Training tools and methods aimed at developing strength endurance

Endurance is the body’s functional ability to perform any action for a long time without seriously reducing its effectiveness.

There are:

    1. General strength endurance (the ability for long-term and effective motor activity, involving the majority of muscle groups; placing quite impressive demands on the respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous systems),
  1. Special running endurance (the ability to cover a standard competitive distance in a minimum time),
  2. Special strength endurance (the ability for functional economization, expressed in reducing energy costs per unit of work, depending on coordination perfection and competent, rational distribution of forces and energy in the process of competition).

Most sports included in the physical education and development program are associated with the predominant manifestation of endurance and its components.

A set of exercises aimed at developing strength endurance:

The exercises discussed below are not just a CrossFit program for beginners. It is also quite suitable for experienced athletes, as a regular alternative to working out in the gym. After all, our muscles must be constantly surprised by changing the nature of the impact, its volume and intensity...

Methodological instructions - perform the exercises on the spot or in motion at a slow, medium and fast pace, repeating from 20-25 to 70-100 times, or for 30-50 seconds.

  1. Squats in the classic version (on two legs).
  2. Squat down and stand on one leg against the gymnastics wall, the other forward. When squatting, the angle at the knee joint is up to 90°.
  3. Squat on one leg, the other forward, stand up and then push off.
  4. Change the position of the legs by jumping into a wide lunge forward, maintaining the length of the lunge.
  5. Standing on the push leg, lean the fly leg against the bar of the gymnastic wall at the height of the pelvis. Jump up, pushing off with the front of your foot.
  6. Standing with your right foot on the floor, your left on a support of 25-40 cm, jump up, pushing off with your left foot.
  7. Stand with one foot on a support 30-50 cm, the other foot on the floor. Jumping up while changing the position of the legs.
  8. Repeated jumps from a deep squat.
  9. Run in place, raising your hip high.
  10. Running in an inclined position with support, raising the hip to the chest.
  11. Run forward, raising your hip high.
  12. Jumps alternately from foot to foot for 50-100 m.
  13. Partners lie on their backs with their feet resting against each other. “Bicycle run” with resistance from partners.
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