Health room in an organization and enterprise

A health room, sports corner or gym is created by decision of the trade union committee and the management of the enterprise, organization or university. Direct management and control of the work is carried out by the teacher or instructor-methodologist for the organization of physical education, health and sports work, or the chairman of the student council of the hostel. The chairman of the grassroots council of the physical education team, the dormitory physical educator, and the physical education activists should take part in its equipment, the organization of classes in it, and the preparation of methodological and information materials.

The work of the health room should solve the following tasks:

  1. organizing and conducting group classes;
  2. organization of methodological assistance for those engaged in independent physical exercises;
  3. organization of simple physical fitness competitions;
  4. organization of promotion of physical culture, active recreation and best practices;
  5. use of the simplest sports equipment, exercise machines, technical training aids, teaching aids in group and individual fitness and bodybuilding classes;

taking into account the social, health and educational effectiveness (effectiveness) of physical education classes in the organization, etc.

In the health room for general physical training, it is recommended to have the following equipment: a gymnastic wall, an exercise bike, a horizontal bar, a “Health” simulator, a “Rowing” simulator, a “Health” disc, etc. One of the options for a health room in a dormitory is shown in Fig. 1.

In such a room, sports sections in table tennis, boxing, weightlifting, athletic gymnastics, etc. can conduct classes. The room can also be used for independent training in the preparation program for completing tests and standards.

In health rooms, it is necessary to have methodological recommendations for conducting classes on the independent use of physical exercises and the formation of healthy lifestyle habits. The artistic design of the room is of great importance. For design, it is good to use materials from popular science literature, sports newspapers and magazines, photographic materials, posters, booklets on physical education and health topics. Their accessibility must be combined with the necessary scientific level. Other materials may include recommendations on work and rest schedules for specific professions that students are mastering, on forms of active recreation on weekends and during vacations, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of constant physical exercise. It is advisable to use slides, photographs and postcards of memorable and picturesque places of our Motherland, your region, diagrams and descriptions of tourist routes.

  1. general physical training classes;
  2. sports-oriented activities;
  3. health-improving and preventive training.

The main type of exercise in the health room should be considered general physical training. As a rule, the duration of the lesson should be 30-60 minutes. The lesson consists of preparatory (warm-up), main and final (cool-down) parts. At the same time, in the preparatory part (warm-up) various exercises should be used: breathing, drill, stretching, turns, rotations and abductions of individual parts of the body, changes in body positions, bending. Exercises should be performed at a slow to medium pace with a gradual increase in the load on the body. It is advisable to use musical accompaniment.

The selection of exercises for the main part of the lesson should take into account the capabilities of available simulators, equipment, as well as the professional practical feasibility of individual exercises and their preventive value.

In the final part of the classes, you should use breathing exercises, exercises to regulate muscle tone, elements of autogenic training, massage and self-massage.

A sport-oriented activity follows a similar pattern. The main part of it includes table tennis, badminton or exercises of the chosen sport.

Regardless of the type of classes conducted, the following provisions should be adhered to:

  1. orient students toward additional independent choice of physical exercises in strict accordance with the requirements for the weekly motor regimen;
  2. pay attention to the issues of assessment and self-assessment of the functional state of the body of those involved;
  3. take into account individual characteristics, capabilities and interests in classes;
  4. take into account the peculiarities of professional activity and work and rest regimes;
  5. create and maintain a positive emotional background during classes;
  6. promote a healthy lifestyle.
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