has largely lost its elasticity and is therefore covered with a network of wrinkles. Experts say that it is useless to fight against facial wrinkles - they will appear anyway, but any person can reduce their number and depth to a minimum, one just needs to take control of facial expressions and at least not grimace, that is, show emotions more restrained, avoiding squinting eyes, pursing lips and raising eyebrows.


It is quite difficult to remove expression wrinkles, so you should make every effort to prevent their development, and to do this, avoid:

  1. tanning, leading to photoaging, that is, deterioration of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  2. extremely low and high temperatures, as well as their sharp changes;
  3. using low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics;
  4. bad habits, including smoking, staying up at night and drinking alcohol.

In addition, the abundance of deep expression wrinkles can be a hereditary feature, and in women, among other things, folds on the skin are formed due to changes in hormonal levels, especially during menopause, which is always accompanied by thinning, dryness and ptosis of the skin and facial muscles.

Expression wrinkles: video

Localization of facial wrinkles

Facial expressions convey a person’s mood and facilitate communication. During the day, each of us tries on an endless number of “masks,” and sometimes it takes literally a few seconds to change them. Complete elimination of facial wrinkles will make the skin smooth, but at the same time deprive a person of charm and individuality, because a mask of indifference will harden on his face.

Expression wrinkles include:

Horizontal and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. Horizontal creases (folds of skin hanging over the bridge of the nose) are called “proud wrinkles” - it seems that their owner looks down on others. These wrinkles are formed due to contraction of the muscle that pulls the skin of the forehead down. Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows are called “anger lines” or “lion lines.” They are formed from the habit of moving the eyebrows in moments of excitement, indignation and concentration. Wrinkles between the eyebrows add brutality to the image - some people think that the person looks stern and serious, while others think that he is angry or suffering. But these are far from the emotions that women would like to evoke in others, so ladies very often resort to the correction of facial wrinkles between the eyebrows.


Wrinkles on the forehead (horizontal). How to smooth out facial wrinkles, called thinker or anxiety wrinkles? The answer is simple: stop wrinkling your forehead! If you straighten the occipital-frontal muscle (it also moves the eyebrows and eyelids), remember the sensations that arise and remember them every time in moments when you want to confirm amazement, excitement, sympathy and surprise with facial expressions, then the deepening of existing wrinkles and even the formation of new wrinkles forehead can be avoided. Otherwise, with age, barely noticeable lines will turn into deep expression wrinkles, which can only be removed with the help of modern hardware, injection and surgical techniques.


Crow's feet in the outer corners of the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, so these expression lines are one of the first to appear on the face, usually due to the habit of squinting. In addition, crow's feet are the scourge of funny, friendly, often smiling people. Without a doubt, the “rays” in the corners of the eyes add charm, but only until they turn into deep folds.


Oral wrinkles (around the mouth). Anyone can see what “smoker’s wrinkles” or “purse-string wrinkles” look like if they stretch out their lips with a “straw”, and in real life smokers, people who habitually purse their lips, and those who like to drink cocktails through a straw are at risk of developing such a defect. They “spoil” the face even more mentolabial folds, running from the corners of the mouth to the chin (other names are grief lines and marionette lines). If along with them there are nasolabial folds on the face, then a person is guaranteed to look dull, dissatisfied and sad.


How to deal with expression wrinkles and prevent the formation of folds

Since the main reason for the appearance of facial wrinkles is tension and weakening of the facial muscles, you need to learn to control them and not try to “reinforce” what is said every time with knitted eyebrows, a frowning forehead, or even a “32-teeth” smile. However this does not mean that an impenetrable mask of indifference should settle on your face - you should simply stop grimacing, that is, using your facial potential too actively.

Expression wrinkles appear faster on dry skin, which is usually the case in people who neglect even the simplest rules of care: ignoring moisturizing and nourishing creams, and also not having the habit of applying sunscreen to the skin, wearing sunglasses and appropriate hats.

In order not to think about how to remove facial wrinkles, it is better to prevent their appearance, and here all the remedies are good, from homemade masks, massages and exercises to professional cosmetology procedures.

Find out about all the methods of getting rid of expression wrinkles from the article “How to remove expression wrinkles.”