Emotions that destroy health

Austrian psychologist Wolfgang Gruber observed the lives of two thousand volunteers for five years and identified the 5 most harmful emotions.


Envy is a slow poison for the heart. “Professional” envious people have a 2.5 times higher risk of heart attack than those who know how to enjoy other people’s successes.


Morbid jealousy is a sign of pettiness and stubbornness. It disrupts hormonal balance and leads to sexual problems.


Guilt weakens the immune system and increases the risk of cancer. People stop fighting diseases, perceiving them as punishment.

Self pity

Self-pity prevents you from solving problems. It leads to hormone imbalance and digestive disorders.


Greedy people often suffer from gastrointestinal problems. Psychosomatics associates this with the reluctance to “part” with what has been accumulated.

Thus, negative emotions destroy health at the physiological and psychological levels. To be healthy, it is important to learn to control your feelings and prevent their destructive influence.