Protein diet prolongs life

Proteins play an important role in our body, based on a new study by American doctors led by Professor Valter Longo. A study has shown that animal proteins may have an impact on human lifespan.

According to this study, the amount of animal protein (found in meat and dairy) we eat affects our longevity. Scientists have found that people aged 50 to 65 years are recommended to follow a low-protein diet in order to prolong life. However, after reaching the age of 65 years, it is recommended, on the contrary, to increase the consumption of proteins, preferably of plant origin.

The study data was obtained by examining information on 6,318 people over 50 years of age. Doctors analyzed their diet and health status for 18 years. The study found that people who consume high amounts of animal protein have a four times greater risk of dying from cancer and a 75% increased overall mortality rate compared to those who eat a low-protein diet.

Professor Longo details recommendations for those who want to stay healthy and live longer beyond age 50 in an article published in the journal Cell Metabolism. He recommends paying attention to your diet and controlling your animal protein intake, especially before age 65, to reduce your risk of cancer and improve your overall life expectancy.

It is important to note that proteins are an important nutritional component and are essential for maintaining health and proper functioning of the body. However, these new studies point to the importance of the balance and quality of protein intake, and that optimal protein intake may vary with age.

Overall, a high-protein diet can have a positive impact on longevity, especially if we follow recommendations regarding the amount and sources of protein at different times in our lives. More research and discussion in this area may lead to more precise recommendations for nutrition and healthy aging.