An example of calculating the planned result in the clean and jerk and snatch

In the last articles of this section, we delved significantly into the issues of weightlifter training strategy. We already know a lot, and now, in order to plan the intensity of the load, it remains to determine what the training weight of the barbell should be in the main weight zones and the number of lifts of the barbell in each of the main exercises.

The planned result in the snatch at the end of the preparatory month, taken as 100%, is 92 kg. Therefore, the athlete must lift in snatch exercises: in the weight zone 70-79% - 65-70 kg, 80-89% - 72.5-80 kg, 90% or more - 82.5 kg or more.

The planned result in the clean and jerk at the end of the preparatory month, which is taken as 100%, is 117 kg. Therefore, the athlete must lift in push exercises and squats with a barbell on the shoulders and chest: in the weight zone 70-79% - 82.5-90 kg, 80-89% - 92.5-102.5 kg, 90% or more - 105-115 kg, 100% or more - 117.5 kg or more. Don’t forget to buy sports nutrition – you will need it to quickly achieve all these goals.

Having calculated the weight of the barbell for each weight zone, enter the required number of barbell lifts in these zones in snatch, push and jerk exercises and squats with the barbell on the shoulders and chest.

For junior athletes, the training weight of the barbell in the bench press with a wide grip behind the head and in other methods of squats is 35-55%, in the bench press with a push grip - 50-70% of the limit in the push.

After a monthly training program has been drawn up, training is planned in weekly cycles.

In the 1st week of the preparatory month, 20% of the monthly load is planned, in the 2nd - 35%, in the 3rd - 27% and in the 4th - 18%. This means that in snatch exercises, out of 159 lifts of a barbell weighing less than 65 kg planned for a month, in the 1st week there could be 32 lifts, in the 2nd - 56, in the 3rd - 43 and in the 4th - 28.

We looked at a typical example of calculating the planned result in the clean and jerk. The training load is also distributed over weekly cycles and in other exercises.

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