Incline Dumbbell Raise

Lifting dumbbells on an inclined bench in its execution is very similar to “lifting dumbbells, kettlebells, blocks, barbells for biceps while sitting.” Almost the same thing - but with a slight tilt back. This exercise is aimed at "abdomen» biceps, attaches relief, qualitatively divides And lengthens his. Curling arms on an inclined bench should be done with moderate weight. The main thing here is not the load, but the correct technique plus concentration. Elbows should be motionless at all times. The bench angle is usually set at 20-45 degrees.

The legendary bodybuilder of all times, Boyer Ko, experimented a lot with this exercise. And ultimately, by modifying this movement, he achieved what it began to bring “diving effect" The secret of his technique is that for maximum performance gains, you need to lie on an inclined bench with your chest and very slowly, feeling every millimeter of movement, bend in concentration hands in front of you.

As with the “standing biceps”, it will never be superfluous to use in this exercise twists (rotation of the hands inward - pronation, rotation of the hands outward - supination), which will allow you to connect the muscles to work forearms.

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