Effect of zinc on skin

Vitamins for beautiful skin

It is important for all of us to stay young and beautiful longer, since a strong body and our own attractiveness give us self-confidence, increase our vitality, and contribute to our success in life. A successful person today meets the highest requirements. Strives for development, growth, has far-reaching plans, monitors health and appearance.

The female body quickly reacts to a lack of vitamins and minerals. Most quickly, such symptoms appear externally. It is known that women's skin is thinner and more sensitive than men's, and, therefore, more susceptible to harmful influences. Dryness and irritation, peeling and redness, pimples, blackheads and wrinkles - all these problems with facial skin are manifestations of negative internal and external influences.

Many young girls do not pay enough attention to their skin and take care of it haphazardly. There are many girls who are too lazy to even wash off their makeup in the evening or use dubious products that have expired!

This is unacceptable - young skin tolerates such things for a long time, but one fine day you will notice how not a trace remains of its former freshness...

In summer, the skin is exposed to aggressive ultraviolet radiation. We forget to apply special protective cream. In winter, central heating in rooms, both in apartments and offices, leads to insufficient air humidity and the skin becomes dry. Sudden temperature changes when moving from a cold room to a warm one and vice versa lead to the same consequences.

The skin, like a mirror, reflects the internal state of the body, so it is recommended to maintain it from the inside. She clearly needs care and a more caring attitude towards herself.

The most common causes of deterioration of skin condition:

All of the above factors have an indirect effect on the health of the dermis, as they lead to general exhaustion.

  1. Improper care
  2. Problems in the digestive system (chronic gastritis, intestinal dysbiosis)
  3. Stress, lack of work and rest schedule
  4. Bad ecology
  5. Hormonal imbalance (ovarian dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, some antibiotics)
  6. Worm infestations
  7. The predominance of refined foods, high-carbohydrate foods, strict diets in the diet
  8. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages

What are the healthiest vitamins for facial skin?

  1. A (retinol) responsible for regeneration and healthy complexion, promotes uniform tanning, eliminates age spots
  2. C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the effects of negative factors, and also participates in the synthesis of protein structures
  3. E (tocopherol) increases elasticity and turgor, prevents the formation of creases and folds, suppresses the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation
  4. PP (nicotinic acid) stimulates blood circulation, improves the outflow of excess fluid from tissues, prevents wrinkles after prolonged sun exposure, prevents the development of melanoma
  5. Group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12) retain moisture, accelerate wound healing, eliminate swelling, slow down the appearance of age-related changes
  6. K (phylloquinone) stabilizes the walls of blood vessels (effective in the treatment of rosacea and rosacea), eliminates spider veins and other defects, prevents the formation of dark circles in the periorbital area and the appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation

Here are the best vitamins for facial skin. But these are substances that are not in our body, and there are 2 ways to get enough of them: either with food, or with ready-made vitamin complexes for facial skin in tablets.

However, vitamins alone are not enough for youthful facial skin. Macro- and microelements are necessary for beauty and health. They, unlike the first ones, are contained in us, but their deficiency is often noted.

How does zinc affect the skin?

To describe the effect of zinc on the skin, it is necessary to refer to its structure.

Skin is the largest human organ by area. It consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. It is in the middle layer - the dermis - that fibers are located that provide its elasticity, strength and youth.

Zinc takes part in the synthesis of collagen fibers, which are one of the most important building elements of the dermis and are responsible for its elasticity, and accelerates the process of cellular regeneration. This means that recovery and renewal are accelerated.

Zn also plays an important role in the defense system (immune system). One of the functions of the skin is also protection. This is why zinc supplements for skin are recommended for all women. Zinc for problem skin as part of various cosmetics or vitamins is widely used for the treatment and prevention of skin irritations.

Now there are a great many of them, because the properties of zinc for facial skin have been well studied, and there is no doubt about its benefits. The microelement is found both in complex supplements and in products containing exclusively Zn.

Depending on your skin type, determine what vitamins your facial skin needs.

There are 4 skin types:

  1. normal
  2. fat
  3. dry
  4. combined (mixed)

What type exactly do you have? If in doubt, consult a cosmetologist and in the future use only those products that indicate your skin type.

Zincite for dry
and sensitive skin

If you have dry and sensitive skin that often flakes, take Zincite. Zinc accelerates the division of skin cells and restores its natural beauty. By changing the top layer faster.

Zincite for acne

Oily skin also has its advantages. It dehydrates less often and remains elastic longer. However, it is prone to irritation and acne. If you have skin with acne, you need to take additional zinc, for example as part of Zincite. What are the benefits of zinc for oily skin? Zinc reduces inflammation and accelerates skin regeneration (restoration).

Benefits of zinc for normal skin

This type doesn't come across very often. It is really not prone to irritation and cracks, is characterized by good elasticity and retains moisture for a long time. However, this does not mean that people with this type should forget about themselves and ignore facial care. Normal skin needs care and nutrition.

How to enrich your diet to preserve your skin

  1. Vegetables and fruits in yellow, orange and red colors (carrots, citrus fruits, bell peppers) – rich in facial beauty vitamins A and C;
  2. Butter, cheese, dairy products – vit.PP, A, beta-carotene;
  3. Livergroups B, vit.RR, C;
  4. Greens (spinach, parsley, etc.) ready-made vitamins for the beauty of facial skin, namely, beta-carotene, K, PP;
  5. Nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seedsgroups B and Zn;
  1. Cauliflower and white cabbage vitamin K;
  2. Vegetable oils (olive, corn, sunflower) vitamin E;
  3. Cereals and various grain cropsB vitamins with zinc for skin
  4. LegumesZn;
  5. SeafoodZn;
  6. Fish, meatcontain a lot of vitamin PP.

How to keep your facial skin youthful

There are several main aspects of taking care of your appearance.

  1. Try to maintain a work-rest regime (sleep at least 8 hours a day, stress resistance, alternate mental and physical activity at work).
  2. Aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week.
  3. Enriching the diet with minerals and vitamins for the skin (legumes, meat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, seafood, chocolate are rich in zinc).
  4. Take zinc tablets for the skin (Zincit).
  5. Don’t forget to cleanse your face of makeup in the evening, use soothing skincare products, and apply masks.
  6. Use cosmetics that are designed specifically for your type.
  7. Don’t forget about positive emotions: amidst a busy work schedule in the office and when fulfilling family responsibilities, you need to find moments of relaxation and favorite activities. Resistance to stress and overload will increase, the likelihood of various infections will decrease, because our defenses will increase.

One of the most modern and affordable is Zincite. It contains 10 mg of the mineral, which is about 2/3 of the daily requirement, which covers its deficiency with reduced dietary intake.

An important aspect of Zincite is the convenience of taking it once a day.
Effervescent tablets quickly dissolve in water and are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

The effect of zinc on the skin will not take long to appear. The course of taking the supplement is usually 1 month, after which you will begin to see results. The face will become smoother, irritation will decrease, and small superficial wounds will heal. The tendency to develop acne will also pass. Hair and nails will become stronger, dryness and brittleness will decrease.

In recent years, zinc supplements have been frequently touted for the treatment of acne. In this article we will try to analyze all the pros and cons of such treatment.

What are the benefits of zinc for the skin and how it eliminates acne inflammation

In recent years, zinc supplements have been frequently touted for the treatment of acne. In this article we will try to analyze all the pros and cons of such treatment, and most importantly, how is zinc useful for the skin?

Zinc is an excellent mineral for treating acne, especially if your body is deficient in it. It mainly acts on the immune system, reducing the manifestation of chronic inflammation.

What results can be expected from zinc treatment? It all depends on the severity of the disease: if the occurrence of acne is associated with immunity, then you will see the real benefits of zinc.

However, almost every acne patient suffers from chronic inflammation to some degree, so When treating acne with zinc, everyone will see at least the slightest improvement in their skin.

Researchers have seen an average of 50% reduction in acne with zinc treatment, and some have seen skin improvement of over 65%.

If you are lucky, then zinc may well end the treatment of acne.

Zinc deficiency is the cause of acne-prone skin

Lack of zinc in the body is a very common phenomenon. It is estimated that more than two billion people worldwide are deficient, meaning they do not consume even the minimum dose of 15 mg per day.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include poor wound healing, acne, depression and hair loss.

Many people have never asked questions like: what is zinc? What is its daily intake? What foods are rich in zinc? If you cannot answer these questions, then it is very likely that you also suffer from a deficiency.

One of the most common symptoms is acne. You can find a lot of positive reviews and stories online about how people got rid of acne using zinc supplements or zinc ointment.

Among the particularly intriguing stories:

  1. Complete elimination of small pimples within a week;
  2. Complete elimination of whiteheads in just three days;
  3. Normalized skin texture, no longer dry or oily;
  4. Post-acne lesions quickly disappear within a few days.

The mineral is so effective that it has become a common means of treating acne at any age.

Is zinc effective for acne?

You're probably wondering if zinc is scientifically proven to be effective for acne? A couple of studies have already been conducted, and they show really positive results.

1) In a Turkish study, researchers recruited 87 people, 47 of whom had acne and the rest had clear skin. They divided them into separate groups based on their skin condition.

Scientists found that in a group of acne patients, 54.1% of people were deficient in zinc, compared with just 10% of people with clear skin. They also noticed that the average zinc levels in the blood of acne patients were much lower than average.

2) The second study involved 54 patients who took either zinc supplements or a placebo. After 6 weeks of treatment, the amount of acne in patients taking zinc decreased by 33%.

3) This large study recruited 332 people with acne. They were given 30 mg of zinc gluconate, which is twice the recommended daily intake.

After three months, all patients had a 49.8% reduction in the total number of acne lesions! It was also noted that in 31.2% of participants the reduction in acne was two-thirds or more.

Zinc gluconate is not the most effective form of zinc supplementation. There are other forms: zinc oxide, acetate, sulfate, glycate, etc. Zinc picolinate is considered the most effective. Picolinic acid promotes the fastest absorption of zinc in the intestines.

How does zinc stop acne?

For a long time, the reasons why zinc was so effective in treating acne were unknown.

People knew that vitamin A reduces sebum production, but they had no idea about the benefits of zinc for the skin. Many people believed that it was necessary for the formation of cells in the skin, hair and nails.

New evidence suggests that zinc's benefits go much deeper, with the mineral influencing the immune system. namely:

1. Controls inflammation

If there is chronic inflammation in the body, with pro-inflammatory cytokines produced en masse, then consuming more zinc can quickly alleviate the problem.

Zinc is closely related to the immune system and controls some of its functions. This means that the inflammatory response to acne bacteria won't be as huge and the red pimples won't swell massively.

Zinc controls acne inflammation by reducing levels of NF-kB, which is the messenger that precedes the release of many pro-inflammatory cytokines in our body.

Zinc actively reduces the inflammatory response to bacteria. When bacteria invade blocked pores, they can cause severe irritation in the area, causing pimples to become red and very painful.

Acne-prone skin reacts much more strongly to bacteria than normal, healthy skin. Zinc helps moderate the inflammatory response and reduce the impact of bacteria on the skin.

2. Transport of vitamin A

Vitamin A - directly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and zinc is vital for the effective transport and use of this vitamin.

Zinc is a key component of the retinol-binding protein, which transfers vitamin A from the bloodstream to receptors on the skin, where it further performs its functions.

3. Fast wound healing

This is another effect of zinc on the whole body and on the skin directly. It helps acne heal faster, thereby reducing the overall number of acne.

4. Antioxidant effect

Antioxidants benefit the skin by preventing sebum from oxidizing (another cause of acne).

In addition to the presence of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, our body is capable of producing some of its own: superoxide dismutase and glutathione. It is known that patients with acne have a deficiency of these enzymes.

Zinc is a key component of glutathione. By increasing its levels in the body, we enhance overall antioxidant activity.

5. Kills bacteria

Test tube tests show that zinc kills acne-causing bacteria. Of course, not as effective as antibiotics, but it still works.

Bacteria cannot cause resistance to zinc, so it is also effective for people with antibiotic-resistant bacteria on their skin.

6. Reduces keratinocyte activation

Keratinocytes are cells that produce keratin, which in large quantities interferes with cell separation and leads to the formation of blocked pores, which also causes acne. By reducing keratin production, zinc helps skin pores remain open.

7. Blocks DHT (dihydrotestosterone)

Zinc is also useful for acne in the case of blocking dihydrotestosterone, which means it reduces the effect of hormones on the skin.

Other DHT blockers are known to reduce the amount of sebum that produces clogged skin pores.

Unfortunately, zinc does not block DHT too much, but this is a huge plus for it.

What else is zinc good for the skin?

Zinc deficiency is extremely common among acne sufferers.

It helps not only with severe inflammation of the skin, but also promotes the speedy healing of wounds, strengthens hair and nails

One important risk factor for zinc deficiency is an unhealthy grain-based diet.

You probably think that bread, pasta and similar foods contain high amounts of zinc.

Perhaps so, but along with it these products contain phytic acid, which does not allow the body to normally absorb zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Don't be tempted by these grain products often. They are certainly useful, but constant diets on grains will not benefit the body. And even if you consume enough zinc, the body will not be able to absorb it into the bloodstream.

If you are not deficient in zinc, you should still consider getting more of it; this will give you additional acne benefits such as faster wound healing.

How to increase zinc levels?

The first step in this direction is obvious - eat more foods rich in zinc.

Again, grain products are an almost useless source of zinc, despite the fact that they contain quite a lot of it. Instead of them you you need to eat more meat, vegetables and seafood.

The oyster is considered the best source of zinc in the world. which contains huge doses of about 90 mg per 100 grams.

This is approximately 600% of the recommended daily intake, so you can eat oysters at least once a week. Oysters are also full of other beneficial nutrients such as magnesium and selenium.

Other good sources of zinc include unprocessed meats such as beef, pork and chicken. Some nuts contain high amounts of zinc, but their bioavailability is low.

If you can't find a dietary combination that you like, simply take a zinc supplement at 15 to 30 mg per day.

15 mg is the daily DV, but zinc can be safely taken up to 60 mg daily without obvious toxicity.

It is best to take a standard dose of 30 mg of zinc every day and combine it with a good diet. This will speed up the healing of inflammation on the face.

Additionally, zinc increases the effectiveness of vitamin A (great news for those who treat acne with retinoids).

Please note that zinc is certainly beneficial for the skin, but it is not a panacea for treating acne, so always consult a dermatologist, because zinc toxicity is no joke. The most common side effect of taking high doses of zinc is copper deficiency.

Types of Zinc Supplements

There are a huge number of different zinc supplements available commercially for acne patients. Zinc comes in a variety of forms, and some are much more bioavailable than others.

It is very important to choose the right option because you may be wasting your money on a supplement that will not help you.

Zinc oxide is the most common type of zinc supplement. Used in most foods. It has very poor bioavailability, so don't waste your money on it.

Zinc gluconate is not the best zinc supplement, nor the most bioavailable, but it works to some extent. The study above used zinc gluconate, so it can be used to treat the skin.

Zinc sulfate - Well absorbed according to some studies. Not the best form of zinc, but not the worst.

Zinc glycinate - another good form, absorbed better than zinc sulfate. Compared to zinc sulfate, glycinate is absorbed 16% more efficiently.

Zinc orotate - is generally considered one of the best zinc supplements, but this has not yet been proven. This form competes with zinc picolinate.

Zinc Picolinate - Recognized as the king of all zinc supplements. Today, picolinate is the most bioavailable form. This study compared picolinate with zinc citrate and zinc gluconate and found that picolinate was best absorbed by the body.

Zinc citrate - Absorbs quite well, but inferior to picolinate.

Zinc-1-methionine - another highly bioavailable form of zinc, it helps with acne quite well, so it is also considered effective.

If you see “zinc chelate” on the label, then know that it is not a specific type of zinc, but rather a specific class. Chelated zinc is a form that binds to an organic molecule to increase absorption in the body.

Zinc citrate, zinc picolinate, and zinc-1-methionine are all chelated supplements. The more precise form should be listed somewhere lower on the label.

Can pregnant women use zinc for acne?

Probably yes. The French have two studies looking at the safety and success of using zinc to treat acne. It has proven to be safe and effective for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Remember that your treatment should be discussed with your pediatrician to make sure it is safe for you and your baby.

Dangers of Using Supplements

Zinc may interact with some medications, including some acne medications such as tetracycline antibiotics.

Taking high doses increases the risk of developing prostate cancer, reduces immune responses and the level of “good” cholesterol.

Zinc is well tolerated, but if the dose is exceeded, adverse reactions such as stomach upset, nausea and vomiting may occur.

It is better not to take risks and not to exceed the recommended daily intake of about 30 mg per day. You can take a little more, but do not exceed 60 mg, because you are risking your health.

Zinc, like any other mineral and vitamin, is beneficial only if the correct dose is taken. An overdose will not lead to anything good. published by econet.ru.

If you have any questions, please ask Here

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Surprisingly, the trace element zinc plays a huge role in the functioning of a living system called “human”. And sometimes in the most delicate areas.

  1. The role of zinc in the body
  2. Sources of zinc
  3. Restrictions for use
  4. Application of zinc in cosmetics
  5. Review of products containing zinc

The role of zinc in the body

A lot depends on zinc.

Protein synthesis, the main building material of any biological organism. This function is responsible for other beneficial properties of zinc.

Immune response, that is, the synthesis of proteins that counterattack infections or toxins. Accordingly, if there is not enough protein, the immune system weakens.

Strong bones (nails and hair): The calcium responsible for this is deposited in a matrix built from proteins, which again require zinc. Some calcium supplements reduce zinc digestibility, which makes their use pointless.

Male strength and female happiness: Zinc deficiency is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction and male infertility. So men need to be fed with zinc. A typical male diet - a lot of meat and a minimum of fast carbohydrates.

Taste and smell. It turns out that life is more fun and tastier with zinc. And its serious deficiency causes the development of anorexia and bulimia.

Glucose absorption. It is with the participation of zinc that an enzyme works in the liver, which helps glucose turn into energy. If there is too little zinc, glucose is stored as fat.

Another valuable property of zinc is that it contains a special enzyme. break down alcohol and thus reduce its negative effect.

Protein synthesis is also associated with a colossal benefits of zinc for skin: it helps to cleanse it of infections, heal and restore, protect from external influences, starting with the same infections and ending with ultraviolet radiation.

Sources of zinc

To solve all these important problems, we only need 12-15 mg of zinc per day, and that’s just... 200 g of oysters. If your diet, which is most likely, is not very rich in this product, there are plenty of better options.

Animal source of zinc

By-products: 100 g contains approximately half the daily value.

Meat (beef and lamb). A 100-gram serving is about a third of the required amount.

Cheeses: 100 g contains about a third of the amount required per day.

Turkey: you will need more of it - 100 g contains 20% of the norm.

Egg yolk contains a quarter of the norm.

Plant source

Wheat bran: 61% daily value per 100 g.

Nuts, especially cedar ones.

Legumes, including peanuts.

Restrictions for use

Zinc is an essential element and is well tolerated even by newborns (if we talk about external use). It is important not to go beyond the recommended doses. It should be taken into account that zinc preparations can reduce the effectiveness of some antibiotics, diuretics (diuretics), and vitamin A.

Application of zinc in cosmetics

The first “cosmetic product” that a person encounters, as a rule, contains zinc - more precisely, zinc oxide or other zinc compounds. We are talking about creams and ointments against diaper rash for newborns. One of the most popular remedies to this day is zinc ointment.

The main interest is the external effect of zinc; it does not need to penetrate deep into the skin. On its surface, zinc works in several directions.

It has a drying and astringent effect and prevents infection.

Relieves inflammation and irritation, narrows the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands (which is why it is also used in deodorants).

Protects against ultraviolet radiation (zinc oxide is a physical UV filter).

Helps form a protective lipid film on the surface of the skin.

Helps strengthen the structure of hair and nails.

Review of products containing zinc

Gel + scrub + mask “Clean Skin Active 3-in-1” with charcoal against blackheads, Garnier Designed for young oily skin. The active formula includes zinc, which relieves inflammation and tightens pores. Effective for both girls and boys.

Cleansing gel “Pure Power. Volcanic mineral" against acne, Men Expert L’Oréal Paris — special development for men’s problematic oily skin. Helps even with white pimples thanks to the active action of four components: ultra-absorbent mineral of volcanic origin, salicylic acid, zinc and menthol.

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin against imperfections and post-acne Effaclar Duo(+), La Roche-Posay includes zinc. Easy to use, mattifies the skin and reduces visible imperfections, preventing the appearance of new acne. Used for day and/or evening care.

Cleansing lotion with micropeeling for oily skin Purefect Skin Toner, Biotherm thanks to zinc and kelp extract, it reduces skin imperfections, visibly tightens pores and creates a mattifying effect

Gel for deep skin cleansing Gel Pure Focus, Lancôme contains the Dermo-Guide System complex, which cares for oily, problematic skin, normalizes sebum production, cleanses pores and prevents acne. It contains zinc.

2-in-1 shampoo for normal hair with zinc pyrithione Fructis, Garnier has a pleasant fresh aroma of green tea and after the first use significantly reduces dandruff. Normalizes the microflora of the scalp, makes hair soft and manageable.