Vacuum gymnastics for the face video

Every woman, regardless of age, takes care of her facial skin. Basically, this care consists of using all kinds of creams and masks. But even the most expensive products cannot cope with age-related facial wrinkles and skin aging.

  1. Quick navigation through the article:
  2. Why do you need facial gymnastics?
  3. Rules for performing exercises
  4. What contraindications may there be
  5. Basic exercises for wrinkles
  6. Aerobics for skin and facial muscles
  7. Japanese gymnastics Asahi
  8. Reviews

Some women resort to quite dangerous procedures: plastic surgery, injections of Botox and other chemicals, resurfacing with consequences, and in addition, their cost is quite high.

There are more affordable and safer methods for keeping your skin in excellent condition. One of these methods is rejuvenating facial gymnastics, an incredible effect (you can watch the video at the end of the article) which is achieved thanks to an integrated approach.

Why do facial muscles need gymnastics?

Tension and relaxation of the facial muscles occurs constantly - when you laugh, frown or just talk. Even when you sleep, some muscles contract. But, since this happens unevenly, expression wrinkles form over time. Then the situation worsens.

Connective tissues become overstrained from daily stress on certain muscle groups. This leads to sagging skin and loss of facial contour.

But to avoid premature aging of the skin, it is necessary rejuvenating facial gymnastics that can create an incredible tightening effect within a month.

Videos and clear descriptions of the exercises will help you achieve maximum results only with constant gymnastics.

Important to remember! Only daily performance of a set of exercises to tighten the facial muscles will lead to noticeable results. If you want to achieve facial rejuvenation earlier, then you need to do gymnastics more than once a day.

Basic rules for performing anti-aging exercises

For better results and less skin damage It is necessary to follow some rules for performing anti-aging exercises:

  1. Gymnastics are done on clean facial skin, but without the presence of cream.
  2. After finishing the exercises, you should rinse your face with lukewarm water, and then just apply the cream.
  3. Don't forget to clean your hands before starting class.
  4. The exercises are performed while sitting, your posture should be straight.
  5. It is necessary to remove contact lenses during classes.
  6. A positive attitude always brings positive results.
  7. Each exercise is performed from 2 to 10 times. You need to start with a minimum amount and increase by one every day.
  8. When performing any exercise, you need to strain your muscles strongly, but not more than 10 seconds.
  9. Keep your breathing even.
  10. At the initial stage, do exercises in front of a mirror and focus on the muscles that are involved.

What contraindications may there be when performing anti-aging gymnastics?

This rejuvenation technique also has its contraindications.

It is not recommended for people:

  1. with high blood pressure;
  2. with diseases of the facial nerve;
  3. with inflammatory skin diseases;
  4. after surgical operations on the face;
  5. after Botox injections.

Note! Rejuvenating gymnastics should be performed under the strict guidance of an instructor, as there is a possibility of pinching the facial nerves, which will lead to facial paralysis.

Basic exercises for facial wrinkles

Rejuvenating facial gymnastics is always performed in a comprehensive manner.

An incredible tightening effect is achieved by consistent repetition of movements that strengthen the muscles of the forehead, eyes, lips, cheeks, chin and neck.

It is advisable to do it in the morning and before bed. To perform all the exercises correctly, it is recommended that you watch the corresponding video.

Removing wrinkles from the forehead

To remove transverse wrinkles on the forehead and raise the eyebrows slightly, The following gymnastics should be performed:

  1. Press your palms to your forehead so as to hold your forehead muscles and prevent them from moving. Keep your eyes closed and perform rotational movements with them in different directions.
  2. Using two fingers, press the eyebrows first (near the bridge of the nose) and frown your eyebrows, while keeping your fingers from doing this.
  3. Move your ear muscles.
  4. Place your hands on your forehead so that your thumb is near your temple. Then sharply raise your eyebrows, but use your palms to prevent this, slightly lowering the skin on your forehead. After completing the exercise a certain number of times, you need to lightly massage your forehead with vertical and horizontal movements of your palm.

No wrinkles under the eyes

No anti-aging gymnastics for the face would be complete without exercises for the eyes.

Effectively The following exercises will help get rid of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes, videos of which can be viewed on the Internet:

  1. Freeze for a few seconds with your eyes open. Then relax your eye muscles, but try not to close them.
  2. Close your eyes and make sideways rotation movements with them. Make sure your head stays still.
  3. Imagine joy and sadness with your eyes closed. If you are happy, smile widely; when you are sad, lower the corners of your lips down.
  4. Place 3 fingers on the bone located under the lower eyelid. Look up and squeeze your lower eyelid, trying to close it.

Strengthening the lip muscles

Gymnastics will lift the corners of the lips and remove wrinkles around the mouth. Lips will become fuller and younger.

The exercises are as follows:

  1. Make a ring with your lips, as when pronouncing the letter “O”, slowly extending them forward. Then open your mouth wide.
  2. Close your lips tightly so that the corners are tense and pulled towards the teeth. Don't clench your teeth. Raise and lower the corners of your lips, helping with pressed fingers.
  3. Place two index fingers on your tightly compressed lips. Press them on your lips until you feel tension in your lip muscles. Then, with the same pressure and without lifting it from your lips, begin moving your fingers from the center to the edges of your mouth and back.
  4. Make a tube of your lips, as if smacking, and after 5-7 seconds, smile so that your teeth are not visible and the corners of your mouth are tense.
  5. Alternately pronounce the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, “Y”. Do not stretch or compress your lips.

How to tighten your cheeks and create a beautiful oval face

With age, the oval of the face becomes uneven and the cheeks become sagging.

For people over 25 years of age, rejuvenating gymnastics for the face is simply necessary, the incredible effect (the video will help you do the exercises correctly) can be seen thanks to exercises that tighten the muscles of the cheeks and eliminate sagging skin.

Carry out the following procedures:

  1. Puff out your cheeks, hold for 2-4 seconds and relax.
  2. Move the air in your mouth from one cheek to the other, inflating them alternately. Next, roll it up and down under your lips. You can, if possible, try to move the air in a circle.
  3. Cover your mouth with your hand and try to smile, holding back the smile with your palm.
  4. Close your lips and teeth. Clench and unclench your teeth, but do not open your mouth.
  5. Massage the inner wall of your cheeks and gums with your tongue. You can make circular movements with your tongue. At the same time, the lips are closed.

Let's tighten the chin muscles

The following exercises will help you get rid of the “extra” chin and round the sharp one:

  1. At the same time, purse your lower lip and point your chin forward. Move your lower jaw in different directions.
  2. Tilt your head back with your mouth open. Then squeeze your chin muscles and bring your teeth together so that your lower jaw is pushed forward. Raise your head. Do the exercise again.
  3. Rest your elbows on the table and rest your chin on your fists. Press your head down and try to feel the resistance.
  4. Also fists under the chin. Also press your head against your fists and try to open and close your mouth. Next, do the same exercise with your tongue sticking out.
  5. Clench your teeth and alternately press the hard and soft palate with your tongue.

For a beautiful neck

The following exercises will remove wrinkles and make the neck skin smooth:

  1. Grab your neck with your hands so that one hand is above the other, and twist your head to the sides. At the same time, hold the skin of the neck with your hands, preventing you from moving your head.
  2. Clench your jaw, tilt your head back and lower your shoulders down. Raise your head and relax.
  3. Keep your head straight and shoulders down. Turn your chin to the sides.
  4. Look forward, do not turn your chin, and make a circle with your head in a plane - forward, right, back, left. You can start with a square, then smoothly move on to a circular exercise.
  5. Bend your head forward so that your chin reaches your chest. Then try to reach your shoulder with your left ear. Throw your head back. Now pull your right ear towards your shoulder. And so, one by one, perform all the steps several more times. You can do a smooth circular rotation of your head.

Do not overuse gymnastics, especially at the initial stage, since you risk over-pumping your facial muscles. The exercises must be performed strictly according to the prescribed rules and no more than 10 times each.

Aerobics for skin and facial muscles with Carol Maggio

Rejuvenating facial gymnastics, developed by the famous American cosmetologist Carol Maggio, has a simply amazing and incredible effect.

Even Carol herself suggests taking a photo or video of your face before starting her exercises. And after 10 days, repeat the shooting and compare with previous photos, the result will be amazing. This set of exercises takes only 10-15 minutes, but should be done twice a day.

Let's move on to the exercises themselves:

  1. Lie on the floor, clasp your neck with your palms and lift your head with resistance. Try to hold this for 5-10 seconds. Then relax and lower your head.
  2. Hold your fingers between your eyebrows and try to frown your eyebrows. Use your fingers to resist. Do this action several times.
  3. Press your fingertips to the corners of your eyes and look up. Freeze for 5 seconds and, lowering your head, relax your eyes.
  4. Place your fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and close the upper eyelid so that it does not wrinkle. Feel the muscle tension under your fingers. Relax your eyes. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times.
  5. Open your mouth and smile. Next, press your fingers to the corners of your lips and slowly try to open and close your mouth.

Japanese gymnastics Asahi

Japanese anti-aging facial gymnastics is gaining popularity among people of all ages. An incredible effect (you can watch the video at the end of the article) is achieved by working on the lymph nodes. But, if there is inflammation in these places, then such exercises should not be done.

This technique was created by Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka. He claims that positive results can be achieved very quickly if you devote only 10 minutes to gymnastics every day.

Here are a few exercises:

  1. We place our palms so that the index finger is located on the lymph node near the ear. Lightly press and lower down to the shoulders. When the ring fingers touch the collarbone, we finish the exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to drive lymph to the neck and further to the jugular lymph nodes.
  2. Place your fingertips in the middle of your forehead (thumbs pointing up). Pressing slightly, move your palms from the center to your temples (thumbs pointing back). Then move your arms down as in the first exercise. After this, press your fingers to your temples for 2-4 seconds. The goal is to push the lymph from the center of the forehead to the temples and down.
  3. The following exercise will help remove bruises and bags under the eyes. Using your middle finger, gently move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner of the lower eyelid. Close your eyes and run your finger back over the upper eyelid. Grab the area of ​​the eyebrows and temples, and then go down to the outer corners of the eyes.
  4. To improve the shape of your face, cup your chin and cheeks with your palms, keeping your fingers near your ears. With light pressure we move towards the tragus of the ear. Then we relax our face and hands. Repeat 2-3 times.
  5. Press a few fingers to the middle of your chin and freeze for a few seconds. Then move your fingers to the corners of your lips and from them to the nasolabial fold. Lightly press into the center. Do this 3-4 times.

Rejuvenating gymnastics is effective at any age, both for young skin and for faces with many wrinkles. Aerobics incredibly tightens muscles, rejuvenating the face without cosmetic procedures. The main thing is to perform all the exercises correctly; for this it is recommended to watch the video.

This video will introduce you to exercises for the face and neck.

From this video you can take for yourself

This video shows how to do facial fitness to get rid of wrinkles.

Facial gymnastics is an excellent workout for all facial muscles that affect the speed of the aging process. Despite the ambiguous attitude towards the facial gymnastics technique, many girls consider it effective and useful. And for good reason.

We all know that the human face consists of a large number of muscles. This means that the facial muscles need training and exercise in the same way as the muscles of the buttocks or abs. Facial muscles need to be kept in good shape by paying attention and time to their training.

Of course, we can say that emotions such as laughter and sadness allow us to tense, and therefore pump, our muscles. However, unfortunately this is not enough. You should start doing facial gymnastics at about 25 years of age, when the aging process slowly begins to set in. Facial exercises will help restore blood circulation and restore elasticity to the skin. Of course, skin care should be comprehensive: moisturize the skin, consume enough vitamins, and do not forget about gymnastics.

In addition, facial exercises can be a salvation for disorders of the nervous system, after a stroke, and any other diseases that have led to paralysis of the muscles on the face. In addition, with the help of facial gymnastics, you can delay the need for Botox injections, if you cannot avoid them altogether.

Let's look at a few examples of effective facial gymnastics techniques.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles by Anastasia Burdyug

Facial gymnastics, developed by Anastasia Burdyug, helps maintain skin tone, tighten all facial muscles and get rid of wrinkles for a long period of time. If you do everything clearly and regularly, of course.

Anastasia Burdyuk’s facial gymnastics program involves a set of 13 exercises, during which 57 facial muscles of the face and neck are involved. The complex takes only 16 minutes. Agree, it’s not that much for an everyday workout, after which in return you will get an improved complexion, fewer facial wrinkles, and also get rid of swelling.

Watch the video with gymnastics for the face against wrinkles from Anastasia Burdyug and stay in good shape.

Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina

Fitness trainer Galina Dubinina developed an effective facelift technique after becoming familiar with Carol Maggio’s popular facial gymnastics.

In developing the technique, Galina used the developments of the famous American and facial rejuvenation exercises of Reinhold Benz, the founder of the entire theory about facial gymnastics. Yoga techniques and personal experiences are also present here.

The facelift technique is suitable for all ages; there are “intensives” for problem areas of the face and combination techniques along with breathing exercises.

The course of gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina is designed for two to three weeks of intensive “classes” for 5-10 minutes a day. After a month of training according to Galina Dubinina’s program, the author promises tightened and elastic skin, a defined oval face.

See the full set of gymnastics exercises for the face of Galina Dubinina.

Japanese gymnastics for the face. Asahi massage

It's no secret that Japanese women are famous for their long youth and attractive appearance. One of the reasons for such a wrinkle-free life is the unique Japanese anti-wrinkle facial gymnastics or Asahi massage.

It is important to understand that Japanese facial gymnastics is not gymnastics in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it. This is a rejuvenation technique that has two types:

  1. Lymphatic massage - removes excess fluid from facial tissues and relieves swelling, giving a healthy complexion.
  2. Deep massage - this technique helps to act on all the muscles of the face, using manual therapy methods, it improves skin tone and strengthens blood vessels. Helps relieve tension.

Asahi massage or Japanese facial gymnastics involves massage against wrinkles in every area: around the eyes, mouth, nasolabial folds. And it is quite effective.

...took place on November 25 (Sat) 2017, running from 2:00 p.m. | 2 hours | Krasnodar | Mila Nikolaevna Shestakova (Krasnodar)

Regular and correctly performed cupping facial massage helps to obtain the following effects:

  1. Both small and deep wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Improved complexion.
  3. The skin becomes younger, fresher, denser and firmer.
  4. Irregularities on the facial skin are eliminated.
  5. Pores become smaller.
  6. Pigment spots become less noticeable.
  7. Rashes and irritations are eliminated.
  8. The condition of both dry and oily skin improves.
  9. Swelling is relieved, bags under the eyes disappear.
  10. The double chin becomes smaller, the face can tighten and lose a little weight.
  11. The oval of the face becomes clearer.

Facial massage with vacuum cups at home helps make your face younger. Moreover, it will not only look younger, but will actually become younger. That is, it is more than just a cosmetic effect, which is provided, for example, by makeup. This action is ensured by the fact that facial massage with a jar relaxes facial muscles, improves blood circulation and lymph exchange. There are also contraindications:

  1. severe heart and vascular diseases;
  2. hypertension and hypotension;
  3. exacerbation of inflammation of the facial nerve;
  4. progressive facial tumor;
  5. heat;
  6. pathology of the lymphatic system;
  7. fungal and infectious skin diseases.
  8. overwork;
  9. the presence of open wounds and scratches on the skin.

You will receive more detailed information at the training.

You will also receive technique and hand placement, which will give you the opportunity to do this super massage at home without unwanted consequences.