Do women need fitness during their periods?

Menstruation is the most unpleasant period in the life of every woman. Discomfort, irritability appear, mental state is disturbed, general health worsens, some even experience acute pain... It is no wonder that many women refuse physical training during this period. But is this right? Maybe there is still a place for sports these days? Let's look at this issue...

American physiologist Stacey Sims believes that during menstruation, female hormonal levels are very similar to male ones. In his scientific works, the sports doctor explains: “The levels of estrogen and progesterone fall. This makes your metabolism go faster and your endurance increases.” Stacey Sims also writes about the hormonal surge that really affects a woman's well-being.

However, in his opinion, fitness during menstruation can be useful and, moreover, even effective! Moderate and well-planned physical exercise helps get rid of annoying abdominal pain and general weakness of the body. Thanks to training, lower back pain recedes and blood flow in the pelvis increases. Bad mood goes away due to the production of “happiness hormones”.

  1. Running and race walking.
  2. Swimming in the pool.
  3. Group training.
  4. Cardio workouts.
  5. Home fitness training.
  6. Proper nutrition and sleep.
You can start physical exercises without forgetting certain rules:
  1. if you experience very severe pain, reminiscent of contractions, it is better to postpone intensive fitness until you feel well;
  2. if you have dysmenorrhea, be sure to ask your doctor about the permissible loads, because they can affect the regularity of the cycle;
  3. Don't drink coffee and Coca-Cola. The substances in these drinks help to cheer you up, but increase menstrual pain;
  4. when exercising in a sports studio, wear dark-colored clothes, this will relieve you of complexes and distracting thoughts;
  5. During menstruation, fluid loss is inevitable, so stock up on plenty of water;
  6. classes are contraindicated in case of endometriosis or fibroids. These diseases can cause severe bleeding;
  7. Exercise in the evening no later than a few hours before bed. Overstimulation will prevent you from falling asleep quickly. And this will affect the whole next day.

Running and race walking.

It is believed that it is better to do jogging on the eve of menstruation, as it helps to cope with premenstrual syndrome. Choose a safe route: without bumps and obstacles. If you get injured during your period, it will take a long time to heal. Run as usual: without weights or increasing the load. For severe pain, replace running with race walking.

Swimming in the pool.

Swimming during menstruation, contrary to popular belief, is beneficial. Thanks to water, muscle spasms and aching pain in the lower back subside. Swim at a relaxed pace without putting too much stress on your lower body. Water aerobics classes are suitable, but the load should be light. The water in the pool must be warm. Cold water increases muscle spasms. When visiting the pool, use a tampon.

Group training.

Group training includes aerobics, dancing, and various types of martial arts. The advantage of such activities is that they are guaranteed to lift your spirits. It is believed that during menstruation, memory works much better. Use this to learn new choreography.

Cardio workouts.

Moderate and precisely dosed cardio training can help with aching pain in the lower abdomen. Choose what you like best: a treadmill, an elliptical or an exercise bike. As a result of training, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation increases. If you want to add strength exercises, choose ones that strengthen your back. The load should be very light. Try to “unload” your lower back as much as possible.

Home fitness training.

Fitness classes at home, according to sports medicine experts, are the best option for menstruation. Find a comfortable position in front of the TV and turn on the video instructor. Hatha yoga exercises, asanas, and stretching will help you get rid of cramps, fatigue, nausea and a feeling of heaviness. First, work your legs, and then rise higher: to the pelvis and abdomen. At the end, be sure to meditate or do breathing exercises.

Be sure to pay attention to proper recuperation. Take time for healthy and deep sleep. It promotes the production of growth hormones, which help tissues repair. Lack of sleep affects the overall health of the body and forces you to consume a lot of calories. When you're tired, your body's ability to detect when it's sufficiently satiated turns off.

An hour after training, you need a snack that restores muscle tissue. First of all, replenish your protein supply: eat a hard-boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese or a milk smoothie.

So, during menstruation, it is advisable to adjust the duration and intensity of training depending on your health condition. It is necessary to reduce strength loads and reduce the number of repetitions of exercises. It is necessary to abandon inverted poses and sudden jumps, since during this period the movement of energy in the body goes downward. It is advisable not to disturb the energy balance.

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