Cardio running will protect your heart for many years

Did you know that running is one of the most difficult exercises for our body. While jogging, absolutely all muscle groups of our body are involved. The pulse and the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body increase. And all the internal organs receive a good shake-up and something similar to a massage. Only swimming can compare with such work...

If the direction of your movement is uphill, or you use running for wear (at an extremely fast speed), or in the version with additional weights (weighted suits, bracelets and belts or small dumbbells), the load on the body increases even more. Only very trained marathon runners can remain in this state for a long time. In a word, such running is stress for our entire body and a real test of strength.

What is cardio running? In fact, cardio running is a jogging movement at a leisurely pace, designed to thoroughly train our cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Here, in no case do you need to bust your butt and burden yourself with backbreaking work. No additional weights or other above-mentioned exhausting actions. Smooth rhythm of the entire movement, and no changes in speed or incline.

Modern sports medicine experts have proven that cardio running only has a positive effect on our heart muscle. Trains and strengthens her well. Moreover, such training can be carried out both outdoors (for example, in a stadium or on rough terrain) and indoors (a cardio simulator on a treadmill will help you here).

And, if in the second option you need the cardio machine itself, then in the first option all you will need from equipment is the right shoes, ideally special running sneakers, which can be viewed here - a wide selection of sports shoes for every color and taste...

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