Exercises for the pectoral muscles

In this article we have included all the most famous and common exercises for the pectoral muscles and all its areas: internal, external, upper, lower. The issues of enlargement and expansion of the chest are also considered.

  1. How to enlarge the chest?
  2. Bench press
  3. Incline Bench Press
  4. Dumbbell bench press
  5. Comprehensive review about Push-ups
  6. Lying dumbbell fly
  7. Chest style dips
  8. Pullover with a barbell. Pullover with dumbbells
  9. Exercises on the block

How to enlarge the chest?

The essence of the technique is to use specialized exercises increase volume and as much as possible expand the chest athlete In other words: in this case, the goal is not so much to influence muscles, how much for bones, or at skeleton and all constitution generally.

The size of the chest initially depends primarily on a person’s genetic data. However, in adolescence (18-25 years old) it is possible to increase her height by using the so-called "breathing" exercises. And even if you are already over 30 or 40, you still have the opportunity to increase the volume of your chest by 10-15 cm by resorting to fairly serious and long-term training using this method.

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Bench press

The bench press is one of the main exercises aimed at building the toe and volume of the chest muscles, especially in the lower and outer areas. The grip width in this exercise varies: from the maximum possible (then the emphasis is on stretching the pectoral muscle directly); to shoulder width (in this case, the triceps will take on the bulk of the load, which is undesirable).

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Incline Bench Press

The basic principles of this exercise are almost similar to the classic Bench Press. Let's focus only on the significant differences and nuances...

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Dumbbell bench press

This exercise is not much different from the classic one. Barbell Bench Press. Produces almost the same effect on pectoral musclesTherefore, we will only touch on the key features and differences. When using dumbbells amplitude movements – much more. Due to this, the load falls on internal areas of the chest muscles. As in the version with a barbell, inclined benches and executions are used: both head up and head down.

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Comprehensive review about Push-ups

Push-ups are one of the most popular basic exercises of all time. This article will give you comprehensive information, starting from the history of its appearance and ending with all its variations and nuances of performance technique. And this exercise is famous for a reason, because it is really very effective. Some remember doing it in school during physical education, others in the sports section, and others in the army. Thanks to its indispensability, push-ups are so popular today, because with its help you can comprehensively develop physical strength and give the body a new look, especially due to its versatility. It is also useful because it develops precisely those muscle groups that are extremely in demand in everyday work.

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Lying dumbbell fly

Wiring unlike presses, they allow more concentrated impact on chest muscles. Performed with dumbbells, kettlebells, disks, spring shock absorbers, or blocks. The use of inclined benches, changing the position of the body transfers the emphasis to different areas pectoral muscles.

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Chest style dips

Dips belongs to the subgroup of bench press exercises. It is usually used as a pre-workout warm-up. Exercise has an excellent effect on lower And external parts of the pectoral muscles. The correct technique among reputable bodybuilders is considered to be the presence of constant leaning the body forward at all stages of the movement of this exercise.

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Pullover with a barbell. Pullover with dumbbells

Pullover – a basic exercise in bodybuilding. Can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, dumbbells, barbell discs, kettlebells and other equipment. The classic version is on horizontal bench, but all kinds of slopes – for example, to better emphasize the latissimus muscles, you need to do a pullover on an inclined bench with your head down.


Exercises on the block

Exercises on the block have a comprehensive effect on almost all areas of the pectoral muscles. The main emphasis is on the lower, inner and outer parts of the chest. The standing block pull is an excellent exercise that also focuses on separating all muscle bundles. Try to maintain tension in your pectoral muscles throughout the entire approach. Use a pause of a couple of seconds at the peak of the compression. Eliminate the effect of cheating in the form of: body swaying, squatting, inertial movements, and others...

The exercise can be performed:

  1. with one hand,
  2. two at the same time,
  3. alternately two.

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