5 minutes of running a day prolongs life

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Iowa found that just five minutes of running a day can prolong life and reduce the risk of premature death. This finding may be especially useful for people who are time-poor but still want to take charge of their health.

During the study, scientists observed 55 thousand volunteers aged from 18 to 100 years for 15 years. They found that joggers had a 30% lower risk of dying and a 45% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. But the most interesting thing was that even a five-minute daily run already has a positive effect on health.

People who exercise have been shown to have healthier hearts and lungs, and reduce the risk of developing many diseases such as diabetes and obesity. In addition, regular exercise helps improve mental health, reduce stress and improve mood.

If running is not your hobby, then you can replace it with other types of physical activity, such as jumping rope or cycling. The main thing is that the exercises are regular. A little exercise, even just five minutes a day, can have significant health benefits.

The results of this study may provide additional motivation for those who have difficulty exercising regularly.