Bodybuilder's sleeping position and how to choose it correctly?

As you already know, sleep plays an important role in the processes of restoration of our body, general physical and psychological state.

We will talk about some important aspects of sleep in this article. What are these aspects?

  1. recommended comfortable sleeping positions,
  2. the process of transition from one pose to another.

What sleeping position, according to sports medicine experts, is optimal for good sleep and quality recovery? We will give you a number of recommendations. In principle, there is nothing revolutionary new here. We recommend classic sleep positions, known to us since childhood:

  1. on the back,
  2. on the stomach
  3. on the side.

Another thing is that you need to follow a number of additional rules that will help you rest and recover fully, without making a serious mistake. What's in charge?

  1. Avoid sloping sleeping surfaces. If there is an imbalance in the height of your legs and head, your blood circulation will be uneven, which can negatively affect your subsequent well-being and physical condition.
  2. Avoid possible compression of your limbs. The word “Bodybuilder” itself is often synonymous with the word “Heavyweight”, and by placing your hand under the pillow, pressing it with your head, you automatically disrupt the natural process of blood circulation in the clamped hand, which will naturally have negative consequences. Almost the same thing happens when the head of your beloved woman lies on your hand or your chest. Therefore, refrain from lengthening such positions.
  3. Watch the position of your spine. It has been proven that strong bends during sleep have a negative impact on the usefulness of the processes of rest and, accordingly, recovery.

All these points affect the quality of physical recovery of our body and the property of our body that we need so much - overcompensation. And physical recovery is directly related to psychological rest. The psychological recovery aspect is precisely the point that most bodybuilders turn a blind eye to. Read more about this point in our next articles in this section...

In our next article, read about important aspects of the transition from one pose to another. Don't switch...

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