Cleanliness in moderation and without moderation: how not to overdo it?

“Cleanliness is the key to health!” - this slogan is known to everyone since childhood. It appeared in the lives of our ancestors in the second half of the 19th century. It was then that scientists discovered that microbes are the causative agents of infectious diseases. From now on, the active introduction of hygiene skills into life begins. People began to wash their hands and bathe more often, and a little later such achievements of civilization as bactericidal soap, antibiotics, and antibacterial drugs appeared.

Further more. Developed countries have introduced bactericidal detergents into use - a variety of them, for the body, dishes, clothes, etc. Modern plastic windows do not allow germs to pass through. Disinfecting filters are installed in air conditioning and ventilation systems. As a result, the home of a modern civilized person is an almost sterile environment.

It would seem, what more could you want? After all, the cause of most diseases is microbes and bacteria. However, is it so good when there are no microbes around a person? The result of such widespread sterility was a sharp increase in allergic diseases among children. Many children and adults have become more likely to suffer from asthma. According to scientists, the reason for this state of affairs is excessive cleanliness.

Parents who strive to protect their children from germs most often achieve only one thing - the children’s immunity is weakened, the child’s body is not able to resist diseases.

Sterile cleanliness prevents wounds and scratches on the skin from healing. Skin deprived of natural protection in the form of microflora becomes much more sensitive to external irritants.

What conclusion follows from all that has been said? Cleanliness is, of course, good, but you should know the limits when it comes to cleanliness.

Taking a shower

A morning shower helps us wake up faster and invigorate, and an evening shower, on the contrary, helps us relax.

When going to the shower in the morning, it is better to make yourself cool water - no more than 20 degrees. A contrast shower is an excellent way to cope with drowsiness and lethargy - you should first run hot water, and after 10-20 seconds - cold. So alternate hot and cold water several times, you need to finish the procedure with a cold shower.

In the evening, get ready to relax, take a warm, relaxing shower. Even better is a warm aromatic bath. The water temperature should be 33-35 degrees, you can add aromatic oils (lavender, rose, chamomile, etc.) to the water.

Shower and bath products

The modern cosmetics industry offers a wide variety of bath and shower products. Gels containing scrubs and peels are great for getting rid of dead skin particles; they exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, making the skin softer, smoother and silkier. However, frequent use of such gels can lead to the development of allergies and skin irritation. Creams and shower gels with a soft texture containing milk and oil are more suitable for daily use. And for gels with peelings and scrubs, set aside 1-2 days a week.

As for washcloths, today many people try to purchase hard washcloths and brushes, hoping that with their help they will be able to achieve perfect cleanliness. It is not recommended to use such washcloths more than once a week. Frequent use may cause skin irritation. For every day, it is better to use soft mesh washcloths or sponges made of natural or synthetic material.

Natural sponges and washcloths require special care - after each use they must be thoroughly rinsed and dried so that they do not become a favorable environment for the growth of microbes. Any washcloths must be changed every six months. Each family member should use an individual washcloth.

Facial cleansers

To cleanse your face, you need to use products that are suitable for your skin type. Do not wash your face under any circumstances