Constitution Type, Body Type (Somatotype)

Body type (English somatotype) is a classification that describes the shape and composition of the human body. According to this classification, there are three main body types:

  1. Ectomorphic type - characterized by thinness, long limbs, narrow shoulders and waist. Ectomorphs typically have fast metabolisms and have difficulty gaining weight and muscle mass.

  2. Mesomorphic type - characterized by an athletic build with broad shoulders, a narrow waist and pronounced muscles. Mesomorphs build muscle mass relatively easily.

  3. Endomorphic type - characterized by a tendency to be overweight, broad shoulders and hips. Endomorphs easily gain weight, including fat tissue.

Most people have a mixed body type with a predominance of features of one of the three main types. Body type is largely determined genetically, but it can be influenced through exercise and nutrition. Knowing your body type helps you choose the optimal exercise and diet to achieve your desired body shape.

Everyone loves the saying “we are greeted by their clothes, but seen off by their minds,” and this proverb is based on a real law of nature in our body: we judge people not only by how they look, but also by their behavior. Scientists called this law the “first impression effect” and defined it as a mechanism that makes us make quicker decisions about people we don’t know and determine whether a person is dangerous to us. And if you have already managed to derive a person’s template according to some classification (for example, type of constitution), then it will be easier for you to form your own opinion as a first impression and then pay attention to other aspects of the personality. There are many different classifications of body type, giving different results, but scientific evidence points to the following: - Estimated classifications of body type based on the results of external examination are very unreliable, since physique can change greatly under load. However, modern computer methods for analyzing photo and video materials help achieve a certain accuracy. For example, body types “asthenic”, “athletic”, “picnic”.