Quadruple Breathing (Part 2) - Hip Breathing

Let's start studying the second type of quadruple breathing. Today we will “pack”, imprison the qi in the “sexual palace” (“sperm/ovarian palace”), the sacrum and thighs.

If you succeeded in the waist breathing exercise discussed last week, then today's lesson will not require much effort on your part.
Before you begin a new exercise, do a "waist breathing" exercise in which, instead of exhaling, inhale a little air and direct the "perineal force" into the "sperm/ovarian palace" located above the genitals. Then you need to reduce the “palace of sperm and ovaries” and direct the “perineal force” to the sacral region. Next, you will inhale a little more air and direct the “perineal force” to the left thigh area, and then to the right thigh area. Finally, you take your final breath and apply the “perineal force” to both thighs at the same time. After this, you should feel your hips “pull up” towards the waist area. As you exhale, the hips and sacrum “retract.”

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then your hips are perhaps the weakest place in your body. This is unacceptable, since their mobility and functioning are important both for maintaining body balance and for an active lifestyle. The hips play a key role in the rooting exercise.

Next week we will move on to the third part of the “root” practice, the foundation of which we will lay the foundation for this week by mastering the “hip breathing” exercise. Therefore, I ask you to pay special attention to it. The exercise will be difficult until you feel the “expansion of your hips.” In this regard, I suggest you a week of preliminary training.

Quadruple Breathing (Part 2) - Hip Breathing

1. While inhaling slowly, using the “abdominal breathing” type, gradually expand the lower abdomen.
2. Direct the “perineal force” to the navel area.
3. Without exhaling, pull your navel towards your spine.
4. Inhale a little air and direct the “perineal force” to the min-men point located in the spine at the level of the navel.
5. Inhale a little air and direct the “perineal force” to your left side at waist level. Feel the expansion of this area.
6. Inhale a little air and direct the “perineal force” to your right side at waist level. Feel the expansion of this area.
7. Inhale a little air and simultaneously direct the “perineal force” to the left and right
side. Feel how these areas of your body expand.
8. Shift your attention to the “sperm/ovary palace” located above the genitals.
9. Inhale a little air and mentally imagine how the “sperm/ovary palace” expands. At the same time, tighten the muscles of the anus and perineum and direct the “perineal force” into the “palace”.
10. Inhale a little air and pull the “sperm/ovary palace” towards the sacrum. Direct the “perineal force” into the sacrum.
11. Inhale a little air and direct the “perineal force”, concentrated to the left of the anus, into the left thigh.
12. Breathe a little..........
air and direct the “perineal force”, concentrated to the right of the anus, into the right thigh.
13. Inhale a little air and apply “perineal force” to both thighs and feel them expand slightly.
14. Exhale without weakening the feeling of energetic saturation in the sacrum and thighs.

The “hip breathing” exercise is very strong in its effect, so during its implementation unpleasant and even painful sensations are possible. This is due to the fact that you are “packing” energy (qi) into places that are unusual for such a procedure.

During the exercise, try not to fill your lungs with air to the limit. With practice, you will learn to determine the optimal breathing pattern. The most important thing is to feel the “expansion of the hips.”