Fitness trainer shows 4 back exercises that are suitable for office plankton

A healthy back is not only beautiful, but also very important for the overall health of the body. Nowadays, when most people spend most of the day in the office at the computer, back problems have become a real scourge. However, there are simple exercises that you can do even during your workday to keep your back healthy.

Fitness director and elite trainer of the Body Art fitness club, Valeria Ivashchenko, talks about four exercises that will help maintain a healthy back, and which can be done even by office plankton.

  1. “Imitation Swimming” for the upper back. To perform this exercise, you need to stand straight with your knees slightly bent. Bend forward slightly at the lumbar region, stretch the top of your head and arms in front of you. As you inhale, bend your elbows, squeezing your shoulder blades together, imitating swimming. You need to perform the exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds. You need to repeat the exercise three times. This exercise helps strengthen the cervical spine and is an excellent prevention of kyphosis (slouched back).

  2. “Blending the shoulder blades” to work with the thoracic spine. For this exercise, you can sit or stand, whichever is more comfortable. The back should be straight, the top of the head extended to the ceiling, shoulders down, arms spread to the sides. As you inhale, squeeze your shoulder blades together, bending your back slightly, expanding your chest; as you exhale, stretch your arms forward, relaxing your back in the opposite direction, rounding it. You need to perform the exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds. You need to repeat the exercise three times. This exercise also helps in preventing kyphosis.

  3. “Saw crunches” for working with the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal areas of the back. First you need to sit down, fix your pelvis well so that it is motionless. Pull the top of your head up, try to increase the distance between the vertebrae as you inhale. After this, as you exhale, with your back straight, twist to the side using a “corkscrew” effect (in both directions). You need to perform the exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds. You need to repeat the exercise three times. This exercise prevents osteochondrosis and helps strengthen the back muscles.

  4. “Bending-extension of the spine” to work with the lumbar back. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your knees. As you inhale, bend your spine forward, and as you exhale, bend it back. You need to perform the exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds. You need to repeat the exercise three times. This exercise helps improve the flexibility of the spine and strengthen the back muscles.

It is important to remember that you should consult your doctor before starting exercise, especially if you have back problems. Also, do not forget about correct posture and regular breaks from working at the computer. By performing these simple exercises, you can significantly reduce the risk of back problems and keep your back healthy for many years.