7 myths about colds

Myth No1. Cold is the cause of colds.

Cold itself does not cause a cold, but can only weaken the immune system. The cause of colds is viruses that actively multiply in warm rooms.

Myth No2. Age does not affect the incidence.

With age, immunity strengthens, so adults get sick less often than children.

Myth No.3. You need to eat a lot when you have a cold.

It is better to eat light foods so as not to overload the body.

Myth No4. Showering is dangerous when the temperature is high.

Warm showers are beneficial and help remove toxins. The main thing is not to wash in hot water.

Myth No5. Sputum is a sign of deterioration.

This is a normal process - the body removes harmful substances.

Myth No6. Alcohol cures colds.

It is harmful in case of illness and slows down recovery.

Myth No7. Need bed rest.

Lying down all the time is harmful; it is better to get up sometimes so as not to prolong the illness.