Cycling aerobics - the fastest way to your dream

In the early 90s, American cyclist John Goldberg decided to develop the concept of cycling training based on heart control in the “Indior Cycling” style. This direction was called “spinning” (or cycling) aerobics and rapidly spread in the USA and European countries. This success is explained by the effectiveness of the classes: maximum results are achieved in record time, and there is no need for grueling training.

So, cycling is a group training session on exercise bikes. The effectiveness of the class lies in the combination of cardiovascular training, muscle strength and endurance, and acceleration of fat burning processes. Its important difference from pedaling a simulator alone is that it is fun, because... it simulates a group bicycle race in various modes (on the highway, uphill, cross-country, etc.). Classes can be of varying complexity and focus: basic, helping to master the specifics of technology, strength, speed.

Who might be interested in cycling:

  1. For those who are unable to reduce body weight through diet. You can burn up to 600 kcal in one workout.

  2. For those who want to give their muscles elasticity and relief.

  3. For those who want to test their own endurance and understand what real, serious physical activity is.


Cycling is a very intense workout with a number of contraindications: knee problems, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


Special trousers will be required. These are leggings with special padding in the crotch and buttocks area. The fact is that the saddle of a bicycle brutally rubs your private parts, so buying trousers for cycling will become a pressing problem after the first lesson.