Doctor Laskin's diet

Dr. Laskin's diet: fighting cancer through healthy eating

Dr. Laskin's diet is one of the most strict but effective diets for fighting cancer. It was developed by Russian doctor Alexander Laskin and became widespread in Russia. The diet is based on eating buckwheat, eliminating salt and sugar, as well as a large amount of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Due to this, the diet becomes plentiful and rich in nutrients, vitamins and fiber.

Basic principles of the Laskin diet

  1. Eliminating salt and sugar from the diet;
  2. Using buckwheat as a main product;
  3. Increasing the amount of vegetables, fruits and nuts;
  4. Following the 5 basic rules of diet, including eating raw vegetables and fruits, avoiding canned food and drinking enough water.

The diet consists of two stages: strict and free. At the first stage of nutrition, you must follow strict rules, and at the second, you can relax a little and add other low-fat, vegetarian dishes to your diet.

On the Laskin diet, it is recommended to consume no more than 10% of the total calorie content of the dish, which should be of plant origin. Women should consume no more than 40 grams of protein per day, and men no more than 60 grams. Sugar should be replaced with dried fruits or a small amount of honey. Sometimes you can consume milk and dairy dishes.

Sample menu on the Laskin diet

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday:

  1. Half an hour before breakfast: porridge made from rosehip powder;
  2. First breakfast: buckwheat porridge, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 80-100 grams of raisins, green tea;
  3. Second breakfast: a glass of fresh blueberries (on Monday);
  4. Half an hour before lunch: rosehip porridge;
  5. Lunch: vegetable salad, salmon, bean soup;
  6. Dinner: nuts, 80 grams of raisins, stewed vegetables, green tea.

Tuesday Thursday:

  1. Half an hour before breakfast: rosehip porridge;
  2. First breakfast: 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 80-100 grams of raisins, green tea, oatmeal;
  3. Second breakfast: bunch of grapes (Thursday);
  4. Half an hour before lunch: rosehip porridge;
  5. Lunch: vegetable salad, lentil soup, chicken;
  6. Dinner: nuts, 80 grams of raisins, stewed vegetables, green tea.

Friday, Sunday:

  1. Half an hour before breakfast: rosehip porridge;
  2. First breakfast: buckwheat porridge, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 80-100 grams of raisins, green tea;
  3. Second breakfast: apple (Sunday);
  4. Half an hour before lunch: rosehip porridge;
  5. Lunch: vegetable salad, fish soup, beef;
  6. Dinner: nuts, 80 grams of raisins, stewed vegetables, green tea.

The Laskin Diet is a fairly severe dietary restriction, but it can help fight cancer by strengthening the immune system, lowering sugar levels and removing toxins from the body. However, before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor.