Lymphatic drainage body massage technique video


Today, lymphatic drainage massage, as a method of quick and pleasant weight loss, has become very popular not only in Europe, but also in our country. Thanks to a special technique that improves lymph circulation, fat cells are freed from excess fluid, thereby helping you lose weight. This issue of our magazine will allow you to learn more about this miracle massage: find out how it will help you, what benefits it will bring to the body, what technique to choose for yourself. We will also get acquainted with all its “pros” and contraindications for its implementation.

Lymphatic drainage - what is it?

This massage technique is quite young - it dates back to the mid-20th century. The Frenchman P. Kosh found out that if you massage near the areas where lymph flow passes, the swelling goes away much faster. Now this important discovery is actively used in the field of cosmetology.

What is the essence of this technique? Active massaging movements stimulate lymph flows, due to which decay elements and various types of toxic substances are more easily removed from the cells. Thus, any inflammatory phenomena slow down their activity. Also, in addition to harmful substances, cells lose fluids, due to which the body acquires clearer outlines and the process of losing weight occurs faster.

Who is suitable for lymphatic drainage massage?


  1. For those who seek to improve the blood supply to the body’s tissues and get rid of edema;
  2. If there is a history of obesity;
  3. I want to get rid of cellulite;
  4. For those who have undergone surgery;
  5. Who had injuries combined with tissue swelling.

Now let’s talk about “how much” and “how often” you need to massage in order to feel lightness in your body.

The course of massage and the number of times in it depends on the individual characteristics of each - it all depends on the degree of development of cellulite: with easy degree, the procedure should be completed 3-4 times and the session duration should be 40-50 minutes, with average degree - up to 6 sessions of the same duration are required, and for severe cases - up to 10 sessions may be required in one course.

Here are a few rules and advice for those who decide to try lymphatic drainage massage in practice:


  1. Sessions should take place with a break one day;
  2. Strictly follow the drinking regime! After completing the session, to maintain the effect, experienced specialists advise not to eat or drink for two hours. This is due to the fact that with the loss of fluid after the session, the cells are in a stressful state. If you take water immediately after the session, the cells are guaranteed to absorb even more liquid than they had before and there will be no effect from the massage.
  3. The drinking regime is observed not only on the day of the massage, but also on the day of the break: you need to drink at least two liters distilled water. It is advisable that the entire water supply be taken before 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

Now let's decide the question of who Not recommended undergo this massage sessions:


  1. If you have various types of skin diseases;
  2. Pregnant women;
  3. Children who are under one year old;
  4. In the presence of kidney pathology;
  5. In the first weeks after surgery;
  6. During the period when infectious diseases manifest themselves in an acute manner.

For those who want to try the effects of lymphatic drainage massage at home, here are a few variations of its implementation:


  1. Surface technique. Thanks to it, only small blood vessels, that is, capillaries, are stimulated. They are responsible for the conservation and consumption of liquids.
  2. Deep. The effect occurs directly on the lymphatic vessels.
  3. Internal. There is an effect on the lymph nodes.

What else need to know about performing lymphatic drainage massage?

Remember that the movements when performing should not be sudden, but active. Your fingers should smoothly and slowly touch the area you are working on. During the massage, it is possible to use oils, for example, olive, peach, apricot or other cosmetic oils.

Most modern residents of the country lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is due to the activities of many of them: working in an office, studying, driving. The result of this lifestyle is increased fatigue, lethargy, neck and back pain, and excess weight gain. In this regard, a good solution would be to regularly take massage courses, and for the best effect, combine it with physical activity. Experts recommend paying attention to lymphatic drainage massage, as it allows you to effectively combat the above ailments. This type of massage is provided by both medical institutions and many fitness centers. It is convenient to combine a massage with training by visiting a fitness club - this will enhance the desired effect.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a procedure that involves influencing certain areas of the body with your hands or a special device in places and in the direction of lymph flow. The purpose of this effect, first of all, is to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system. In addition, lymphatic drainage massage has a positive effect on the body:

  1. helps fight excess weight and sagging skin;
  2. accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  3. relieves swelling by removing excess fluid.

The consequence of this is improved health and appearance.

Photo gallery: what the lymphatic drainage procedure looks like

Indications and contraindications

Lymphatic drainage massage, despite its benefits, has a number of contraindications. Thus, in the following conditions, lymphatic drainage should not be performed:

  1. vascular diseases;
  2. skin disorders (wounds, abrasions, burns, etc.);
  3. skin diseases (ringworm, scabies, fungal diseases, etc.);
  4. oncology;
  5. diseases of the thyroid gland;
  6. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  7. diabetes mellitus;
  8. colds;
  9. inflammation;
  10. elevated temperature;
  11. pregnancy.

With all this, there are also ailments for which lymphatic drainage is indicated for use, but only if there are no contraindications:

  1. metabolic disease;
  2. disruptions in the functioning of the immune system;
  3. intoxication of the body.

In addition to medical indications, lymphatic drainage massage helps well in the fight against:

  1. cellulite;
  2. double chin;
  3. swelling;
  4. sagging skin.

It would be a good practice to do body wraps along with lymphatic drainage massage. For your health, it would be useful to minimize the consumption of junk food and switch to a healthy diet if possible. If all these conditions are met, the result will not be long in coming and will appear within a few weeks.

Wraps for weight loss at home - video

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

There are two approaches to performing the lymphatic drainage procedure:

  1. hardware lymphatic drainage massage;
  2. manual lymphatic drainage massage.

Manual massage involves using your hands to influence the areas of lymph flow. It can be carried out both in a medical institution and at home, having studied a little about the structure of the body. Hardware massage is performed using a special device and, in turn, is divided into three types:

  1. Pressotherapy - you will need a special suit to carry it out. For half an hour, it creates pressure in certain areas of the body by supplying air. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to repeat pressotherapy 15 times, but not more often than twice a week;
  2. Vacuum massage - involves exposure to back pressure using a special device. Before performing the massage, gel is applied to the skin. The procedure can only be performed by a qualified master to avoid negative consequences: hematomas, ruptures and injuries;
  3. microcurrent massage is a painless procedure that involves applying electrical impulses to the upper layers of the skin. It appeared later than other types of lymphatic drainage and is aimed at eliminating swelling, scars, wrinkles and adding elasticity to the oval of the face.

Hardware massage is not recommended to be done at home, since if used incorrectly, it can harm the body. Operation of the device is possible only in the hands of a specially trained person who knows the structure of the body, the location of lymph flows and safety precautions when working with the device.

Photo gallery: lymphatic drainage massage using various devices

How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

Before considering the manual massage procedure, it should be noted that lymphatic drainage is performed on different parts of the body. Thus, the objects of lymphatic drainage can be:

You won’t be able to do a back massage yourself, but you can ask one of your family members to do it, after showing him the technology.

Neck and face massage

To perform lymphatic drainage facial massage, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. From the middle of the forehead to the temples, you need to slowly massage the skin with your fingertips.
  2. Going down to the bridge of the nose, massage the skin towards the temples, lingering under the eyelids.
  3. You should massage the eyelid area a little, repeating the movements with your fingers from the bridge of the nose to the temples several times.
  4. Apply pressure several times with your index fingers from the nasolabial folds to the edges of the jaw.
  5. Then work the area from the chin to the edges of the lower jaw.
  6. Massage from the chin towards the neck.

All movements should be of a massage nature. After this, lymphatic drainage moves to the neck. There is also some procedure here:

  1. Starting from the area under the ears, smoothly move down the neck with all fingers except the thumb.
  2. Pausing at the bottom of the neck, massage the area in a circular motion.
  3. Similarly under the ears, slow down a little and massage additionally.

Video: lymphatic drainage of the neck and face

Back massage

Before you start massaging your back, you need to warm it up a little by rubbing from the spine to the sides. Then you can start the massage:

  1. You should apply a little oil to your hands and distribute it over your back using movements from the spine to the sides, pressing on your back.
  2. Pressing your hands tightly to your back, you need to move them along the spine, on the sides of it, then return to the starting position on the sides. Repeat several times.
  3. Then make symmetrical movements from the lower back to the shoulders, returning along the edges of the back.
  4. Using circular movements from the spine to the sides, massage the back from the neck to the sacral region.
  5. Then you should walk again in the same direction with the edge of your palm, and then with your entire palm without circular movements.

Lymphatic drainage of the back - video

Abdominal massage

When performing lymphatic drainage massage on the stomach, you need to be extremely careful, since the stomach is a very sensitive place. The massage is carried out as follows:

  1. You should lubricate your hands with oil and distribute it over your stomach in a circular motion.
  2. You need to move from the right lower abdomen and massage counterclockwise.
  3. Then move to the navel area and massage the area around it clockwise.
  4. After this, stroke your stomach with your hands from left to right.
  5. Finally, tap the pads over the entire abdominal area.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen to yourself - video

Hand massage

Hand massage is not very convenient to do on your own, but in principle, it is possible. To perform lymphatic drainage of the hands, you need:

  1. Run one hand over the other slowly, stroking movements from wrist to elbow. After 5-7 times, repeat the procedure on the other hand.
  2. Then, using the same movements from bottom to top, the area from the elbow to the shoulder is massaged. First on one arm, then on the other, 10–15 repetitions.
  3. Rub your hands one at a time using similar movements from your fingertips to your wrists.

Foot massage

Foot massage is performed in similar movements from bottom to top as hand massage. But before you start the procedure, you need to prepare a little.

  1. The muscles in the legs need to be relaxed. To do this, you need to sit down and put your leg in front of you on a sofa or chair. This will help relieve stress.
  2. Then, using oil, massage the leg with smooth movements from the toes to the ankle, from it to the knee, then to the thigh.
  3. Gradually increase the pressure and intensity, alternating strokes with pats.
  4. When moving from bottom to top, grab all sides of the leg: first the outer side, then in a circle to the inner.
  5. After finishing the massage, repeat the process on the other leg.

Video: lymphatic drainage body massage

This is how different zones of the body are worked out. After the procedure, frequent urination occurs as excess fluid is removed from the body. At home, you can massage all parts of the body or focus your attention on the problem area, but you should not get carried away and do lymphatic drainage more than twice a week. It is better to observe moderation in everything.

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to give up bad habits, if any, since nothing has such a detrimental effect on the body’s condition as regular smoking and alcohol abuse. It will not be possible, on the one hand, to heal the body with a massage, and on the other, to poison it. Therefore, giving up bad habits is mandatory and undeniable.


Reviews about lymphatic drainage are mostly positive, but there are also those for whom this procedure was not suitable or was not carried out at the proper level:

Great procedure! I’ve done it more than once, and the effect is already visible - lightness and complete relaxation. And the figure changes just before our eyes, the extra centimeters have evaporated somewhere throughout the entire volume. A little, but still. Pressotherapy in a suit is completely worth the price because I like the results and the fact that there are more areas to be treated in less time.



My result is similar to that which occurs after several short periods of sports: jogging, fitness, swimming a couple of times a week. That is, the tightness is there, the swelling goes away, and a lighter version of me appears. For some reason, I expected more, but, probably, we need a more comprehensive, rather individual approach to body correction, without relying on one device.



Pressotherapy removes excess water well, and it really helped me get rid of swelling. I went to this session with great pleasure, because nowhere can you rest and relax as much as during it. They gave me a special “uniform”, a plastic suit, the feeling was indescribable! When the components are inflated, either on the arms or on the legs, you feel the effect of a gentle manual massage.



My impressions are mixed. Let's start with the fact that I needed to get a cosmetic result, but after my first trip my head started to hurt. After consulting with a specialist, I stopped going to the salon and I can’t say for sure about its usefulness. Maybe it was just the way the stars aligned, or maybe it didn’t suit me.


I have fallen in love with pressotherapy for quite a long time. This is a very useful, at the same time pleasant procedure that relaxes me after everyday work and gets rid of unnecessary centimeters. Its action is that the body is massaged with air supplied under pressure. In short, you simply put on a suit of pants, a wide belly belt, and sleeves that inflates and then deflates. After all this, you feel real lightness, a surge of energy.



I am so grateful to my friend that she invited me with her to hardware lymphatic drainage. Now I am a regular client, I don’t even know how I lived before without an invigorating procedure. The mood is like pre-holiday, the simplicity of movements, the conditional weightlessness do not leave for a long time. Good luck to everyone in endlessly improving themselves!



Thanks to the development of the beauty industry, it has become possible to heal the body, tone it up and prevent some diseases with the help of simple actions. It is important that the procedure for hardware lymphatic drainage massage is carried out by a qualified specialist who knows the structure of the human body and who has the appropriate permission. It is also necessary to take into account all indications and contraindications so as not to harm the body. If all the rules are followed, lymphatic drainage massage will become an excellent assistant in a person’s life - it will tone the body, normalize the functioning of organs and, as a result, ensure a good mood.

The article is devoted to lymphatic drainage massage of the body, a technique that can restore skin tone in a short period of time, restore an attractive appearance, edit the figure and guarantee complete recovery of the body by getting rid of waste and toxins accumulated in the structure of the dermis. You will become familiar with the basic principles of full body massage at home, study indications, contraindications, and implementation options.

What kind of massage is this and how it works?

When considering methods of complex massage effects on the body, you are guaranteed not to pass by the increasingly popular method of lymphatic drainage treatment. This is a unique technique that was invented by experienced massage therapists around the middle of the 20th century.


According to official data, the founder of the mechanical impact technique is Dr. Pascol Kosh, who initially sought to create a set of exercises for drug-free removal of swelling in patients after surgery. It was he who was the first to understand that directed influence on the lymphatic drainage lines helps remove excess fluid from delicate areas of the dermis. Then the technique began to be rapidly used to solve many other problems.

Important! Doctors have noticed that the lymphatic drainage effect copes well with venous insufficiency, fights excess weight and promotes figure correction.

The principle of the effect of technology on the body deserves special attention. A safe and extremely effective procedure actively affects the lymph nodes and the fluid itself, which is responsible for washing the cells, bones and connective tissues of the body.



Lymphatic drainage technique is a type of universal massage that can be used to perform a variety of tasks, from strengthening and losing weight to restoring and healing the body. The goal of the set of measures is to improve the condition of the lymphatic system. As a result you get:

  1. Complete relaxation in the muscles.
  2. Vasodilation.
  3. Improving blood circulation.
  4. Strengthening the immune system.
  5. Relieving stress and other nervous conditions.
  6. Restoration of all disorders in the lymphatic system.
  7. Treatment of varicose veins and other diseases.

Execution Rules

Carrying out lymphatic drainage massage requires taking into account a number of nuances, since the procedure itself involves a targeted effect on the lymphatic circuits and nodes. Hence, If you show negligence in the execution procedure, be prepared to face a number of unpleasant moments, including the manifestation of uncomfortable and painful conditions. In order to eliminate such an unpleasant effect, try to perform the procedure based on the following nuances:

  1. Accuracy and smoothness. All movements during the massage should be perfectly smooth and uniform. No sudden movements. Otherwise, there will be bruises and bruises on the body.
  2. Warming up It is necessary to start the complex by thoroughly warming up the problem areas. Arms, legs and thighs should be treated with slow strokes directly in the direction of lymph flow. You need to do several approaches to one place, and then gradually move to the side.
  3. Active stage. After warming up, you can proceed directly to performing basic massage actions. It is advisable to carry out manipulations with the ribs of the palms also in the direction of lymph movement. All movements are carried out to the lymph nodes. Then the process is repeated from the beginning.


  1. The final stage. After each manipulation, you must take a contrast or just a cool shower. This way you will consolidate the effect.
  2. Directions. Before performing, you must remember the direction of lymph flow in different areas. Lymph moves in the body from the neck to the chest, from the wrist to the shoulders, and from the legs and abdomen to the hip area.
  3. Node locations. When performing a massage, remember that the pressure on the lymph nodes should be minimal. The most dangerous areas of exposure are considered to be the bend lines of the elbow, lower jaw, armpits, sides of the neck and center of the chest.

Massage technique

Having studied the rules of lymphatic drainage massage, you can proceed directly to its technique. At the same time, we note that today this type of manipulation with the body is divided into two subtypes, each of which has unique qualities and can provide its own special principle of influence. Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with these types of effects on lymph.

Note! It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water the next day after the massage before evening. This way you can balance the amount of water in your body.

Hand manipulation

Manual massage is performed without the use of additional tools. It involves light and smooth pressure in certain areas with stretching movements along the lines of lymph flow. There are several subtypes of this technique. These include:

  1. Internal massage. It acts directly on the lymph nodes.
  2. Surface. Designed to unblock capillaries and stimulate metabolic processes in skin cells, which will lead to its toning and rejuvenation.
  3. Deep. It involves a direct effect on blood vessels, thereby ensuring the normal outflow of fluid from important elements of the cardiovascular and motor systems.


Hardware manipulation

This set of lymphatic drainage massage techniques involves the use of additional expensive equipment. For this reason, this method of working with lymph is usually used only in specialized beauty salons. The most popular representatives of the subtype of mechanical manipulation include:

  1. Pressotherapy. Involves the use of equipment that acts on the body with compressed air. Ideal for significantly reducing the volume of the thighs, arms and legs. At the time of performing the procedure, the salon client must wear a special suit, which allows targeted effects on various parts of the body.
  2. Microcurrent drainage. To perform this procedure, equipment that can produce small current discharges is used. In this way, you treat your body with light pulsed discharges that penetrate deep into the skin directly to the lymph flow, where cell stimulation occurs.


  1. Vacuum effect. To carry out the procedure, special vessels are installed on problem areas of the client’s body, which are designed to reduce the air pressure above the treated surface. As a result, excess fluid begins to leave the lymph, which leads to the neutralization of swelling and the formation of normal metabolism.

Note! If you want to save time on massage, it is better to give preference to the hardware method of influence. Manual procedures require more time.


Like vacuum abdominal massage, lymphatic drainage technique has its own special indications for use. Certainly, the procedure can also be used as a preventative effect, but it is better to use it comprehensively, for rejuvenation, healing and strengthening of the body. The main prerequisites for the use of the popular technique are considered to be:

  1. The appearance of edematous cellulite due to a sedentary lifestyle and other reasons.
  2. Excess fat in muscle tissue.
  3. Increased swelling in the face and limbs.
  4. The appearance of bags under the eyes and bruises.
  5. Loose skin on the sides and face.
  6. Slow cell regeneration, increasing recovery time even after minor injuries.
  7. A large number of wrinkles.
  8. Distortion of the classic contours of the figure.
  9. Deterioration of the immune system.
  10. Unstable psycho-emotional state.
  11. Exposure to stress.
  12. The first signs of varicose veins, lymphatic drainage and excess intercellular fluid appear.


Such a complex positive effect that lymphatic drainage technique creates simply cannot do without contraindications. In other words, the skin care method discussed in the article has its own special limitations, which you simply must take into account if you want to use the technique at home. You should refrain from the procedure if your body is burdened with:

  1. thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  2. serious skin diseases;
  3. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  4. acne and purulent inflammation;
  5. herpes, lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy;
  6. neurological disorders;
  7. traces of burns and other severe damage to the dermis;
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. pregnancy.

If you have any of the above ailments, or even if you suspect an illness, you should contact a competent cosmetologist who, based on the tests and examination, will make an informed choice as to whether you should perform lymphatic drainage massage or whether you need to pay attention to other body care options.

How many procedures need to be done and how often

A lymphatic drainage set of exercises, just like LPG massage, is selected individually for each person, based on the characteristics of his body, which imply the presence of certain diseases, age and condition.

The standard course of exposure involves from 3 to 9 sessions. The worse your health, the more procedures you need to perform. Moreover, one procedure lasts no more than 50 minutes. After completing one course, you should take a break for several weeks.


Note! When performing a comprehensive lymphatic drainage massage, do not forget to follow the drinking regime. It is advisable not to drink for 2 hours after the procedure. It is quite possible that you will become very thirsty within 15 minutes after the procedure. This fact is explained by the intense impact of technology on metabolic processes in the body.

What effect should you expect from a massage?

If you take a responsible approach to performing lymphatic drainage massage of the legs and other parts of the body, take into account all the contraindications of the procedures and choose the most effective options for the procedures, then get ready to feel a colossal effect. Moreover positive changes will be noticeable after the first 2-3 sessions. As for the overall effect of the full course of exposure, it should include:

  1. Complete elimination of edematous cellulite and fat deposits.
  2. Significant reduction in swelling in the arms, legs and face. Stabilization of metabolic processes returns a healthy appearance without excess water.
  3. Neutralizes bags under the eyes and dark circles by stabilizing blood flow.
  4. Accelerating the overall regeneration of the body even in places of severe trauma, including scratches, cuts and sutures after operations.


  1. Full body lift, including the sides of the waist and other problem areas.
  2. Significant reduction in the number of deep wrinkles and complete elimination of minor age-related changes, including facial expressions.
  3. Structuring body contours by eliminating excess.
  4. Boosting immunity. Improving the state of blood flow helps saturate the body with vitamins and their proper distribution throughout the body.
  5. Production of the hormone of joy, which leads to normalization of the mental state. Thus, massage combats stress.
  6. Forming a balance of components in the lymph and eliminating problems such as excessive lymph drainage or the presence of excess intercellular fluid.
  7. Fighting varicose veins.

Useful videos

For a more detailed acquaintance with the lymphatic drainage technique of influencing the body, you should open up the widest possible range of information. The more data you have at your disposal, the more effective the use of popular technology in practice will be.. At the same time, we invite you to familiarize yourself with thematic video materials devoted to the issue studied in the article.

In the video, qualified specialists share their experience and also give recommendations on the correct implementation of certain variations of the effect on various parts of the body. Thus, you will learn the intricacies of the procedure and will definitely increase its effectiveness when used at home.

How to perform this massage yourself at home using a dry brush.

A responsible attitude towards your skin, muscles and bones guarantees you excellent health and youth. It is for this reason that every modern person should pay attention to massage treatments designed to cover all of the above aspects.

Lymphatic drainage technique is a striking example of those procedures that do not need additional introduction. They have been used for many years in all corners of the planet to maintain health, beauty, elasticity and tone of the whole body. By carefully studying the basic canons of the procedure and choosing the latest exercises, you can start your path to an ideal figure and healthy skin today.