The sweet path to slimness

Anyone who has been on a diet at least once in their life knows how difficult it is to give up some favorite dish. Dreams about new potatoes with dill regularly haunt women who are losing weight. However, nutritionists are confident that you can easily say goodbye to extra pounds without depriving yourself of your favorite foods. In this case, you just need to exclude all other foods from your diet. It is on this principle that most so-called mono-diets are based, when one type of food is taken as the basis of nutrition. TRUE, there is one “but”: you cannot sit on a mono-diet for a long time, such nutrition can hardly be called varied and balanced, and therefore your body will certainly suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals. However, several days of even the most monotonous diet will not cause serious damage to your health, especially if you take vitamin tablets during the “hunger strike.” Well, which mono-diet you should prefer depends on your gastronomic preferences.

Rice diet

THIS is a great option for rice lovers, just keep in mind that in order to lose weight, you need to use brown rice. You need to be on a diet for a minimum of 3 days, and a maximum of 1 week. During this time, you can say goodbye to 3 extra pounds.

Apple diet

DURATION - no more than 3 days, during this time you can get rid of 2 kg.

Honey diet

BY FOLLOWING this diet for 3 days, you will lose about 2.5 kg.

Dairy diet

IN THREE days for which this diet is designed, you can lose two to three kilograms.

Fish diet

DURATION of the diet - 7 days, weight loss - about 3 kg.