What you need to know about side abs to make them sexy

The side press is one of the most difficult areas to develop, but with the right approach it can become one of the sexiest elements of a woman's figure. In this article we will tell you how to properly train your side press to achieve the desired results.

Forget about weight

The first rule is do not exercise your oblique abdominal muscles with any weights. The external oblique muscles, when strengthened, increase in volume, which can cause a woman's waist to turn into a man's. To avoid this, try to avoid exercising this area with additional weight.

Do general exercises

The best option for training the abdominal muscles for girls is general exercises, such as on a Roman chair, on a fitball or bench. When you do the well-known exercises for the tummy, then, willy-nilly, the oblique muscles are also worked, but not purposefully. However, you will see the result in any case, and your waist will not suffer.

Don't forget about cardio and nutrition

A beautiful belly (including side abs) depends 50% on nutrition. To achieve the desired results, try to exclude flour and sweets from your diet. If you don’t do this, you can at least spend the night in the gym, but you won’t see any cubes. First, try not eating sweets for 14 days and you will see the results. After this, you can decide whether you need goodies, or whether the press is more expensive.

Also, don't neglect your cardio workouts. Although they are not aimed at training the abdomen specifically, as a result, the fat layer is removed from absolutely all places, including the abs.

Choose the right program

The oblique and lateral abdominal muscles are responsible for turning the torso to the sides and bending it. The largest one is visible when there are pumped up muscles - it goes from the chest to the lower abdomen. Others are not visible visually. The importance of these muscles not only ensures our mobility, but also gives the contours of the body. To pump them up or not to pump them up – the answer will be determined by the type of your figure: girls with an “apple” figure can and should pump them up once a week. But in general, it is better to pump these muscles once a month, so as not to visually enlarge your waist while acquiring the tone of this muscle. It is better to eliminate bending from side to side with weight altogether. Only if there is a medical need for this, exercises can be performed with additional weight.

Best exercises for side press

  1. The side plank is an exercise that targets all of your core muscles, including your side abs. It must be performed correctly: the elbows must be under the shoulders, and the body must be straight. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds on each side.

  2. Lateral leg abductions – Lying on your side, lift your top leg and slowly lower it back down. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

  3. Torso rotations – sit on the floor with your legs straight, lift them up, bend your knees. Keeping your hands in front of your chest, slowly turn your torso to one side, then to the other. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

  4. Lateral abductions on an exercise ball – lying on your side on an exercise ball, lift your top leg and slowly lower it back down. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

At the end of the day, remember that beautiful side abs are the result of regular training and proper nutrition. Move towards your goal gradually and do not forget about rest.