Facial workouts video

Gymnastics for the face Facebook building at home

What is Facebook building? The answer is contained in the name itself. The word consists of two words “Face” - face and “Building” - build. In other words, this is work aimed at building beautiful facial features. These are special exercises for the face, which are aimed at working out the muscles that will make the facial contour beautiful, the skin tightened, and wrinkles invisible.

Every woman probably always dreams of staying young, but age and nature take their toll - the skin becomes flabby, facial features lose their expressiveness, and wrinkles appear treacherously. But all this can be delayed for a long time if you systematically devote a little time to your face. The face-building technique was developed taking into account the work of all, even the smallest, facial muscles, as well as taking into account the structure of the skin. This is what allows us to achieve the most effective results in the fight against age-related changes in the face.

In addition, face building will certainly help those whose main goal is not to get rid of wrinkles and similar troubles, but to correct facial imperfections, such as the size of the eyes, the shape of the cheekbones, and the volume of the chin (double chin). To get rid of any of these problems, you just need to choose the right face-building lesson and start practicing.

You can do facial gymnastics at home at any convenient time, using Facebook building video lessons as a visual aid, which you can watch online absolutely free.

Every woman over 50 is familiar with the search for methods to eliminate age-related changes on skin surfaces. It turns out that you don’t have to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon or use Botox injections. It is enough to introduce facial exercises at home into your daily routine - face-building - so that when performed systematically, you can strengthen your muscles and reduce wrinkles.

The meaning and effectiveness of exercises


A set of training techniques that strengthen the neck muscles and have a positive effect on restoring facial tone was developed for people who have suffered a stroke for the purpose of rehabilitation. They provided real help to patients with cerebral palsy. Techniques that show good effectiveness over time have become popular in the beauty sector, becoming known as facial gymnastics - face building.

The essence of the technique is to consistently train specific muscles that require adjustment. If done correctly, you will notice an increase in skin elasticity within a month. A clearer facial contour gradually returns, the double chin is reduced, and wrinkles are reduced. Face building is especially beneficial after the age of 50, when the skin is already beginning to fade and urgent measures are needed to rejuvenate it.

The complex must be performed daily to obtain the positive predicted effect.

It should be noted that when performing exercises, different zones are consistently worked out, so you need to allocate enough time in your daily routine to complete all the exercises without haste. Evgenia Baglyk pays a lot of attention to this issue. In information sources you can find her video lessons on Facebook building, which allow you to understand the algorithm of each movement. Watch the video below.

Methodology of Evgenia Baglyk

Studying the most popular face-building exercises with Evgenia Baglyk, you can note their availability and the ability to perform at home. The list proposed by the author includes basic exercises that do not take much time, but allow you to include the main muscles in intensive work.

  1. You can reduce wrinkles localized around the eyes, remove bags and at the same time improve your vision by drawing “zigzags”. The head remains motionless, and the gaze follows from the bottom point on the right up, then to the bottom point on the left and up again. Perform 10 times.
  2. You can correct flabby cheeks by filling your mouth with air as much as possible. At the same time, the muscles are tensed, and the palms are placed on the outside of the face, pressing on the skin. The lips are not parted. Repeat 3 times.
  3. When performing face-building for the cheekbones, use the tongue to make massaging movements from the inside in a circle. First, they work on one cheek, making movements for a minute clockwise, then the same amount of time against it. The next stage is a massage of the lip area. The procedure is completed by treating the second cheek. This exercise helps to gradually eliminate senile jowls.
  4. One common problem is a double chin. Evgenia Baglyk suggests performing face-building for the chin in the form of simple exercises. It is important to observe several conditions - do not open or strain your lips, so as not to get extra wrinkles. The tongue presses against the roof of the mouth, tensing only the chin muscle. Then the tongue is moved behind the lower jaw. Relax and repeat the cycle up to 6 times.
  5. To make the neck more flexible and strengthen its muscles, perform smooth measured turns left and right with your head down.

Facebuilding training includes many exercises, but the options listed above are the most popular. For clarity, watch the video.

To get good results, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with other types of training.

Facebuilding training

Forehead exercises

Expression wrinkles located on the forehead can also appear at a young age with a tendency to increased facial expressions. With age, deep horizontal furrows form. Age is revealed by vertical creases between the eyebrows and wrinkles appearing on the bridge of the nose.

Therefore, face building for the face after 50 years necessarily includes training to eliminate these problems. The usual number of repetitions is 10 times. If a larger number is required, this is indicated separately.

  1. To warm up, simultaneously open your eyes wide, without moving your eyebrows, as well as your mouth, lowering your lower lip. Then close and repeat.
  2. From the eyebrow folds, place the middle fingers tightly on the eyebrows. They press quite noticeably and move them in a horizontal plane.
  3. The fingers are placed in the shape of a triangle, touching the inner ends of the eyebrows with the little fingers. At the same time, at the top of the hairline, the index fingers close. Eyebrows are lowered, excluding creases. The fingers offer barely noticeable resistance to this movement.
  4. Place the palms on the forehead in a house from the temples to the center at the hairline. Raise the middle part of the forehead with effort.
  5. To eliminate horizontal folds, place your index fingers above the eyebrows parallel to their line. They raise their eyebrows without allowing them to move, offering resistance with their fingers.
  6. Place your palms on your forehead, fixing your little fingers horizontally above your eyebrows. They try to raise their eyebrows, stopping at the last repetition in this position for as long as possible.
  7. The fingers are closed into a lock and placed on the forehead, fixing the eyebrows. With effort they lift them and lower them.

It is advisable to carry out the first training while standing in front of a mirror. This will make it possible to control the absence of unnecessary creases.

Eye complex

When practicing face building for the eyes, in addition to drawing zigzags with them, they also perform other exercises. Optimally do 15-30 repetitions.

  1. To warm up, the eyes are opened wide and then closed.
  2. Without changing the position of the head, they draw figure eights of different sizes in the air, as well as circles in different directions.
  3. The index fingers are firmly placed on the outer corners of the eyes. At the same time, the middle fingers are fixed on the inner corners. Lower the upper eyelids, pressing them on the lower ones. The muscle tension is clearly felt. The eyebrows don't move. There is no need to make a strong effort.
  4. Fix the corners identically to the previous exercise. Raising your eyes upward, tighten the lower eyelid.
  5. Looking ahead, their eyes bulge wide for 2 seconds.
  6. When removing bags, press with your fingers on the area near the outer corners of the eyes, while looking up.

All eye training included in the face-building complex is easy to perform, but allows you to get good results.

Treatment of nasolabial folds

The most relevant is face-building of nasolabial folds, which begin to form quite early, making the face look older and dull. They open their mouth, making sure that the chin dropped down, as well as the lower lip moving behind it, are free and hang without tension. The lips should form an even oval.

At the same time, it is felt that the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, as well as in the upper area of ​​the cheeks, is slightly stretched. The position is saved for 10 seconds. Perform 6 repetitions. If desired, you can repeat the exercise several times throughout the day.

With the lips folded into an oval, the index fingers are placed (exactly repeating the direction) on the nasolabial grooves. Move vertically 40 times.

Cheek training

Facebuilding for the cheeks is more difficult to master, since it requires attention and precise implementation of all recommendations. The optimal number of repetitions is 20.

  1. The lips are folded into an oval. Clenching your fists, straighten your middle and index fingers. Place them in the mouth towards the corners, directing them towards the lower jaw (its corner). The lower part of the face is relaxed. The cheeks are drawn in without changing the oval position of the lips. The middle fingers should feel the tension in the masseter muscle.
  2. With the lips folded into an oval, the inner walls of the cheeks are lightly pressed with the index fingers, while at the same time exerting steady resistance with the tense muscles.
  3. Starting the next training, the corners of the mouth are fixed with the index fingers. They stretch their lips, imitating a smile. At the same time, the muscles of the cheeks are tensed, which is facilitated by the resistance produced by the fingers.
  4. Having fixed the oval with your lips, securely fix the area of ​​the upper lip with your fingers, as well as the nasolabial area. They make attempts to squint their eyes or wink, always working with the muscles of the cheekbones. The clamped areas should not move.

Gymnastics for the neck

Of particular interest to ladies of all ages are face-building exercises aimed at getting rid of an unaesthetic double chin.

  1. Keep your head straight, shoulders down. The thumbs support the chin. Extend the tongue as much as possible. At the same time, the neck muscles are sensitively tensed, counting to six. 5-6 repetitions are enough.
  2. Sit down at the table, placing your elbows on its surface. The chin rests on clenched fists. Move your head downwards 6 times, tensing the muscles under the chin quite noticeably.
  3. In a starting position similar to the previous exercise, open your mouth up to 20 times.
  4. With the mouth open, the lower lip is placed on the lower teeth. Press on the center of the chin with a finger. The lips are stretched up to 15 times, creating an imitation of a smile. It is necessary to prevent this movement with your finger.
  5. Take a sitting position. The head is straight. A smile is depicted with closed lips and a raised chin. Perform 20 times.

When practicing face-building for the neck, when performed independently, they include quite simple but effective exercises in the complex. For example, the lower lip can be lowered quite freely up to 20 times. When performed correctly, only the lower row of teeth is exposed. A noticeable tension in the neck muscles is immediately felt.

Nose correction

The arsenal of corrective techniques even includes face-building for the nose, which allows you to improve its shape.

If the tip of the nose has changed shape - it has widened and drooped, fix the index finger on it with light pressure. By pulling the lower lip, you should try to force the nose to move down. Hold the position for up to 6 seconds and relax. 10 repetitions are required.

Place the fingers (middle and index) folded together along the nose on both sides in a line from the edges of the lips to the corners of the eyes. In this position, you need to flare your nostrils and at the same time wrinkle your nose.

Working with lips

Age-related changes quickly make the skin around the mouth sagging, so face-building for lips is becoming a popular way to restore its former beauty. The optimal number of repetitions is 30.

  1. Raising your palms with closed fingers vertically, position them so that the lower part partially covers the lips, and the little fingers touch the wings of the nose. When you press your palms on the skin, your lips stretch out. Make sure that during this movement no folds appear near the mouth. If necessary, increase the pressure of the palms.
  2. Place the ring fingers in the corners of the lips, and place the index fingers near the nasal wings. With gentle pressure, they depict a smile with their lips, without stretching them, but lifting the corners up.
  3. Place the fingertips along an arched line next to the lower lip, protruding its central part so that the teeth are exposed.
  4. They open their mouth slightly, forming an oval with their lips. Their corners are pressed for fixation with two fingers - the index and middle. You need to wrap your lips around your teeth. Such movements tighten the oral muscles, reducing wrinkles around the lips.
  5. A long exhalation through loosely pursed lips will help relieve tension from the muscles of the mouth.

If facial exercises - face building, aimed at improving the contour of the lips, are performed daily, then in almost half a month you can visually determine positive changes.

Face oval training

Daily face-building exercises that include exercises that help correct the sagging oval of the face will help restore its clearer contour. You should do them 25 times.

  1. Fingers with lips folded into an oval are placed near the nose. Lightly pull the skin down. You need to feel how the upper area of ​​the cheekbones tenses. You need to use the muscles located under the eyes. To do this, make movements in the form of a wink.
  2. Allows you to gradually correct the oval pronunciation with tension in all the muscles of the neck, as well as the chin of the letter “Y” that has lost its former elasticity. In this case, the area under the lower lip is fixed with fingers. They control the corners of the lips, which should not fall down when pronouncing the letter, which is facilitated by fixed fingers.

It is advisable to start performing facial massage - face building - by focusing on photographs demonstrating all the techniques. It is useful to watch demonstration videos. It is impossible to do all the exercises presented at once.

It is advisable, focusing on the identified skin problems, to create your own complex lasting 10-15 minutes and do it daily. The effect is enhanced if individual exercises are repeated throughout the day.

It should be borne in mind that the results of face-building will not be immediate, so patience and perseverance will be required.

See how to do Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health and longevity here.

Facial gymnastics is an excellent workout for all facial muscles that affect the speed of the aging process. Despite the ambiguous attitude towards the facial gymnastics technique, many girls consider it effective and useful. And for good reason.

We all know that the human face consists of a large number of muscles. This means that the facial muscles need training and exercise in the same way as the muscles of the buttocks or abs. Facial muscles need to be kept in good shape by paying attention and time to their training.

Of course, we can say that emotions such as laughter and sadness allow us to tense, and therefore pump, our muscles. However, unfortunately this is not enough. You should start doing facial gymnastics at about 25 years of age, when the aging process slowly begins to set in. Facial exercises will help restore blood circulation and restore elasticity to the skin. Of course, skin care should be comprehensive: moisturize the skin, consume enough vitamins, and do not forget about gymnastics.

In addition, facial exercises can be a salvation for disorders of the nervous system, after a stroke, and any other diseases that have led to paralysis of the muscles on the face. In addition, with the help of facial gymnastics, you can delay the need for Botox injections, if you cannot avoid them altogether.

Let's look at a few examples of effective facial gymnastics techniques.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles by Anastasia Burdyug

Facial gymnastics, developed by Anastasia Burdyug, helps maintain skin tone, tighten all facial muscles and get rid of wrinkles for a long period of time. If you do everything clearly and regularly, of course.

Anastasia Burdyuk’s facial gymnastics program involves a set of 13 exercises, during which 57 facial muscles of the face and neck are involved. The complex takes only 16 minutes. Agree, it’s not that much for an everyday workout, after which in return you will get an improved complexion, fewer facial wrinkles, and also get rid of swelling.

Watch the video with gymnastics for the face against wrinkles from Anastasia Burdyug and stay in good shape.

Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina

Fitness trainer Galina Dubinina developed an effective facelift technique after becoming familiar with Carol Maggio’s popular facial gymnastics.

In developing the technique, Galina used the developments of the famous American and facial rejuvenation exercises of Reinhold Benz, the founder of the entire theory about facial gymnastics. Yoga techniques and personal experiences are also present here.

The facelift technique is suitable for all ages; there are “intensives” for problem areas of the face and combination techniques along with breathing exercises.

The course of gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina is designed for two to three weeks of intensive “classes” for 5-10 minutes a day. After a month of training according to Galina Dubinina’s program, the author promises tightened and elastic skin, a defined oval face.

See the full set of gymnastics exercises for the face of Galina Dubinina.

Japanese gymnastics for the face. Asahi massage

It's no secret that Japanese women are famous for their long youth and attractive appearance. One of the reasons for such a wrinkle-free life is the unique Japanese anti-wrinkle facial gymnastics or Asahi massage.

It is important to understand that Japanese facial gymnastics is not gymnastics in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it. This is a rejuvenation technique that has two types:

  1. Lymphatic massage - removes excess fluid from facial tissues and relieves swelling, giving a healthy complexion.
  2. Deep massage - this technique helps to act on all the muscles of the face, using manual therapy methods, it improves skin tone and strengthens blood vessels. Helps relieve tension.

Asahi massage or Japanese facial gymnastics involves massage against wrinkles in every area: around the eyes, mouth, nasolabial folds. And it is quite effective.